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Dec. 8, 2022

Weekly Update

A Message from Principal Simpson


Dear Parents,

Curriculum changes are always challenging, and I realize that the change to Envision math is no exception. You may remember that we switched to Envision from Saxon for two main reasons. The first reason was that Saxon was no longer being updated and the materials were outdated. The second reason was the curriculum no longer correlated to the state standards our students are measured against on CMAS (Colorado Measures of Academic Success). We started the process and discussion of changing the curriculum more than a year and a half ago. We formed a committee of teachers and parents, and they reviewed many other curriculums (Core Knowledge doesn't have a math curriculum as they do for reading) and recommended switching to Envision. I know this change has been frustrating for some families. Teachers continue to make adjustments and improvements as we spend more time in the curriculum. Now that we have finished a trimester with Envision, we'd appreciate your feedback so that we have a clear picture of things that we need to continue to improve as the year progresses. The survey, linked HERE, will be open until next Friday, Dec. 16.

Thank you to everyone who participated in last week's survey regarding the proposed dress code changes. The survey results will be presented at the School Advisory Committee (SAC) meeting on Jan. 12. Their meetings are open to the public and the agenda will be posted in advance. If the SAC decides to make change recommendations to the Board, the Board will discuss and vote on those recommendations at their meeting on Jan. 24. Again, we appreciate your feedback. (And, please see the article below if you missed my email.)

Lastly, we've had a lot of sicknesses around the school this past week. I wanted to remind parents of our protocol around illness and returning to school after an illness. If anyone vomits, or has diarrhea, or a fever, they can return after being symptom-free for 24 hours. If they are experiencing two of the three symptoms (vomiting/diarrhea/fever), they cannot return until they have been symptom-free for 48 hours. The school is being deep cleaned regularly, and we remind students frequently to wash their hands or to use sanitizer. I hope everyone gets well soon!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Diana Simpson

BFA News

BFA Moving to School Messenger for Communications

Beginning in January, most communications from BFA will be sent through School Messenger. This communications tool is supported by the Douglas County School District (DCSD) and uses contact data from Infinite Campus (IC) to send messages to the email and/or phone number you provide (or confirm) each year during the Check-In process.


Mostly, we’ll use School Messenger to send you emails with links to the Principal Newsletter, reminders, surveys and Board/committee messages. We’ll continue to send non-urgent notifications through the BFA app.


If necessary, we’ll also use School Messenger to send more urgent messages via a phone call or text message (e.g. in the event of an early release or a lightning delay). Therefore, parents should ensure contact preferences within their IC Parent Portal account are updated and confirm that the appropriate boxes are checked to receive General, Attendance and Emergency notifications.

To verify that your profile is set up correctly, simply login to IC, select the ‘User Menu’ (the person icon on the upper, right side of the screen), select ‘Contact Preferences’ and indicate your preferences, then click 'Save.' You should also create personal contacts using the phone numbers below on your own phone so you know who is calling/texting:

  • DCSD Emergency phones calls: 855-695-9448
  • DCSD General phone calls: 877-279-4061


When we switch to this tool, only parents/guardians will receive direct communications from BFA; however, links to the Principal Newsletter will continue to be available on the website under Parents/Principal Newsletters; and, general news can be found on the website homepage under Latest News.

In January, we’ll send most general messages via Messenger AND through our current messaging system so parents can adjust to the change. If you have questions about how to update your contact information in IC, contact Colleen Bobbin, BFA's director of admissions and records.


Preschool Enrollment - Intent to Enroll Form Available to BFA Families Now

Current BFA families can express interest in the preschool program for the three-year-old and four-year-old classes via the Intent to Enroll form found HERE or on the preschool webpage. The Intent to Enroll form for the 2023-24 school year is NOW OPEN.


Preschool enrollment for new BFA families is on a first come, first served basis, so it’s a good idea to complete the Intent to Enroll form early.


If you are interested in the Ben Franklin Academy Preschool program, please click here for more information—including important information about the Universal Preschool program. And, don't forget to look at the website for the preschool class schedule and tuition information for next school year.

