The Bulldog Bark

Frank Vessels Elementary School

Issue Number 31 - March 11 - March 15

A Great Place to Learn and Grow!


STEM Night

Do you or someone you know like science experiments?

We invite you to join us and run an experiment for our kids at STEM Night happening April 12. We are looking for 8 - 10 people who can each run a fun activity or experiment the night of the event. Please contact [email protected] if interested!

Thank you for your support!

Happy Women's History Month!

Attendance Matters

As we approach the final stretch of the school year, I want to emphasize the critical importance of your child's attendance, particularly during the upcoming testing period. Attendance during this time is not merely about being physically present; it directly impacts your child's academic performance and overall success.

Research from Attendance Works highlights the profound impact of consistent attendance on student achievement. Regular attendance ensures that students have the opportunity to fully engage with the curriculum, receive necessary instruction, and participate in crucial assessments. Especially during the last quarter of the school year, when assessments play a significant role in evaluating academic progress, every day of learning matters.

Moreover, I want to underscore the significance of teamwork in your child's education. Just as teachers, administrators, and staff work tirelessly to provide a conducive learning environment, your active involvement and support are invaluable. By prioritizing attendance and encouraging your child to attend school regularly, you are reinforcing the importance of commitment, responsibility, and teamwork in their educational journey.

Together, as a unified team comprising school staff, parents, and students, we can ensure that every child receives the best possible education. Your partnership in fostering regular attendance during this crucial period will undoubtedly contribute to your child's academic growth and future success.

Thank you for your continued support and commitment to your child's education.

Coffee with The Principal

Join us for the rescheduled, Coffee with the Principal happening March 22 at 9:00 a.m. We will discuss the upcoming state test, activities, and how you can help support our Bulldogs! Link to follow!

Welcome to #Teamvessels

PBIS at Vessels

Click the link to find out what is happening at Vessels throughout March. If you can help, please click the day and sign up for the event using our embedded sign-up genius!

Thank you for your support!

Dine Out Nights

We Love Our Bulldogs!

Important Dates

March is Great Decision Making Month at Vessels

March 11 - March 15 - 6th Grade Camp

March 14 - Report Cards Viewable on Aeries

March 18 - March 22 - Parent Teacher Conferences (Early Release All Week).

March 22 - Coffee with the Principal

March 25 - March 29 - Spring Break

* Not an exhaustive list. Please always check the calendar.

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