March 26, 2024
Dickinson Research Extension Center Updates

Dickinson Research Extension Center Field Days July 9 and 10

Chris Augustin – Director,
Dickinson Research Extension Center

We received almost 7 inches of snow this weekend, but looking ahead we and I’m sure you are chomping at the bit to fire up your planters. Having said that, we have finalized our annual field day plans. The Dickinson Research Extension Center will host an agronomy field tour at the main office in Dickinson (1041 State Avenue) the morning of July 9. The morning of July 10 will be our cattle field day at the ranch near Manning (11090 15thh St. S.W.). I hope to see you there and we will learn about new and ongoing agronomy research from campus colleagues and our new research agronomist Dr. Krishna Katuwal and Extension cropping system specialist Dr. Victor Gomes. The livestock tour will be interesting as we will showcase new technologies such as the virtual fence project that is being initiated this spring. I welcome any input to help us develop programs geared to your needs and interests. Until next time, best of luck calving and planting.

This picture if from the 2023 Dickinson Research Extension
Center agronomy field day

NDSU Dickinson Research Extension Center logo
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