Important Reminders for those who Completed Open Enrollment

If you have an incoming kindergartner and have completed Open Enrollment with the intent of your child attending BFA for the 2023-24 school year, please request the Enrollment Packet by emailing Colleen Bobbin, BFA's director of admissions and records. (Parents in BFA's preschool with incoming kindergartners already received the packet via email from Mrs. Hafner.)

If your student receives an offer from BFA and you accept it, the Enrollment Packet deadline is 8 a.m., Thursday, Jan. 5, 2023. By requesting it now, as a BFA family, you'll have a bit more time to gather required documents and fill out the required district forms.


Important Reminders:

Parents who completed Open Enrollment should check their EngagED Parent Portal as of 8 a.m., this Monday, Dec. 12. If there is an offer for your child, and you'd like to accept it, you must do so before 4 p.m., Monday, Dec. 19.

  • All parents who accept an enrollment offer must submit the Enrollment Packet by 8 a.m., Thursday, Jan. 5. Enrollment offers will be withdrawn if the Enrollment Packet is not submitted by this deadline and/or is incomplete.

We have Jewelry, an Apple Watch, Glasses and LOTS of Nice Coats!

Check Lost and Found BEFORE Dec. 21

All remaining Lost and Found items will be boxed up on Wednesday, Dec. 21, and donated. Please be sure to check Lost and Found very soon! There are piles of jackets, coats, water bottles, lunch boxes, etc.

If your student lost something valuable, such as a smart watch, glasses or jewelry, see the front office staff.


Holiday Spirit Week

Student Council has organized a HOLIDAY SPIRIT WEEK, from Monday, Dec. 19, through Wednesday, Dec. 21. It’s going to be an AMAZING, SPIRIT FILLED few days with a big class party on Wednesday for elementary students (more details to follow) and mini holiday celebrations for our middle school students each day.


All students are welcome to participate in the themed dress up days; but if a student chooses not to participate, they should wear their uniform.

  • Monday, Dec. 19 - Be A Holiday Movie Star: Dress up as one of the MAIN characters in a holiday movie. A good example of an appropriate character is Buddy the Elf; however, the background character seen walking down a New York street in Elf is NOT such a good idea. 
  • Middle schoolers will watch the Spirit Week movie and listen to holiday music during advisory.


  • Tuesday, Dec. 20 - Pajamas and Holiday Hats
  • Middle schoolers will be treated to a hot chocolate bar during advisory.


  • Wednesday, Dec. 21 - Regular Dress of Choice or Fancy Festive Holiday Outfit 
  • Elementary classes will celebrate with class parties and middle school will have grade level celebrations.

Uniform Survey - Complete by Dec. 12

As we shared via email last Friday, Dec. 2, we'd like your opinion on proposed uniform policy changes. BFA's Uniform Policy is an important part of the culture at BFA. We have a Uniform Policy because we value creating an environment that is less distracting and more academically focused. This policy is reviewed annually.

Background, in case you did not read the email sent 12/2:

In September, a group of middle school teachers expressed that they were concerned about some aspects of our Uniform Policy not being equitable for boys and girls. Their main concerns revolved around the sections related to hair and jewelry. They formed a committee and presented to the Board of Directors in October. The Board recommended they take their suggestions through the School Accountability Committee (SAC).

The committee and SAC agreed that the community should be surveyed to gauge whether or not parents would be in favor of the proposed changes, hence the short survey linked below.

Survey Instructions:

In each survey question, we show the current policy language and the proposed policy language. We'd like you to choose between these choices for answers:

- I am in favor of this change for grades K-8.

- I am in favor of this change in grades 6-8.

- I am not in favor of this change.

When looking at the proposed changes, you’ll notice one of the changes is that references to gender have been removed. The other change was to shorten the statements to make the policy more succinct and easier to follow for students and parents, as well as easier to enforce for teachers.

