December 2022 - Volume 60, Issue 12

From The Editor
Mike Willis

Thanks to everyone who submitted information for this issue of the Drifter.

When sending me a video it needs to be on a webpage (link) or a file not to exceed 5MB. Also images have the same limit. (I am able to resize most of them).

Please note text that is blue text is a link. When we use MSR (Motorsport Registration) all of those events advertised are linked to the specific registration.

This issue contains the following as you scroll through.
Also all advertisers are linked to their web page.

Editor Comments
President's Column
2023 SVR Election Results
Vice President Calendar Information
SVR Christmas Party/Dinner
Brookfields Monthly Breakfast
Cars & Coffee
2023 SVR Planning
From Junk to GOLD
Announcing CRAB
What is CRAB
2022Mendocino Tour
SVR February Dinner
Panorama's for free
SVR Membership
SVR Secretary-Board Minutes
In The Zone
SVR Classifieds
SVR Store
Rik Larson, Proof Reader/Tickler
Skip Quain, Contributor

Attention Drifter Advertisers renewal notice will be sent soon
Adventure in the desert.

The Dakar Rallye was never a game in a sandbox. Right from the start, it was one of the greatest adventures in the world and a challenging test of endurance. With the toughest drivers, the toughest vehicles and a legendary winner in 1984: the 911 Carrera 3.2 4x4 Paris-Dakar (953).

The new Porsche 911 Dakar is a worthy successor. With the Rallye Design Package, it pays homage to the original and brings history to life.

 Rik Larson, SVR President
PDK (Pretty Darn Kwik)
December 2022

Happy Holidays!!
·      Have a happy and joyous holiday season.
·      Hope to see you at the SVR Christmas Party on Saturday, December 10th at the Sierra View Country Club of Roseville. And don't forget to bring unwrapped toys for the CHiPs for Kids program.
·      And if you are looking for that last minute gift, you can take your chances by purchasing a raffle ticket for the 2023 911 Carrera GTS Cabriolet America (plus $25,000 cash). And if you don't win the Grand Prize then the 2nd Grand Prize is a 2023 911 Carrera Cabriolet. Tickets can be purchased for $50 each at Deadline to purchase online is December 9th. Expect the winners to be announced in January 2023. 
Year End Thanks
·      A final shout out of thanks to the SVR board members.
·      We are coming to the end of the two-year term of office that was put into place as a result of the updated by-laws passed in 2020.
·      2021 started with several SVR members volunteering to serve on the board of directors as there were only 2 people elected from the November 2020 election (Eduardo Ortega, Jr. and Bob Peake).
·      Thanks to the following for volunteering to have a board of directors:
o  Sally Boeck, Vice President
o  Nancy Olson, Secretary
o  Ken Shahoian, Membership Director
o  Mike Willis, Past President
o  Steve Long, Membership Director (who stepped up to fill the Membership Director position for the last 6 months of 2022)
·      And of course thanks to all of the SVR members who volunteered to chair various functions that make the region happen.
·      And finally thanks to everyone who chaired an event in 2022 and also those who helped to conduct those events.
2023 Planning Session
·      Mark your calendar for Thursday, January 5th, for our annual event planning session. It will cost you $1 for pizza. You can help by registering at It costs nothing to register and helps Sally with the counts as to how many pizzas to order.
 Election Results
·      Check out the report elsewhere in the DRIFTER
 New Zone 7 Representative
·      The PCA Executive Council has announced that Brian Adkins (Diablo Region) will be the Zone 7 Representative for the 2023-24 term.
·      Collin Fat, the current Zone 7 Representative, is completing his second 2-year term. You will see Collin involved with the SVR AX program in 2023 as he is taking over from John Leet.

SVR Board of Directors Election Results
By Collin Fat
Nominating Committee Member

The SVR webmaster has completed the tally for the 2023-2024 Board of Directors ballots submitted online via the SVR website Nov 1-20, 2022. According to the SVR Bylaws, Section 6, subsection d, “Electronic ballot results will be provided to the Nominating Committee.”

The nominating committee was chaired by Mike Willis and also consisted of Steve Nieslony and Collin Fat.

