C.A.S. 'Connections'
Issue 2016-05
May 2016

Welcome to this month's 'CAS Connections' newsletter!
This May 2016 newsletter highlights a number of current topics that we think are worth reporting on.
Please take a minute to read the  below articles that relate to the scan tools you presently own.
Best Regards!
The CAS Sales and Tech Support Teams 
Chrysler Deadline Approaching!
G-Scan2 release with Scope!
The BIG THREE w/0% financing!
Tech Tip - Hold off on Windows 10
Websites & Downloads
Chrysler Establishes wiTech Subscription Deadline!
Chrysler has given notice! The wiTech Diagnostic Application licensing deadline has been announced and it hits on  May 31st, 2016.
A stopwatch or timer with the words Time is Running Out to warn you that the clock is ticking and the deadline or finish point is near and you should hurry or speed up to complete the game or job

Attention all Chrysler
wiTech users!
After more than a year of anticipating the new WDA  subscription fee announcement, Chrysler has finally put a 'stake in the sand' and published their deadline for obtaining a WDA subscription license. To see the actual announcement click here.
Confused or surprised to hear this? With only little more than 15 days until this deadline, it seems a large number of shops have not heard about the pending change. Although various notices were posted in the Tech Authority Knowledge Database and a public notice from NASTF, many shop owners just never have time to search down these type of notices. In response to this situation, CAS outside and inside reps have been contacting all their 'Chrysler' shops during April and May with this information.
Why the change? Any shop using the wiTech Diagnostic Application knows that once installed, there has been no need to purchase a renewal subscription for the application to continue to receive updates. However, shops have always had to purchase 'Tech Authority' subscriptions used for sourcing reprogramming files. But with no WDA annual subscription fees being collected, Chrysler has been 'losing out' on those annual renewal dollars. This is unlike all the other OEM's who do charge yearly fees for their software. Chrysler's pricing has been established with two different price points. Pricing is dependent on whether an aftermarket shop uses a single interface directly connected to a laptop (98% use this method) or a wall mounted multi-channel router feeding multiple interface devices. For most shops the annual fee is will be the lower priced $1,445.00 subscription. Click here to see Chrysler pricing announcement.
Do you need to also buy a new interface device?  Yes and No, would be the best reply to this question. Currently, Chrysler says they recognize 3 interface devices that work with the current version of WDA. These include the  MicroPod, wiPod and StarMobile devices. Although they state WDA works with all three, StarMobile (the oldest device) seems to have reoccurring communications issues that have frustrated many owners. StarMobile also does not work with all the latest Chrysler vehicles. Micropod on the other hand, sometimes called 'MicroPod2' is the latest interface, works on pretty much any CAN Chrysler and does not require a 'Smart Cable', unlike the StarMobile and wiPod. Additionally, Chrysler has been developing a more secure WDA, called 'wiTech 2.0', which may not work with the StarMobile. At the time of printing, this newer 2.0 version is still in the process of being released to their dealer network. The aftermarket will not see the upgraded version of 'wiTech 2.0' until the dealer network is fully deployed. It is at that point that shops may be forced to upgrade to the MicroPod interface.
What do you do now? If you plan on using your wiTech Diagnostic application after May 31st, you will need to purchase a subscription before the end of May. You may want to purchase a new MicroPod2 at he same time but that's not absolutely necessary. Click here to be directed to an on-line form to subscribe.
For further information on the wiTech program, you can call your local CAS Rep or the main offices  at 1-877-263-4897 Monday-Friday 8:30AM - 5:00PM !
G-Scan2 released with Integrated Scope Option!
GIT/EZDS has just released the G-Scan2 into the North American market.
The G-Scan2 now available with a 4 Trace Scope
As a next generation tool to the popular G-Scan1, GIT/EZDS now has released the G-Scan2 with a number of enhancements. Besides having a larger high definition color touch screen, the GS2 sports increased CPU processing power, more memory, integrated Wi-Fi capabilities and J-2534 flash reprogramming for Hyundai and Kia car lines. By the addition of an integrated 4 trace scope, technicians can 'see' CAN line communications data by simply clicking a few buttons on-screen! There is no need for separate leads and no CAN break out box is needed to scope this information or perform a network resistance reading test!
The G-Scan1 and G-Scan2 both boast very strong Asian coverage along with great coverage for both Domestic and European car lines. It should be mentioned that the Hyundai/Kia factory tool is built by the same company that supplies us with the G-Scan2. In most other countries G-Scan1 is the factory tool for Hyundai/Kia dealers. It should not be too big a surprise to learn that the GS2 also provides the capability to reprogram Hyundai and Kia vehicles via it's integrated J2534 capability.
GS2 being used as a lab scope

 Earlier this year, in anticipation of releasing the GScan2, GIT/EZDS had CAS ship a GScan2 to an instructor (who is also a mobile diagnostic tech), based in Detroit for an evaluation. The tool received excellent reviews in a number of areas and the detailed results of the review were posted on e-bay . Click here to read the report.