Thank you for providing us with your feedback. Please fill out the survey linked HERE by Monday, Dec. 12.

Doughnuts for a Cause - Krispy Kreme Spirit Event Ends Tomorrow

This month, you have a great reason to indulge in a dozen (or two) Krispy Kreme doughnuts! Through tomorrow, Dec. 9, more than 50 percent of your order price will be donated back to the BFA PTO when you purchase via our fundraising sales page! Simply purchase online, visit your local store, and redeem your doughnuts using your code. Treat yourself, or even gift them to friends and family.


This link ( can be shared with anyone, and the offer can be redeemed at any location in the country (except in Connecticut). So, feel free to share this with friends and family all over America! 


After you purchase via the fundraising sales page you will immediately get an email confirmation with a link to access the redemption code. Once you click "Redeem (or Gift) your Dozens" in the email, you will be able to see all the Digital Dozens associated with your order. From here, you can choose to redeem or gift each dozen individually. You do not have to redeem your digital dozens at the same time (each dozen has a unique code). 


These Digital Dozens are for a glazed dozen only. Happy doughnut shopping!


PTO Meeting and Holiday Gathering

Make plans to join members of the BFA PTO for their holiday gathering! This FUN event is for all of the adults who make BFA a special community (PTO members AND non-members) and will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 14, at Old Blinking Light (9344 Dorchester St., Highlands Ranch). Dinner will be provided by the PTO, and there will even be a gift exchange! Check out the sign-up for more details and to RSVP. Happy holidays!


You’re also invited to join the PTO for their December meeting prior to the holiday gathering at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 14, in the Sanders Science Lab.

Thank you BFA Community!

Thank you to our BFA community for your generosity in donating Thanksgiving pies to our teachers and staff. And, thanks to the volunteers who braved the cold to help collect pies. More than 100 pies were donated in the first annual CEC Pie Drive!

Your thoughtfulness was sincerely appreciated and our teachers and staff were very grateful.


Yearbooks on Sale - Get Yours Before Break!

The 2022-23 yearbooks are on sale now! Be sure to order yours early for the best pricing! Right now, yearbooks cost $30 per book, but the price will go up to $35 after Winter Break, and $45 after Spring Break. For details on pricing and how to order, check out the attached flier.


You may also order a yearbook dedication (ad) for your student. Dedications are $15 for 1/16 of page and $30 for 1/8 of a page. What a fun way to help commemorate a great school year!

Order and pay for your 2022-23 Yearbook and dedication today!

father daughter

Save the Date for the Sweetheart Ball

All BFA girls and their father or special adult are invited to attend this year’s Sweetheart Ball, Diamonds and Denim, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 28, at BFA. Mark your calendars! Tickets will go on sale after Winter Break.

If you have questions, please contact Christina Dilley and Kelly Dees, PTO Sweetheart Ball committee managers.

dream books

New Donation Book Bin

We have partnered with DreamBooks Co. and the Douglas County School District (DCSD) to provide a Donation Book Bin for books that parents or local residents would like to donate. Books that can be re-circulated will be given to children's charities, but all books are accepted, not only children’s books. The books that can't be repurposed are appropriately recycled into paper or paper board.

Many of our families have inquired about donating books to our library, but we only use special library bound books so we’re glad to be able to offer our thoughtful parents with an alternative donation opportunity.


The bin (pictured here) is located in the upper parking lot.

Upcoming Events


See what's happening this month.


Board Meeting - Dec. 20

Dress of Choice Day - Dec. 21


Winter Break - Dec. 22 through Jan. 4

Report Cards Available

View First Trimester Grades!

First trimester report cards were available on Dec. 1. If you have not done so already, be sure to log into Gradelink and review/print your student's report card.

BFA's Guiding Principles
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.

Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, the arts, and literacy. We will be a data-driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering social emotional development, character, sports, and nature.

13 Virtues:
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.
Ben Franklin Academy
2270 Plaza Drive
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
Main Office Phone: 720-383-4519
Attendance Phone: 720-432-9239
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