The new board of directors will serve a term of 2 years starting on January 1, 2023. Elected to another 2- year term were SVR president, Rik Larson, treasurer, Bob Peake, and secretary Nancy Olson. Newly elected to their first terms are John Leet, vice president, Mardi Quain, social director, and Steve Long, membership. Steve was appointed by the board this year to fill the vacant membership director position and ran for his first elected term.

Your 2023-2024 board of directors will consist of the following members:

Sally Boeck
Vice President
Happy December, 2022
I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays this year. It seems they sure got here fast.
Our activities for December are few but worthy, allowing for family holiday time in addition to SVR Porsche friends time.
First, we have the Saturday breakfast. Jerry Alter has been organizing these breakfasts all year long, and for a long time even before this year. If you plan to attend, the breakfast in December is on the 3rd at the Brookfield’s in Rancho Cordova. Let’s join Jerry for the last breakfast this year. Thanks, Jerry! You’ve been a real trooper!
On Saturday, December 10th, we are having our SVR Christmas party. The theme is the 1920’s and you are welcome to come in costume, or not, and enjoy casino games, music, good food, and good friends. I hope many of you can attend and support Mardi Quain’s efforts for an enjoyable evening together. She’s been working on this event for months!
Please take the time to thank those members who have chaired events for us this year, as well as the members of the Board. When you see someone who put on an event that you enjoyed or were sorry to miss, or who has served on the Board in 2022, please be sure to thank them for their efforts. Actually, the optimum time to do this would be at the Christmas Party on December 10th.
On January 5, 2023, join us for the Annual Planning Party at Round Table Pizza in Folsom. This is your opportunity to bring forth your ideas for an SVR event for next year. Bring your ideas and enthusiasm and help populate the SVR event calendar with multiple events for each month of the year. Ideas for new events are readily welcomed. The pizza is free, with a $1 per person fee collected at the door.

SVR Christmas Party
Join your fellow SVR members in celebrating the Holiday Season. This year's event theme is the1920's with period dress encouraged. Your event chairs, Mardi Quain and Deb Dunn have arranged a full buffet dinner, gaming tables, DJ entertainment including Karaoke, and of course our annual CHiPs for Kids Toy Drive, at least one unwrapped new toy.

And we are doing a Raffle as “Share the Dessert Wealth”
Contact Mardi (650.504.4866) or Deb (916.955.2703) and let them know you will be bringing a sweet offering for the Raffle.

o Full Buffet Dinner with Prime Rib Carving station
o Gaming Tables – Black Jack, Five Card Poker, Roulette
o DJ Entertainment
o Karaoke
o 1920"s Costumes
o Popcorn Bar
o Name that Celebrity game
o Share the Wealth Dessert, create your own or bring something you
purchased, gift wrapped for the Raffle
o Prizes – Best Costume, Best Gamer, Name that Celebrity
o Porsches on the Patio Display
o MC Kim Nelson

Pre-Registration is required – follow the link to

Event time: 5:30 – 10:00 pm
Ticket cost $75.00 pp
“From Junk to Gold (actually Titanium Metallic and GT Silver)” 
by Steve Long – Membership Director
One never knows what the world will deliver. In 2020, the United States was delivered the Corona virus aka Covid-19. My teen daughters were home-bound for schooling and bored. They needed something to keep them occupied as meeting in-person with friends wasn’t permitted by the CDC. Across the street sat a 2004 Cayenne S, unloved for the three years we had lived in our home. 

The Cayenne was a castoff as the owner bought another car but opted to not sell it. Rather it languished in their driveway. It sat in the sun and the rain, battery dead, tires flat and paint sunburned. This became our $2,000 starter for the ‘Covid project.’
The Cayenne was mostly intact. She was missing a few basic items such as the spare and jack. It hadn’t received any maintenance in at least five years. She bore 174,000 miles. The headliner had failed, and the dash screen burned out.  First goal… will she start?  After getting jumper cables in place for about 10 minutes… she sprang to life.  This was just enough to back across the street into our side drive, hide behind the fence and begin to learn all things 955. Thank Goodness for Pelican Parts and Rennlist articles along with the bevy of YouTube videos. Everything that needed to be done was online! Yes, you can do it yourself! Just buy a lot of Lava soap.
We are also fortunate enough to have space, a QuickLift and tools.  Many more specialized tools would be acquired along the way. Can one have enough tools anyhow? Amazon was great for those random things we needed. Many tools I had no idea existed! Those whacky Germans!  But I digress…

