Answering God's Call
Mason Lindbloom from the class of 2013 was not your average 7th grader. At that point in life, Mason was attending public school and asked his parents if he could go to Concordia. He felt that God was placing a calling on his heart to grow his faith and work in the church one day. Mason's parents agreed to let him go, but not without a lengthy discussion first! He shares, "When my parents decided I could go to Concordia, they sat me down to discuss the concept of sacrifice. We talked about what our family was giving up for me to attend, what they were investing in me, and they asked me to make sacrifices and invest in my education as well." His family was already attending church regularly and involved in many ways, but they took this commitment seriously. Ultimately, both of his parents took on second jobs so that Mason could attend Concordia.
That investment blossomed into many blessings and benefits God's kingdom today. Mason and his wife, Oneill, live in Denver, where Mason works for a church doing photo and video work, and facilitates and leads worship while collaborating with church leadership in planning for future sermon series. "I am the tech guy, a storyteller who creates spaces and environments for people to worship, learn, and grow in without distractions," said Mason. For a look at some of his recent work, check out Oneill also works in ministry. She is a Youth Pastor at a mega church and studied at Hillsong. Mason has also recently spent time back in the classroom when he taught art to elementary students at a partner church school. He loved this and it brought back memories of Art class in high school. When he left Concordia, he studied Theatre and Religion, focusing on lighting design, youth ministry, Christian education, and sacred music. All of that has prepared him for the work that he does today. "Concordia also nurtured many of these passions in my life," he shares.
While at Concordia, Mason took part in the Student Council under the leadership of Mr. Phil Meggers and Mrs. Amanda Lee. All the time spent planning student social events has paid off as he continues to plan events for the church. Tuesday morning prayer sessions with Mrs. Reynolds and chapel band practice are all special memories for him. Mason specifically recalls doing a dramatic reading of "The Deathly Hallows" in his English classroom with Ms. Plummer for fun and to engage theater students. "During that activity, I felt like I had a group of friends and a family. It was a space where I belonged and was welcomed, which meant a lot to someone who often felt like an outsider," he recalls. He also holds up Mrs. Anna Cole, a former front office support member, as a person who made a difference in his life. He remembers asking her countless questions when he started, but she was always warm and welcoming.
In a final reflection, Mason shares, "Concordia offers many unique advantages; however, if you don't invest and sacrifice, if you don't put the effort into your education, then you likely won't reap the benefits." With the sacrifices of both Mason and his parents, God's call was answered, and the Kingdom continues to grow!