Hildebrand Family in the Press |
Hildebrand was recently highlighted in two articles in the local press, one of which focused on a Hildebrand mother and child who recently moved out of shelter and into a new permanent home! The article was published in the Boston Globe and features a Hildebrand family. Tiffani and her Housing Specialist from Hildebrand worked together with Metro Housing Boston to obtain her voucher and find her new apartment. The photos of Tiffani and her daughter, Priia, were all taken at Hildebrand. Tiffani and Priia are now settled in their new apartment and still working with Hildebrand’s Case Managers to stay stably housed.
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Graduation Season at Hildebrand |
June is the month for celebrating graduations and the exciting transitions that they signify for sustaining employment and increasing economic mobility. For example, one of Hildebrand’s Case Managers shared three wonderful updates from the families who are part of her caseload. One head of household recently graduated and received certification as a Certified Nursing Assistant, and her child is also graduating from Boston Tech Academy – so, double congratulations there! Another head of household graduated from Medical Assistant training at Mass General Brigham, and her child is graduating from pre-kindergarten. Finally, another head of household just received certification as a Home Health Aide. These are just a few examples of Hildebrand staff and families working together on their journey to securing stable, permanent housing.
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Family “Spring Outing” to Museum of Science |
In April, 20 Hildebrand families – 55 people – went all together on Hildebrand’s first family “Spring Outing” to the Museum of Science. The Development Department secured 100 free Museum of Science passes, thanks to a partnership with Bristol Myers Squibb and the Museum of Science; Bristol Myers Squibb donated the passes to Hildebrand. Staff and families both enjoyed the outing!
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Hildebrand’s ESOL Partnership with English for New Bostonians |
Hildebrand has a new partnership with the state’s Office for Refugees and Immigrants and English for New Bostonians (ENB)! Working with ENB, Hildebrand has kicked off in-house ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) workshops for Hildebrand families; Hildebrand is the first shelter organization to form this partnership. Hildebrand provides classroom space, childcare services, food, technology, and additional case management to maximize enrollment and attendance (e.g. transportation assistance if needed), and ENB provides the instruction. The program is a hybrid model that allows participants to work at their own pace and level online in addition to attending in-person classes with teachers from ENB. For families who need to bring their children, Hildebrand staff provide childcare during the classes in the play space at Hildebrand’s Resource Center. The classes are very well attended, and we're so grateful to ENB for this exciting new partnership!
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CEO Blog on New Shelter Length of Stay | With a record-high number of families in the state’s emergency shelter system, the Massachusetts legislature recently passed significant new restrictions limiting the time that a family can stay in shelter to nine months, with the possibility of two 90-day extensions for families that meet certain criteria. Once enforcement of these limitations begins in early July, the state anticipates terminating 100-150 families from shelter per week. Hildebrand's CEO, Shiela Y. Moore, recently published a blog post discussing her concerns about how new length of stay limits will impact families living in shelter. | |
Economic Mobility Initiative |
Hildebrand is steadfastly committed to providing programs and community resources that support families experiencing homelessness in moving into affordable, stable housing and moving forward with their lives. One of the goals in Hildebrand’s Strategic Plan is to provide a financial stability and asset building program, including homeownership. As the first step in developing a new Economic Mobility Program, we are working with Allison Barron, of Allison Barron Consulting, and Keri-Nicole Dillman on a research study. After completion of the study and assessment of the results, Hildebrand staff and Board will undertake the design of the program, and then implementation of a pilot initiative. A special thanks for Berkshire Bank for providing funding for this exciting new program initiative!
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Families Finding Permanent Homes! |
Hildebrand’s vision is that every family has a home. Families in shelter and staff work together to stabilize and then find safe, affordable permanent homes. So far, in FY24, 57 families have found permanent housing – well over Hildebrand’s goal for the year. We are so excited to welcome so many parents and children to their new homes!
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