Parts for the 955 are also readily available either new OEM, aftermarket or dismantler which included Pick-N-Pull. These 955’s seem the only PNP Porsches consistently around. Parts picking were some of the most fun days. We’d have a list of what we needed but if we saw other spares or fasteners, we grabbed them too! New OEM fasteners can break a budget.
Now we had the truck. What to do with her? Bring her back as-was or another theme?  My daughter initially wanted to ‘murder it out’ in all black, everything black, all the time black. I vetoed that but sold her on the Transsyberia tribute. It was approved as ‘cute’ and away we went. Our plan was to be done in six months. It’s good to have a plan. Plans are nice. Over that plan, Covid waned a bit. Boyfriends came into the mix. Friends started showing up. It was a good plan if nothing changed. Much did change. In the end, she was an eighteen-month labor of love with me sneaking out to work on the 955 ‘just for an hour’ about eighty times.
This past Sunday after the turkey was consumed, the Cayenne aka ‘The Old Porsche’ got her maiden trip to get dirty. She was running great, and we had put on about 1,000 miles since making her road legal again, but she had never been fully used as intended.  We are fortunate to have Uncle Bob with property in the foothills. He thought I was kidding about wanting to try to climb a little bit here and there to see how the 955 went. ‘It might get scratched’ was his concern... as if the old girl hadn’t been through worse. Uncle Bob had cut a path up to the top of his highest hill through the manzanitas and brush with his tractor. Only his quad or side-by-side had crested that slope… until now!  With me at the helm, Bob spotting me and two fourteen-year-old girls texting away in the back seat, I dropped the transmission into the first position for gear reduction and moved the Tiptronic over to manual. Off we went. She climbed like a goat!  There were sections I was a bit afraid, but Bob had faith and insisted the Cayenne reach the top. She never missed a beat. The Old Porsche was queen for a day and made a couple trips up and back pushing through the steep and loamy soil, kicking up dust and impressing all the way.

I am sure some of you are asking… ok, how much did it all cost? We are into the Cayenne about $10,000 total. All the parts and services are fresh, so I don’t expect to have those expenses again for quite a while. The extensive list is below. She does have new seats from PNP waiting to go in and power steering flush to do… then she just waits for her next adventure… will it be mud?… or maybe snow?… I can almost see her smiling outside just thinking about it.
The amount of time and parts/maintenance items in the car could argue that well more was spent than the truck is now worth. For us, it’s priceless. I can’t imagine selling her. Everything was performed on the car at home and include:
·        Full engine tune-up
·        New battery
·        Spare key made
·        Replaced Secondary Air Injection Pumps to pass SMOG
·        Full transmission and transaxle services (there are 4 different fluids…)
·        Full brake service, flush, lines, pads, rotors, caliper rebuild and paint
·        Repainted roof and bumper cover (we got a matched used hood from Specialized German)
·        Repainted mirror in Sliver for the Transsyberia theme.
·        Repaired rash, paint touchup and refreshed center caps
·        Repair fuel filler door catch
·        Headlamp refresh and ballast replacement with new wiring harnesses
·        New slightly oversized tires
·        2-1/2” EuroWise lift spacers
·        All struts replaced with dust covers and bumpers
·        Front axles and CV joints rebuilt
·        New front tie rod ends
·        Front sway bar links replaced
·        Rear transaxle seal replaced
·        Front Upper and Lower control arms replaced.
·        Coolant flush
·        Rear hatch springs
·        Homemade rear tire carrier.
·        Upgraded 958 windshield wipers (yeah, that’s a thing)
·        Off Road lights custom made to the Porsche cross rails.
·        Adapted Thule roof rails and carrier basket
·        Headliner replacement
·        Interior LED light upgrade
·        Repainted window trim
·        Dash LCD screen replaced
·        Custom dash ashtray replacement
·        Steering wheel replaced and new button decals (wood style was boycotted)
·        Driver door lock actuator
·        Transsyberia decals (THE final touch!)
Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions. I’m happy to help save another ‘Old Porsche’
What is CRAB?
By Collin Fat
Photos by Kirk Bradford and Collin Fat
Some Crab information from the past. (Editor)

