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Third Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, June 9, 2024, 8:00 am Said Holy Eucharist: Rite II (In the Lady Chapel)

Sunday, June 9, 2024, 10:00 am Sung Holy Eucharist: Rite II (In the Sanctuary)

In-Person and Live Streamed on YouTube | Service Leaflet

Thanks to vestry member Mr. Rick Nordin for organizing coffee hour for the month of June following our 10:00 am service of Holy Eucharist.

Vestry-On-Call: Mr. Arnie Ree

Interim Dean and Priest-In-Charge's Note: The Importance of Allies!

I am beyond grateful to the allies among us who are willing to walk, stand, and act on behalf of those for whom life is not always easy, equal, fair or just. Perhaps you have experienced the blessing of an ally at home, work, church, among friends, or by a new acquaintance or random stranger in the community? This gift of love is beautiful.

Anyone who has experienced discrimination on some level knows that it’s exhausting; speaking up is not always what one wants to do. But to do nothing gives away the power to affect positive change for the good and to be the change you wish to see in the world.

Allies act by showing up, saying yes, and giving of themselves to stand with their siblings.

This is true for my black and brown siblings, it’s true for women, and it’s true for the LGBTQIA+ community. It’s true for people with disabilities, it’s true for people living with illness and mental health conditions, it’s true for people living in poverty and all people who have experienced discrimination in any form. Allies show up and stand with, so to speak – sometimes we are called to walk.

This Sunday we may have over twenty parishioners who have said yes to walking in the Gay Pride Parade, some for the first time ever. What if we had thirty or forty people say yes? How amazing that would be!

Thank you for giving the gift of time and your commitment to express God’s love in a world desperately in need. Thank you for being an ally. Thank you for living boldly and claiming your faith as a follower of Jesus. Thank you for living your baptismal covenant to “love and respect the dignity of every human being” and to “strive for justice and peace among all people.”

Join us on Sunday at 10am. if you haven’t signed up already follow this link; there is still time to stand together.

Much love and blessings,



A very happy birthday to members of our congregation who are celebrating this week: Bob Bowen and Alex Bramm

Ordination of Deacons

TOMORROW at 10:00am

In-person and live streamed on YouTube

Bishop John Harvey Taylor will ordain three and receive one to the Sacred Order of Deacons at a service at St. John’s Cathedral at 10 a.m. on Saturday, June 8.

The ordinands are: Margaret Stivers of St. Richard of Chichester Church, Lake Arrowhead; Michael Mischler of St. James’ Church, South Pasadena; and Karen James of The Church of the Epiphany, Oak Park.

Hart Roussel of St. Andrew’s, Fullerton, who was formerly ordained in another tradition, will be received as a deacon of The Episcopal Church. Additional secured parking will be available.

LA Pride Parade

SUNDAY (departing at 10:15am)

Join us as we march in the historic LA Pride Parade with members of The Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles! This is a great opportunity to show our support for the LGBTQ+ community and celebrate diversity. We welcome everyone to come and join us as we share the message of love and acceptance alongside our Bishop and fellow members of the Diocese. Let's make this year's parade a memorable one!

We are scheduled to line up at 11:00am in our staging area. The St. John’s contingent gather together in the morning and take a departing train from the Metro LATTC/Ortho Institute Station at 10:15am (a quick walk from the church).

Due to parade regulations, it is not possible to join the contingent along the parade route. Additionally, all parade marchers must be checked in advance of stepping off. Your cooperation is appreciated.


Food Pantry

NEXT Saturday, June 15

8:30 am - 10:30 am

Our Food Pantry distribution is next Saturday. We are committed to supporting our community by providing fresh produce, canned goods, and frozen goods to families in need. The gates will open at 8:30am, and we will continue serving until supplies last. We invite everyone to come and take advantage of this opportunity to access nutritious food for themselves and their families.

Choral Concert

Saturday, June 22, 6:30pm

The world-renowned Choir of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford will present a concert at St. John’s Cathedral. The choir performs under the direction of Professor Stephen Darlington MBE, and will sing music by John Taverner, William Walton, and Howard Goodall. Tickets are available here. Overflow parking will be available.


LA Dodgers Pride Night

NEXT Friday, June 14 at 7:10pm

LA Dodgers Pride Night is one week away. The special event package includes a ticket to the game, a pre-game social, and a Dodgers LGBTQ+ jersey. The pre-game is at 5:10pm and the game is at 7:10pm. The price of the ticket will be $87 per person. Please join us by contacting The Rev. Mel Soriano before Monday.

Juneteenth Celebration

NEXT Saturday, June 15 at 12:00pm (NEW TIME)

The H. Belfield Hannibal Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians and the Program Group on Black Ministries of the Diocese of Los Angeles invite the diocesan community to a service in honor of Juneteenth at St. John’s Cathedral, 514 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles.

Juneteenth (June 19), which the U.S. Congress declared a federal holiday in 2021, commemorates the day in 1865 when enslaved people in Texas were finally informed that the Emancipation Proclamation – signed two years earlier by President Abraham Lincoln – had ended slavery in the Confederate states. Sometimes called “Second Independence Day,” Juneteenth is a symbolic date of freedom for African Americans and a time of reflection, learning, self-assessment, and healing. The Diocese of Los Angeles passed a resolution at its 2021 convention adding Juneteenth to its liturgical calendar as a feast day.

Looking to get involved....?

Members of the cathedral are getting together to form a Parish Life team. The group will work alongside clergy to coordinate cathedral-wide activities; it's a fun way to get directly involved in the life and ministry of the parish. Contact The Rev. Mel Soriano to learn more.

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