The Call

The Newsletter


St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

Centered in God, Focused on Others


The Reverend Patricia Handloss, Interim Rector

Linda Gelinas, Sr. Warden

Dan Connick, Jr. Warden

Sean Glennon, Music Director

Erica Mazenkas Administrative Assistant

Courtney Hill, Sunday School Director

Jesse Avellino, Sexton

A Letter From The Rector's Desk

Dear Friends,


It is the time of waiting. The time of almost but not yet. Waiting is hard. As Christians we wait for Christmas, for the in breaking of light into a dark world, for the birth of the Christ child. 


For whom do we wait? Or what is it about the baby that makes us want to wait? For each of us, the answer is different; but mostly the birth of the Christ into our world again is the reminder of the man the baby would become. It is the redeeming act of love on the cross and the empty tomb.


In the darkness which is both real at this time of year, and often in our lives, the light of Christ does come to break that darkness. God comes in the form of a baby, innocent and soft to heal.

There is hardly a person in the world that does not melt at the sweet baby noises that come from an infant. That innocence — that love—in the sweet baby noises and baby smiles melt hearts of even the most hardened. 


This is the beginning of a transformation of the world. Christ with us. It is that for which we wait. 


Happy Advent. Patient waiting.


Blessings and love,



Updates From Our Rector

Dear Family of St Andrew’s,


We extend our love and prayers to Sean Glennon and his family on the death of his father, Brian Glennon who died on December 2, 2022.


Visitation will be at Hamel-Lydon Chapel in Quincy, Mass. Tuesday December 27, 2022 4-8 pm


The Mass of Christian Burial will be on December 28 at 10:30 at: 


Sacred Heart Church

386 Hancock Street

Quincy, MA 02171


“In sure and certain hope of the resurrection and life eternal”



*Congratulations Choir Members* 

We can be very proud of our choir who sang beautifully at the concert in Abington. I missed the duet by the Maki’s, as I had to return to St Andrew’s for confirmation class. But I did record the first song the choir sang and the combined choir presentation as well, which are on our Facebook page.




It is that time of year to think of the gifts God has given us and how we are going to share those gifts with the church. Sarah Hogan will be sending out a letter next week. We are blessed to have the community we have, the beautiful worship space, and gardens that give us places to sit and pray and enjoy the out of doors.

Church Happenings

St. Nicholas Day: 12/6 Obs. 12/11

Christmas Pageant: 12/18 @ 9:30 am Worship Service

Taizé Eucharist:        12/18 @ 6:00 pm- In the Chapel

hosted by St. Andrews Confirmation Class

Christmas Eve: Worship Services: 12/24 -4:00 pm + 7:00 pm

Christmas Day: Worship Service 10:00 am

New Years Day: Worship Service 10:00 am


*Greeters/Ushers Needed*

We are looking for parishioners to serve as greeters/ushers at the

4 PM and 7 PM Christmas services. Please contact the office.

Email or Call 781-826-2062


*Cookie Sale Update*

Thank you all for making the Cookie Sale a phenomenal success! It was a wonderful night of fellowship. It was a great opportunity to show off our beautiful sanctuary. 

Courtney Turner set up a craft tent in the street and it was so well received that she kept running out of supplies. 

All of St. Andrew’s bakers turned out in force and baked their hearts out. We sold out of cookies once again. In addition to selling cookies by the pound, we continued selling tin cup and Bruins raffle tickets. We are absolutely stunned that we made over $2000 on cookie sales alone. This was double last year’s sales. We made over $1300 on both raffles combined. When we combine this with the Christmas Fair we have a grand total of over $11,000!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

This was a whole parish effort and while it was a lot of work, it was also a lot of fun seeing everyone work together on a common goal.


*Christmas Magic*

St Andrew’s YOU did overwhelmingly awesome with the donations for the giving tree! Two young boys are going to be very grateful on Christmas Day because of all of you!

 A huge THANK YOU to everyone who donated to the giving tree

and to the VNA!

*Parish Directory*

We are finishing up revisions to the directory so if you would like to be added, change your address or have your photo taken (you can also supply a photo) please contact Rebecca Maki at

Thank you!


*Rehoboth House Shelter*

Once again, it's time to start collecting blankets and detergent for our friends at Rehoboth House. The laundry detergent should be large jugs (no pods please), and they request that the blankets be twin size if possible. Donations can be dropped off at the stage in the parish hall. Any questions can be referred to Sherry Long or Dave Nickerson. The team at Rehoboth House wants to thank St. Andrew's in advance for the continued generosity and kindness. 


Betsy Smith has been moved to a long-term care facility. It would make her very happy to receive cards or visits from St. Andrew's parishioners. She has so many fond memories of our church and the many years that both she and Rev. Claude served us.  

 Mrs. Elizabeth Smith

Hebrew Rehabilitation Center at New Bridge

7000 Great Meadow Rd.

1 SE Room 7176

Dedham, Ma 02026

St. Andrew’s is collecting items for the Hanover Food Pantry and these can be dropped off in the narthex. Currently, the pantry could use:

Ground Coffee- Salad Dressings- Olive Oil- Toothbrushes

Vinegar-Pasta Sauce- Bar Soap

If you have any news you would like published, please send an e-mail to by noon each Wednesday.
If you are not already subscribed to our e-news, you can sign up at:
Or send an e-mail to requesting to be added to the distribution list.

Hybrid Worship Service

Sundays 9:30 A.M.


Please note the following updated worship guidelines:

  • Masks required while singing only.

  • Hand sanitizer is available at the entrance to the church, and for use before and after Holy Communion.

For those participating in the service from home, please join us on our Facebook link:

We want to thank you for your patience during this time. As always, the safety and health of our members is paramount.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak with a member of the Vestry.



Sean G.-Jesse and Krystin- Janet White-Barbara K.-JoAnn K.-Pam W.-Charlotte C.-Paul M.-Karen C.- Carolyn R. Ashley E-Sue G.-Meredith C.-Cathy and Pattie-Seth H.-Joann K.- Gerry M.-Paul Sheehan-Bonnie T.-Tim Sweeney Marion Gates-Linda- Jerry- Rich-Bob S.-Nancy H.-Sally D.- Janice- Lisa- Alex- Stephen-Bruce- Muriel- Paul R. -Stephen- Susan J.- Diane G.


Thomas Keane-Brian Glennon-Bob Hubbard