In this email: Thanks from the Board, Training Available, Reminders & Notifications

A Note of Thanks from the Board Chair

To All our Member Partners and Community:

As we finish out another year of working to end homelessness in our local communities, regions, and state, I want to personally thank each one of you for all the hard work and efforts you put into helping others. Our jobs are often thankless. Sometimes, we hear praise from others but more often than not, we live in a society that focuses on the negative, the undone, the hurt, and the unfairness. Yet, we show up...every our the hopes....that today...we make a difference for someone. I don't know about you but I am tired. The pandemic has claimed so much of our energy, time, practices, and mental capacity. We have been challenged beyond what we were ever prepared for and we have been left with two choices: change careers or show up.

I'm writing to the "Show Up" crowd. This is us. We are the ones that continue to go to the office, answer the phones, complete those housing assessments, bargain with and engage landlords, gather needed supplies, fix care packages, go out to the streets, work those 24-hour shelter shifts, attend committee and board meetings, write new policies, write grants, recruit people to help us, educate about homelessness, and work double shifts because we are all short-staffed.

Yes, I am talking to you. The person who's tired but comes to work anyway; the person who's doing two jobs to ensure needs are met; the person who left their children at daycare or school today to go comfort someone else's child; the person who drove to work on an empty tank of gas because you gave your last $5.00 to buy someone you help a bottle of water or a sandwich; the person who smiles all day at hopeless situations and cries silently in your office because it's just "too much" some days. I see you. And, I want you to know:

You give hope where there is none. We give 110% of everything we can to bring the light and the love that breathes strength into a dark place for many. We encourage. We lift up others. We hold our breath and pray in whatever way we believe spiritually for others to find relief. Under our breath we mutter.....just HOLD ON, even if it's a tiny thread, just HOLD ON. We give until the barrel is empty on many, many days.

As we finish up another year of our work, I want you to know how much I appreciate each one of you. You each bring a trait, an energy, an idea, a work ethic, a value, a belief, a desire, an inspiration, and so much more to the work we do. I am honored to serve with you and I love that collectively, we bring power and justice and a voice that can't or won't be stopped. We are fearless and determined to end homelessness. And...we will....someday.

Thank you for choosing to "Show Up" and make a difference. May your holiday season be spent with a full heart. As we roll down the last stretch and we pass out food baskets, Christmas presents to children, needed supplies, hot meals, and warm beds, may we also remember to rest our bodies and minds; to enjoy our own family time together; and rejuvenate our own souls for the work ahead. We still have much to do.

On behalf of the MO BoS CoC Board of Directors and myself, a most heartfelt THANK YOU for sharing your gifts with those we serve. Happy Holidays and may 2023 bring you peace, joy, and prosperity.

MO BoS CoC Board Chair

Martha Sander

Announcements & Reminders

New Training Online!

The Lead Agency of the CoC is launching a new training on our platform: Coalition Manager!

This is meant to be simplified learning management to transition away from Litmos.

Care Coordination and the Keys to Speaking Inclusively through Motivational Interviewing is the follow up rraining from the October 22′ Full CoC Membership Meeting virtual training: Introduction Diversity and Inclusion. One representative must complete the training on behalf of each member organization to keep membership in Good Standing by March 31st, 2023.

CoC Training

YHDP Celebration in Jefferson City

On December 8th, 2022 the MO BoS CoC held a small celebration in honor of the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program. Martha Sander, Board Chair of the MO BoS CoC Board of Directors, received a check from Ulysses "Deke" Clayborn for 6.8 million dollars on behalf of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), which will support a variety of housing programs, including rapid rehousing, permanent supportive housing, transitional housing, and host homes.

The Missouri Balance of State is excited to have this opportunity to benefit youth homelessness in rural areas of Missouri that may not have been reached previously. The 6.8-million-dollar grant will create a shift in youth homelessness in Missouri that has never been seen before. 

View the event feature in the Jefferson City News Tribune here

View photos from the event on our Facebook page here.

Membership Renewal for 2023!

Membership to the MO BoS CoC must be renewed annually to keep membership in Good Standing.

This may be an expectation for grants funding with MHDC or CoC funds.

Follow this link for our Membership page!


View the Department of Mental Health's Housing Liaison Program's latest informational flyer.

See what Housing Liaisons do, what they have accomplished, and read testimonies from clients reached this past year.





Housing Liaison One-Pager

Point in Time Count Report: 2022

The Lead Agency has published the data from the Point in Time Count 2022. Refer to the link below to view the report now!

MO BoS CoC PITC Report

Events in the CoC

*Note- For the new year, meeting codes maybe updated to adjust settings. Refer to our calendar for our most up to date links!

Is your organization hosting a Project Homeless Connect or Stand Down or any other event that others should know about? Let us know by reaching out to:

View our Calendar

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