January 13, 2023   


We want to inform you that the Village will be doing a very important road project next week.  The project will be on East Shore Road from Kanes Lane North. We will be replacing the guardrail on the west side of the road by the Huntington Yacht Club and stabilizing the retaining wall. After that is completed,

the road will be repaved. The work will start on Monday, January 16th and

continue through Friday, January 20th. There will be traffic disruptions in

that area. We recommend that residents avoid that area and use Bay Avenue. Our police will be involved with our contractor to make sure all are safe. The

project is being paid for by money will be receiving from FEMA.

Guardrail Replacement: Monday 1/16, Tuesday 1/17 and Wednesday 1/18

Paving: Thursday 1/19 and Friday 1/20

Location: East Shore Road from Kanes Lane north along the Yacht Club parking lot approximately 100 feet.

If you have any questions please contact Village Hall at 631-427-2843; Police at 631-427-2020.



There was some confusion over the holidays about the pick up schedule. Our schedule is Tuesday and Friday with single stream recycling on Wednesday. When a holiday falls during the week it is best to check the Winter Brothers site for any change. For your information, next week our schedule will be the regular pick up days.

The 2023 Recycling Calendar can be downloaded from our website.


Once again, the toy drive was a HUGE success! Thank you residents for your generosity! We collected over 100 toys!

Toys of Hope was very appreciative of this effort!

Meetings this month:

Board of Trustees

Tuesday, January 17, 2023 at 7:00pm

At the American Legion Hall, 1 Mill Dam Road

Zoning Board of Appeals

Thursday, January 19, 2023 at 7:30pm

At Village Hall, 244 Vineyard Road

Village meeting agendas are posted on our website,

Town of Huntington Board Meeting

Tuesday, February 7, 2023 at 7:00pm

At the Town Board Room, 100 Main Street, Huntington

Other dates:

Village Hall Closed Martin Luther King Day, Monday, January 16th