What to expect
Both of the 7.5 MG tanks are being constructed concurrently, beginning with the floors, then walls and columns, and eventually roof slabs.
Roof construct to begin next week
Wall pours are almost complete, and scaffolding is installed to prepare for the first roof section pour which will be on Monday, Dec. 12.
The roof slabs will be poured in quarters, just like the floors. However, the roof pours are almost twice as big as the floors because the roof is twice as thick. To accomplish the roof pours, workers will begin arriving to the site before 7 a.m. We have asked that they keep noise to an absolute minimum as they arrive and prepare for the work day.
The pump trucks will arrive on site around 7 a.m. and concrete will arrive shortly after. We are anticipating each roof quadrant will require around 45 concrete trucks. There will be increased cars parked on E. 40th on roof pour days.
On some days, finishers and laborers may be on site until 7 p.m. We anticipate that the concrete will be placed and the pump truck will be offsite prior to 7 p.m.
Holiday work schedule
Construction crews will be off and there will be no planned work at the site Monday, Dec. 26 and Monday, Jan. 2.