"I will put my teaching in their minds and write it on their hearts..."
Jeremiah 31:33

January 6 - 13, 2023

You can find brief descriptions of these weekly programs on our website:

SUNDAY Morning, 10 am Zoom Worship

https://zoom.us/j/97010988439 Password: betogether

SUNDAY , 12 noon Zoom Bible Study  


MONDAY - FRIDAY, 8 am Morning Devotion


WEDNESDAY Eve., 6:00 pm Midweek Inhale Spiritual Practices


Happening This Week


January 8,

10:00 a.m.

Epiphany Morning Worship!

(in person and on zoom as always)


Password: betogether

It’s time to pack away the Christmas decorations.

If you are able and willing, please stay after church this Sunday for a few extra minutes to help take down the Christmas decorations.  The lights and decorations will need to be packed away. We will also need some strong people to help remove the tree from the fellowship hall. 

If you brought a nativity set to display, please don’t forget to take it home, if you haven’t done that yet. It was so nice to have a variety of them on display. Thank you all.

Teen Youth Meeting

January 8 5:30 - 7 pm

Join Pastor Bryan and youth and adults from Lake Edge UCC for games, discussion and PIZZA! We'll be done in time for the Packers Game...

Opportunites and Things Coming Up

2023 Sunday Morning Ministries – Kitchen/Hospitality and Ushers

Here’s your opportunity to get involved and support some of the activities for Sunday morning – helping in the kitchen or being an usher. 

Kitchen/Hospitality Ministry Team

Team members are responsible for preparing beverages and snacks to be served prior to and after each worship service. This includes set up and clean up. The time commitment is from 9:15 am to about 11:45 am. The goal is to have a minimum of two individuals assigned each Sunday.

Once a month on the first Sunday, in addition to the usual beverage duties, the Kitchen Team is responsible for setting up and serving cake for our monthly birthday celebration. 

Link for Kitchen/Hospitality - For more information contact Joan Jacobsen (kitchen) at treasurer@mcfarlanducc.org

Ushers Ministry Team

The ministry of ushering is an important part of worship because it is one of the most visible ministries in the church. Ushers assist the congregation and pastor by greeting and welcoming all members and guests. They serve a role in ensuring the worship service runs smoothly and the sanctuary offers a place conducive for worship. Ushers also respond to requests and any special needs or accommodations of those in worship. Ushers serve from 9:30-11:15; preference is for 2 persons to greet and usher together

Link for Usher -For more information contact Becky Cohen (usher) at cohenrw@yahoo.com.

Signup sheets for 2023 are posted on the bulletin board near the front entrance and available in Sign Up Genius (under “Contact”) on the church’s website.

Sunday, January 15th

Younger Youth Meeting 5:30 - 6:45 pm

Younger youth (12 and under) meet to have play games, do a craft, eat pizza and explore a Bible Story. Spread the word, bring friends, and let's have a blast together! Typically we'll meet on the 2nd Sunday of each month, but we're on the 3rd Sunday in January because the 1st Sunday was New Year's Day.

Upcoming Meetings

  • Green/EcoJustice Team Tuesday, January 17 at 6:30 pm (in person & on zoom)
  • NION meets Thursday, January 19 at 6:30 pm (zoom only)

SaLT Spot

Highlights from the January SaLT meeting include the following:

 - Approved revisions to MUCC Governing Documents, MUCC Leadership Positions and 2023 Operational Budget for final approval at the annual meeting on Sunday, January 22nd.

- Discussed church updates including minor office improvements, Christmas Potluck review, NION Scholarship developments and exciting plans in the works for the Racial Justice Ministry Team

- Reviewed and approved the MUCC Safety and Misconduct Policy

Interested In Becoming An Official Member of McFarland UCC?

New Members will be Received on Sunday, January 15, 2023 during worship.

A few persons have recently asked if they can join our congregation and become official members. This is always a joy for us. We'll be receiving new members during worship on January 15th so that these persons will be able to vote at our annual meeting on the 22nd. The privilege of vote is really the only thing that members enjoy that others do not.

If you are interested in joining with this next group of new members please contact Pastor Bryan ASAP (pastorb@mcfarlanducc.org or 608-577-8716) and let him know and he'll explain what this simple process involves and answer any questions you might have about what membership means to us.

