January 8, 2025

Important Dates!

January 20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day/No School

January 22 - Indiana Youth Rally & Mass for Life

January 27 - Dad's Day Breakfast

January 27-31 - Catholic Schools Week

Click here for the 2025-2026 school calendar.

Report Cards

Student report cards have been emailed today. Please review and save this document - it will expire in seven days. Please reach out to your student's teacher with any questions.

Please note: some report cards are loading slower than normal. If you receive an error when you click on "Digital Document" please click on the link again. If you still have trouble opening your report card, please contact Allison Mayer at

Class of 2024 Wall of Fame Induction Ceremony - Tonight

The Induction Ceremony for the Wall of Fame - Class of 2024 will be held this evening during the Boys JV and Varsity Basketball games, around 7:30 pm. Join us as the Trojans take on Beech Grove, and celebrate the Class of 2024 inductees as they join their fellow honorees on the Bishop Chatard Wall of Fame. Don’t miss this special evening of recognition!

Dad's Day Breakfast - January 27

Calling all BCHS Dads! Join us on Monday, January 27 in the BCHS Cafeteria for our kickoff Dad’s Day Breakfast, sponsored by BCHS Campus Ministry! Come and enjoy breakfast, fellowship with your students, and listen to guest speaker Joe Reitz, former offensive lineman for the Indianapolis Colts. Joe will be sharing his experiences from his time in the NFL and as a father, and how these experiences have been shaped and supported by his Catholic faith.

Doors open at 6:30 am 

Speaker begins at 7:00 am

Hard end at 8:15 am

We look forward to celebrating all the fathers and father figures in our students' lives and hope this event will help strengthen their faith journey together. Please RSVP here by Thursday, January 23. 

January Staff Appreciation Lunch - An International Buffet!

Trinity Club is hosting an International Buffet Staff Appreciation Lunch on Wednesday, January 22. Please consider volunteering or providing an international-themed dish. Click here to sign up. Thank you for your support!

Trinity Club Rosary - This Friday

Join the Trinity Club for the Rosary this Friday morning, January 10, from 8:00 to 8:30 am in the St. Benedict Center (SBC) chapel. The chapel is located immediately to your left upon entering the SBC, with parking available out front. Rosary guides and rosaries will be provided. Start your Friday by dedicating time to prayer with our Mother Mary. All are welcome—bring a friend!

Save the dates for our upcoming Rosaries: February 14, March 14, April 11, and May (TBD).

Important Information for Senior Parents

FAFSA Help Night - Tonight

Seniors and their families are invited to attend our FAFSA Help Night on Wednesday, January 8 from 5-7 pm in the cafeteria. There is no formal presentation, but there will be professionals from INvestEd Indiana to answer any questions you have. There will also be translation assistance available for Spanish speaking families. 

Many colleges have their own priority deadlines for the FAFSA. We strongly encourage families to attend this event to ensure all deadlines are met. Please contact Abbey Saurine at with questions.

Cap & Gown Orders

Seniors are asked to turn in their cap/gown and graduation product orders online through Herff Jones using promo code 2025GRAD. Please contact Lisa Barnes or Beth Brogan with any questions.

Click here for the Senior January College Newsletter 

Important Information for Junior Parents

Coffee with the Counselors

Junior Parents! If you are interested, please join us for Coffee with the Counselors in the cafeteria tomorrow, January 9 at 8:00 am for a meeting about college preparation. We will briefly talk about some of the tasks current juniors can work on to prepare for college applications next year. Though this is mainly for junior parents, parents of students grades 9-11 are welcome to attend if they want to get a head start collecting information about the college process. Please fill out this form if you plan on attending.

Junior SAT Preparation Course - Registration Now Open

BCHS is hosting a Junior SAT Preparation Course on Wednesday evenings from January 29 to March 5, 6:00-8:00 pm. The course fee is $150. Click here to register. For more information, please contact Katie Schaffner or Katie Hilton.

Click here for the Junior Winter College Newsletter

Financial Aid & Registration Deposits

Financial Aid Applications

Financial aid applications for CURRENT families are due March 15. PLEASE APPLY THROUGH FACTS.

Applying by this deadline guarantees inclusion in the pool considered for BCHS financial aid for the 2025-2026 school year. Please click here to apply.

Registration Deposits

Registration deposits of $350 per student ($500 per family) for the 2025-2026 school year are due on February 28. If you have a current BCHS FACTS account, your deposit will be set up for automatic withdrawal on February 28. Please contact Bob Bell  no later than Wednesday, February 21 if you require special accommodations or need to make other arrangements.

Questions? Contact Bob Bell at or, or call 317-251-1451, Ext. 2238.

Indiana Youth Rally & Mass for Life

BCHS students will have the opportunity to join high school students from across the state in standing up for the pro-life cause on Wednesday, January, 22 at the Indiana Youth Rally & Mass for Life. Students can click here to register. Please contact Matt Hilton with any questions.

Summer Camps - Registration Begins January 27

BCHS Summer Camp registration will open at 9 am on Monday, January 27. Weeks include: June 9-12, June 16-19 and June 23-26. Watch your weekly parent email or the summer camps web page for more details soon!

Service Academy Day Webinar - January 16

Would you like to learn more about our nation's military academies? Join this webinar to learn about the admissions process and experience of service academy life on Thursday, January 16 from 5:30 - 6:30 pm. Advanced registration is required. Please click here to register. A Zoom link will be sent out one hour prior to the start of the event.

21st Century Scholar Information Night - January 22

Students and parents of students enrolled in the 21st Century Scholar program are invited to join us for an information night on January 22 from 6-7:30 pm in Room 102. Bring a phone or device and:

  • Learn more about the basics and benefits of the program
  • Learn how to create a ScholarTrack account
  • Learn about significant opportunities for college scholarships
  • Ask questions of representatives from the Indiana 21st Century Scholar Program

Enrollment letters for freshmen and sophomores were sent via mail in early October from the Indiana Department of Education. Juniors and seniors would have had the opportunity to be enrolled by a parent or guardian in 7th or 8th grade. Abbey Saurine has been in touch with all junior and senior 21st Century students. 

Please click here to RSVP. If you have any questions regarding your student’s eligibility or enrollment in the program, please reach out to Abbey Saurine.
5885 Crittenden Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46220
P: 317.251.1451 | F: 317.251.3648