Light in the Window - June 11, 2024

World Aquatics Championship, Budapest, Hungary, June 2023

Out of the depths I cry to you, LORD; Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy. – Psalm 130:1

Dear Covenant Friends,

One of my first jobs as a teenager was lifeguarding, essentially a job of paying attention and knowing how to save someone in the water without being pulled under yourself. Which perhaps is why I was struck by an incident that took place last year, when two-time Olympian Anita Alvarez finished her routine, then passed out and sunk to the bottom of the pool. Team USA head coach Andrea Fuentes jumped in to save her and she is still competing successfully today. In the photo you can see the effort it takes to bring someone up with the weight of the water overwhelming them. This coach clearly had been paying attention, ready to jump in with help.

I wonder how ready we are to jump in when those around us are feeling overwhelmed. Sometimes all it takes is a listening ear, or a thoughtful question, or a reassurance that a person is loved even when they feel like they are sinking. Sometimes it takes more substantial intervention and the help of a group of people. And sometimes the only thing to do is to offer to pray.

One of the reasons it’s so important to attend church regularly (even in the summer) is to check in with each other. Despite how connected we may be in the virtual world, there is no substitute for human connection, the physical presence of other believers, the real time reminders that God loves us, the ability to look in another person’s eyes.

I’m grateful for all the ways I see Covenant folks taking care of each other- checking in, making phone calls, praying, sending cards, noticing when someone is struggling. Let’s make sure we are doing that with new people too, who have just found our community of faith and may need more connection with church activities and fellowship. This Sunday we worship outdoors again (weather permitting). I hope to see you there!


Pastor Jessie

I wait for the LORD; my soul waits,

and in his word I hope;

my soul waits for the Lord

more than those who watch for the morning,

more than those who watch for the morning.

Psalm 130:5-6

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