NOTE: We DO offer membership to persons who are only able to be with us via zoom. Some of you have been with us on zoom very regularly from locations far away and we want you to know you are welcome to join us officially and participate virtually in as many ways as possible.

The Annual Meeting recapping the 2022 year and moving forward into 2023 will be conducted in person and via Zoom following Sunday worship service on Sunday, January 22, 2023. All committee reports and information is available at the MUCC website under the Annual Meeting tab.

The worship service on January 22nd will be abbreviated. We'll sing a couple of songs, pray together, have a brief message, and end by 10:30 or darn close to it and start the annual meeting immediately. Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting whether you are an official member of our congregation or not.

For the first time ever, the annual meeting will be available both in person and on zoom. Members who attend on zoom can fully participate in any discussions and members on zoom can also vote.

December 2022 General Fund Summary

A Few Words From Pastor Bryan

When the date January 6th is mentioned, what event comes first to your mind?

Understandably, most of us probably think first of the Insurrection in Washington, D.C. in 2021. If you told me to remember the events of January 6th, that's what I would assume you were referring to.

But January 6th is also the day of Epiphany--the day in the Church calendar year when we remember the "magi from the East"--often referred to as the "3 Wise Men"--who were led by a star to "pay homage" and bring gifts to the baby Jesus.

We'll be focusing on Epiphany in church this Sunday, so I won't say too much about it here. But I find myself this year wanting to combine both of these January 6th events. In other words, I'm asking myself how we can look at January 6, 2021 in the Light (pun intended) of the biblical Epiphany. When I do that, 2 primary things become clear to me.

First, the Light of God in and among humanity that the magi came to honor quickly leads them into a confrontation with forces in the world that oppose the Love of God. The Story of the Epiphany involves King Herod being threatened by the coming of a "new King." Herod's insecurity and lust for power causes him to call for the unspeakable act of violence by which thousands of innocent children were killed. My point here is simply that this part of Epiphany reminds us that there are forces in this world that are lost in the insatiable desire for power, privilege, and control, and who are led by these instincts to do horrible things. In fact, it is undeniable that this illness--the lust for power--was certainly at the heart of the events of January 6, 2021. And as we've studied recently in our exploration of the dangers of so-called "Christian Nationalism," many who stormed the capital that day believed they were doing so in the name of Jesus Christ (see the photos below).

At some point the biblical mandate to do justice (Micah 6:8) requires that we take a stand against violence and injustice. My friends Shane Claiborne and Doug Pagit and other prominent Christian leaders composed a powerful statement condemning the Christian Nationalism that was invoked on January 6, 2021. I agree with the statement completely, and I encourage you to take a few minutes to read it or listen to it.

Here is a link to the statement

Here's a link to Doug and Shane reading the statement on YouTube.

But here's the second thing that comes to my mind. Epiphany is about the Love of God that includes everyone on every side of every issue. Always. It's about a love for all people, nations, tribes, and world views. It brings people together. It crosses lines of separation and impasse. That doesn't mean accommodating wrongdoing or not holding people accountable for heinous actions. Love is not about a lack of accountability. But the babe that the wise ones from the East were led by the star to honor grew up to be a man who prayed for God to forgive even those who nailed him to the cross. THAT is the kind of Love and Light that we are celebrating when we think of Epiphany and of the life of Jesus and what it means to call ourselves his followers.

More and more I think one of our most important tasks as Christians at this point in history is relentlessly refusing to allow the divisions of and in this world to have the final word in how we approach issues and live our lives. Our calling is to learn how to BOTH take a stand for justice AND to refuse the temptation to reduce the world to "good people and bad people," or the right and the wrong, or the right and the left, or any dualistic we/they category. How do we do this? We follow Jesus and seek the wisdom and guidance of God and refuse to be seduced by fear, anger, and resentment.

And this is why I am drawn again and again to Jesus, and to the kind of Love revealed on the deepest event of January 6th--the Epiphany. This Love is for everyone and everything. Including Herod if we can deal with that. In Christ there is no "in" and "out." That Star leads everyone Home to Love.

I hope to see you Sunday,

Pastor Bryan

5710 Anthony St.
McFarland WI 53558
Pastor Bryan Sirchio
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