GS2 provides programming for Hyundai/Kia vehicles
In coordination with the GS2 release announcement, CAS has introduced a 0% promotional offer that gives shops up to 2 years of  interest free financing on the G-Scan2!
For additional details or to see a demo of the new G-Scan2 you can call your local CAS rep or one of our inside sales reps at 1-86-OEMTOOLS. (866-368-6657)
  After hours? Go On-Line to and send us a message!

A BIG THREE OEM tools package!

GM/FORD/CHRYSLER Factory tooling.... All loaded onto one brand new laptop PC and rolling around your bays on a very cool mobile flash cart...
Flash Cart cropped


on a Mobile Flash Cart

(Monitor is optional)

If you have been toying around with getting into factory scan tools but not sure where to start, this may be the ultimate 'starter' solution! This advanced diagnostics package includes the GM GDS-2 factory tool, plus Ford's IDS factory tool as well as Chrysler's wiTech Diagnostic Application.
Besides providing you with all these factory apps on a new Dell Latitude series laptop, this bundled package also includes a  Dell Docking Station, a 55 amp Reflashing Power Supply from Midtronics as well as the Mobile Flash Cart shown in the picture. Rounding this all out are all the needed interface devices; MDI & VCM-II & MicroPod2 with all related cables plus on-site / on-line training by a dedicated CAS rep! 
Perhaps the best part of this whole package is that CAS has teamed up with Ascentium Capital to offer a special reduced price on the bundle with a special lease of 0% interest that be stretched out to be as long as 30 months!
If you would like to explore the possibilities of having all OEM tools in your service bays, while taking up to 30 months to pay for them, call your local CAS rep directly or the CAS offices @ 1-866-368-6657...After hours? Connect with CAS here.
Tech Tip of the Month - Upgrade to Windows 10?

CAS Tech Support

This months 'Tech Tip' from the CAS Tech Support guys revolves around the newest Microsoft Operating System, Windows 10....
Every shop owner knows that for things to work correctly, they have to be maintained. From doing timely oil and filter changes for an engine to loading software updates into a scan tool, these 'routine maintenance' actions are really  necessary to avoid having  problems.
However, in the case of the laptops that are used to run OEM scan tool applications, doing all available software updates is not always the best course of action. Downloading and installing the latest JAVA update can cause a currently working scan tool to malfunction. Or an update to the latest version of 'Internet Explorer' can find one with the inability to work with an OEM's web site when trying to find and download a flash file or view service information. As a matter of course, when CAS Tech Support sets up a new Dell or Panasonic Toughbook, automatic updates are turned off for these very reasons.
The latest major O/S update available now is the new Windows 10 O/S (Win10). Microsoft has introduced Win10 and they are really pushing to get everyone to upgrade to it. There are supposedly lots of cool new features and security enhancements to attract one to this upgrade. Microsoft is so focused on getting the world of PC users over to Win10 that it is being offered as a free upgrade to Windows 7 users. Additionally, any PC running Windows 7 has a little Windows icon in the lower right corner that is teasing you with a pop-up saying; "Get Windows 10" !
CAS Tech Support recommends you do not upgrade your 'Scan Tool Platform' PC to Windows 10. Our currently recommended O/S for all automotive apps is Windows 7 Professional....Why?...Simple, there are almost no OEM's that currently support Win10 but they all support Win7 Pro. Does this mean some apps won't work on Win10? Not necessarily, but the OEM's haven't tested their apps to work with Win10 and because of this they won't deal with Win10 related issues. So resist the urge to click on that little Windows icon, it will take you down a road that can cost you equipment downtime, lost personal time, frustration and possible loss of revenue.
If you or one of your techs have succumbed to the urge and done an update which has caused operational issues, call your local CAS Rep for assistance or CAS Tech Support. They won't pick on you for your falling victim to the update urge, we all are a little guilty of this from time to time!....
CAS Tech Support is at 1-877-263-4897 M-F 8:30am - 5:00pm Eastern Standard Time. We're here to help!
If it's after hours and you need to reach us, click here and leave us a message.
Providing Tools, Information and Training to the Automotive Aftermarket