Volume 344 | July 2024

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President's Note

Dear Neighbors,


There are a number of current topics in Kent Woodlands that we want to keep on your radar, including the upcoming vote around our potential neighborhood entrance project, the College of Marin meeting about the potential removal of the Sheriff's substation that serves our neighborhood from a very close proximity (now being held on Monday 7/22 at 2 p.m. in-person and on zoom), and homeowners insurance coverage challenges and the steps we can all take to combat the impacts even in a small way. Our office will continue to send individual communications about each of these items, but please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.


In the meantime, I'd like to take this opportunity to ask that you consider joining the KWPOA Architectural Committee. This is a great opportunity to help shape our community’s future! As we continue to strive for excellence and harmony within our community, the Committee invites passionate and dedicated members to join us in helping to guide the future development of our neighborhood. The Committee typically meets once a month to review applications for design review. These meetings typically include a brief site visit between 4-5 pm, with the public meeting beginning at 5:30 pm. All meetings are held via Zoom.


Why Volunteer?

Impact: Play a pivotal role in shaping the architectural landscape and maintaining the unique character of our community.

Engagement: Work closely with fellow members, fostering a collaborative environment where all voices are heard.

Growth: Enhance your knowledge of architectural practices, community planning, and governance.


Committee Responsibilities:

  • Reviewing and approving new construction and modification to existing properties.
  • Ensuring development is aligned with our community’s standards and vision.


Who Can Join?

We welcome members from all backgrounds who have a keen interest in architecture, design, and community  development. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or have a general passion for enhancing our community’s environment, your contribution will be greatly valued.


How to Apply:

To express your interest, please send a brief email to our AC Coordinator, Kristin Tiernan at Let’s work together to create a vibrant, cohesive, and beautiful community for us all to enjoy. We look forward to your participation and to the fresh perspectives you will bring to the KWPOA Architectural Committee.




Jeff Leh, President

Special Assessment Ballot Process



As discussed in board meetings, newsletters, and other communications over the past several months, the board will be holding an election for members to vote on a special assessment to pay for improvements to the KWPOA-owned lot at the bottom of Woodland Road. Per the California Civil Code and our governing documents, the election will be held using a double-envelope secret ballot system via US Postal Service.


We have engaged Pro Elections, an independent third party, to manage the election and act as the Inspector of Election per Civil Code requirements. They will be sending out notices and ballots prior to the election, then counting the ballots and   certifying the results at a board meeting on August 26, 2024 at 6:00pm.


WATCH YOUR MAILBOX for your Ballot Package! This package will include a ballot, instructions, return envelopes, and detailed information about the special assessment and proposed entrance improvements. Pro Elections will mail out this package via USPS first class mail on July 25, 2024. Completed ballots must be received by Pro Elections no later than noon on August 26, 2024.


Pro Elections has also set up an election website at where you can see an election timeline, the KWPOA Voting Policy, and other election information.


If you have any questions about this process, please contact Operations Manager Jeanne Williams at or 415-721-7429.


We hope every member will exercise their right to vote on this project!


Tips for Creating Your Emergency Plan

An emergency plan is more than having a backpack and supplies. Your plan should include the following:


  • If local communication systems are down, who is your out-of-state contact? Have you let family and friends know to contact this person?
  • What if you aren't home when a disaster strikes? Is someone identified to help with pets or kids?
  • What if you need to leave your house quickly? Do you have a DON'T FORGET list? This list should include special, irreplaceable items. Where do you keep your last minute list?


Have a conversation today about your emergency plan!


Is there a subject you would like to see covered in next month's helpful hints? I’m also booking appointments and I’m available to provide advice before your county inspection. 


I want to thank everyone that has been working on their property to make it as defendable as possible in the event of a wildfire. The KWPOA has noticed and we’re greatly appreciative of your proactive actions. 


— Heather Hill, Hazard Mitigation Specialist 

Homeowner's Insurance

Follow up to the recent Woodland Sponsors program “Securing Home Insurance in Fire-Prone California” :


Nima Rad, State Farm Agent, told us the good news that “State Farm policyholders in Kent Woodlands are generally receiving premium rate adjustments [increases] in the 12% - 18% range, which is less than the average increase.” He added that “Fire mitigation efforts implemented by the Kent Woodlands community in general may be an influencing factor behind the lesser rate increase. It’s important to point out that Kent Woodlands is surrounded by greater fire risk in general, so it’s that much more impressive to see the percentage of policy renewals with lesser rate than anticipated.”


You can find a recording of this program HERE.

Dear KWPOA Community,


I wanted to share with you all a journey I've embarked on recently that has not only transformed my approach to yard care but has also aligned with my commitment to sustainability and CNKW objectives. I made the switch from gas-powered to electric yard equipment, and it has been a game-changer in more ways than I anticipated.


Why I Finally Made the Change

The decision to transition from gas to electric equipment stemmed from a desire to reduce my environmental impact. Gas-powered tools contribute significantly to air pollution & carbon emissions. Traditional gas mowers alone can emit as much pollution in one hour as driving a car hundreds of miles. Yikes! In contrast, electric equipment produces zero emissions at the point of use, creating a healthier environment for my family and neighbors, and reducing our carbon footprint.


The Benefits I've Experienced

1. NOISE REDUCTION. One of the immediate benefits was the reduction in noise; my electric equipment operates much quieter than its gas counterparts.

2. EASE OF USE: Electric tools are lighter and easier to maneuver, which has made yard maintenance less physically demanding and more enjoyable.

3. COST EFFICIENCY: While the initial investment was a consideration, electric equipment has lower operating costs over time since I no longer need to purchase gas or perform regular maintenance.


My Advice for Those Considering the Switch

If you're contemplating making the switch, my advice would be to start with the equipment that makes the most sense for your needs. For me, switching to an electric mower was the first step, followed by a trimmer and blower. Each purchase reinforced my commitment to sustainability and provided immediate benefits in terms of noise reduction and ease of use.



Converting from gas to electric lawn and yard equipment has been a rewarding experience, both personally and environmentally. It's a small change that contributes to a larger goal of reducing our carbon footprint and creating a more sustainable future. I encourage everyone in our community and our landscape professionals to explore eco-friendly alternatives for their home and yard care needs—it's a decision that benefits us all.


Ask Pete!

If anyone has questions about my experience or wants advice on making the switch, please feel free to contact me on our new "Ask Pete” Section on the CNKW website at Together, we can make a positive impact right here in our neighborhood.



Pete Johnson, CNKW

Architectural Committee Application Notices

Please direct any Architectural Committee inquiries to the Kristin Tiernan at


Monday, July 22, 2024 at 6:00pm

IN PERSON at 1010 Sir Francis Drake, Suite 200, Kentfield

AND via Zoom (

  • Call to Order
  • Public Comment
  • Fire Safety & Hazard Mitigation Report
  • Approval of June 24, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
  • AC Report and Ratifications
  • Entrance Project: Next Steps/Process
  • MCSO Substation
  • Carbon Neutrality Task Force Report
  • Kentfield/Ross Magazine
  • Social Events Update
  • Officer Reports
  • Operations Report
  • Next Regular Board Meeting Agenda
  • Adjourn and Reconvene in Executive Session

Executive Session Agenda:

  • Call to Order
  • Approval of June 24, 2024 Executive Minutes
  • Enforcements and Legal Matters
  • Personnel
  • Adjournment


This is a preliminary agenda. Final agenda to be posted at the KWPOA office and on our web site four days prior to meeting.

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