The Lion's Pause


Rector's Ramblings

Jesus washed Judas’ feet. The Gospel according to John tells us that Judas has already made plans to betray Jesus, and that Jesus was already aware of Judas’ plan. Jesus could have waited until after Judas left to wash the feet of the rest of the disciples. They were going to abandon him and even deny him, but at least they were not the ones who would betray him. 

The invitation to new and eternal life was open to everyone through the cross of Christ. Jesus prayed, “Father forgive them,” even for those who performed the act of crucifixion. He could have prayed only for those who saw that a great injustice was taking place, those who would return home beating their breasts (Luke 23:48). 

There is an extravagance to God’s grace that is beyond human understanding. The body of Eucharistic Prayer A begins, “Holy and gracious Father: In your infinite love you made us for yourself, and, when we had fallen into sin and become subject to evil and death, you, in your mercy, sent Jesus Christ, your only and eternal Son, to share our human nature, to live and die as one of us, to reconcile us to you, the God and Father of all.” 

Every time I pray those words, I get caught up in the words, “Infinite love.” That infinite love was offered to Judas when Jesus washed his feet. The greatest sin of Judas was not the betrayal. It was the refusal to receive that infinite love. 

Our failures and our sins cannot keep us separated from God. Through the cross of Christ, we have been offered the infinite love of God. The only thing that can keep us separated from God is if we refuse to receive that infinite love.  

Fr. RJ+

Sunday, March 31,Easter Sunday:

8 and 10 a.m.



Live Stream

Katie will be out of the office March 29 and April 1. The office is closed April 1.

Wednesday, April 3:

Zoom Evening Prayer resumes, 4 p.m.

Bulletin Zoom

Vestry, 6 p.m.

Reminder! Please bring your paper prayer chains from the Lent Intergenerational Service back to church on Easter Sunday or the following Sunday so that we can hang them around the church.

The Diocese has continued to offer easy online giving. To use this, please select "St. Mark's Canton" from the dropdown, and choose either a one-time or recurring gift. We thank you for your continued support.
Designate a Gift to St. Mark's

A Chorus For A Cause proudly presents "Carousel of Life" - concerts benefiting Canton area non-profit Refuge of Hope. Concerts scheduled for Sunday, April 14th at Zion UCC in North Canton at 6:30pm and Sunday, April 21st at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Massillon at 6:30pm, promise a blend of familiar favorites and relevant songs of passion and empowerment. No tickets are required, however, your donations are greatly appreciated. Your contributions support A Chorus for A Cause and its mission to pay it forward to other organizations within our community. Since its inception in 2009, A Chorus For A Cause has raised over $125,000 for local charities, living up to its motto "Singers Making a Difference!"  

For daily voting please visit:

Newsletter Additions

If you are adding something to the Lion's Pause, please submit it here by the Monday prior to Friday publication.

March Anniversaries

2 Tony and Beverly Kovacevich

ï»ż4 Richard and Marcia Tirpak

13 Geoff and Bobbi Gordon

21 Christopher and Tasha Smith

22 Carol and John Hayn

27 Sara Strattan and Tom Burns


March Birthdays

1 Ken Jaeb

4 Sandy Paradis

6 Charlie Kiesling, Chuck Violand

7 Leslie Redmon

8 Beth Bletzacker

10 Kathy Sloan

11 Brooks Deuble, Colin Jenkins

12 Geoff Gordon

13 Carol Hayn

14 John Wise

18 Emmett Arnold

21 Brad Kaustinen

26 John Werren

28 Joe Hoot, Sue Little

*Please note: Your birthday/anniversary will only show up if you've completed your profile on Instant Church Directory.

Need to log in? Go here.

Bob's Music Notes

Baltimore MD was the "big city" to a country boy from Emmitsburg - a town on the Mason-Dixon Line just five miles from Gettysburg. When my dad graduated from Emmitsburg High School in 1912 he left the farm and migrated to Baltimore, enrolled in business college, courted Anna, served in WW I, married in 1922. I came along three years later and brother Dick in 1928. Music was in my future with the great presence of Peabody Conservatory, but Dick was gifted in woodworking. After a move to Venice FL where he did construction, he realized he had no retirement plans and, with a back injury restricting his building projects, he looked for a new path - and he found it in the Fire Department. He was the first applicant to Venice Mayor's invitation to establish a professional team. Richard had never been a good scholar but when this opportunity opened up, he enrolled in every course offered for advancement and became Battalion Chief. He had found his calling, which proved to be a blessing but, at its end, not so.

Prayer Concerns

Ten Gall, Vonda Temelkoff, Henry Aegerter, Jim Weaver, Jane Schutrum, & Ron Brookes


Family and Friends: Doug (friend of Marcia Tirpak); Joanne C. (Florida friend of the Kieslings); Tom (brother-in-law of AnJane McConville); Kit Caspar (Carol Hayn’s brother); Jody Shumway (Co-worker friend of the Rand’s daughter); Father Amjad & Molly Samuel (acquaintance of friends of Father RJ); Dr. Mallamaci (acquaintance of Bobbi Zollinger); Jolanda Mull, Kirk Schuring, Pam Lagodich, & Bill Allen (sister-in-law & friends of the Mulls); Earl Hoot (father of Joe Hoot); Ashley Stockman (friend of Katie & Ryan Kuceyeski); Mitz Cushing, Harold Freedman, & Tim Swihart (aunt of Bobbi & friends of the Gordons); Larry Aclaska & Judy Heisser-Turner (acquaintence & sister of Bert Heisser); Lee, Theresa, and Chuck Boone (friends & cousin of the Hixons); Nori Shawk (friend of Brynn Pelger); Johnny Willoughby (grandson of the Willoughbys); Heather Armington & Mark Osterhage (friends of the Watters); Elaine Campbell (friend of the Turners); Sammy Coates (friend of Leslie Redmon); Bob Rownd (friend of John Werren & Anne Coen); Melanie & Trish (friends of Paulette Frech); Pat Walter & family (friend of Barb Whitehouse); Alycia Geis (Karen Violand’s friend’s daughter); Don & Janet Sheatzley-Morgan (husband & sister of Barb Siegfried); DaNay Jackson (friend of Ron Brookes); Allison Cornell-Hood & Anne Higgins (daughter & friend of Diane Cornell); Finnigan Savage (friend of Pam McCarthy); Jimmy Little (son of Sue Little); Yanette Pysher (Vonda Temelkoff’s cousin); Tony Donahue (friend of the Boyds); Marc Hostetler (brother of Susan Hostetler); David (acquaintance of the Nadels).

For those who have died.

For those in the armed forces.


St. Mark's has a group of prayer warriors who pray for the specific needs of those on the prayer chain. If you would like to place yourself or a loved one on the prayer chain, please contact Bobbi Gordon at

ï»żPrayer requests may be placed on the private Prayer Chain or on the Prayer Concerns list appearing in The Lion's Pause and Sunday bulletin or in both places. Please let Bobbi know your preference. Unless otherwise instructed, names will be listed as we receive them. Please update Bobbi or Katie on the status of your friends or family members as to when they may be removed from the prayer lists.

Contact Us:

Fr. RJ



Ministry Leaders

Vestry Liaison Chart

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Need to update your directory listing, birthday, or anniversary? Update here.

515 48TH ST. NW CANTON, OH 44709



We seek to unite all people with God and each other in Christ through worship, fellowship, education, and service.

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The Diocese of Ohio

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