If you are new to the club and one of over 400 members who have joined SVR since CRAB 36 was held at Eagles Nest in Ione in 2015, and are wondering what the commotion is about? So what is this multi-day, multi-region event we call CRAB?

Let’s start off with and explanation of the acronym in the word “CRAB”.
The letter “C” stand for crab feed, the letter
“R” stands for rallye, the letter
“A” stands for autocross and the letter
“B” stands for the German word “begegnen” which stands for a gathering or meeting. If you don’t get it, let’s just say it’s a weekend to celebrate all things Porsche. It’s a chance to socialize with like minder fans of the Porsche brand. It is also a wonderful way for new members to get immersed in the fun and social aspects of the club…….. all in one weekend. In addition to the events described above, CRAB also includes a day long tour, concours, and a beer and brat on the final day of the event.

The event has attracted well over 300 PCA members at each CRAB which has been held since 1972, when a small group of SVR members, Rich Farlinger, Jim Carver, Ray Johansen, and Phillip Marks conceived the concept which was held at El Macero Country Club in Davis. To date, the club has hosted 37 CRABS and has gained a regional and Zone 7 reputation for being one of the most anticipated multi-region, multi-day events in Northern California.
CRAB starts the weekend with a casual welcome party to be held this year at the California Automobile Museum in Sacramento. On Saturday, the event includes an autocross, a tour of the Delta, a funkhana, and the grand crab feed featuring all you can eat fresh Dungeness crab. On Sunday, there will be a rally, concours, and the beer and brat barbecue along with awards ceremony. 

One of the highlights for all new members would be the opportunity to hang with more than 200 SVR members in a gathering of well over 100 Porsches including classic 356’s, early 911’s, mid-seventies air cooled models and finally to all of the water pumpers produced from 1999 to today. Imagine a tour of over 60 cars heading down route 160 to the Delta town of Locke or Clarksburg!

Over the last 45 years since CRAB’s have been held, the event has not always been held in consecutive years. There have been CRABs every year from 1972 to 1999, with no CRAB in 2000, 2005, 2009, 2010 and between 2012 through 2015, a period of 7 years. After hearing the pleas from membership and club’s in other Zone 7 regions to plan another CRAB, it was not until 2016 that CRAB 36 was held at Eagles Nest Airport in Ione, and what a huge success this event was~!

CRAB 37 was chaired by Bob Lozito and Collin Fat with the assistance of a committee of over 12 dedicated volunteers.

Below are some photos of past CRAB's captured by Drifter reporter Kirk Bradford 
The following is a list of CRABs past and members who chaired each event:
CRAB 1 - March 4-5, 1972 (Rich Farlinger, Jim Karver, & Ray Johansen, chairs)CRAB 2 - March 3-4, 1973 (Larry Wilson & Bob Becker, chairs)
CRAB 3 - March 29-31, 1974 (Ray Seamans, chair)
CRAB 4 - April 4-6, 1975 (Dave & Chrissie Neukom, chairs)
CRAB 5 - April 23-25, 1976 (Dave & Chrissie Neukom, chairs)
CRAB 6 - April 15-17, 1977 (John & Candy Wong, chairs)
CRAB 7 - April 7-9, 1978 (Ted & Diane Colbert, chairs)
CRAB 8 - April 19-22, 1979 (Mike & Vicki Willis, chairs)
CRAB 9 - April 11-13, 1980 (Pat & Larry Wilson, chairs)
CRAB 10 - April 24-26, 1981 (Ray & Sara Clements, chairs)
CRAB 11 - April 16-18, 1982 (Kirk Bradford, chair)
CRAB 12 - April 22-24, 1983 (Trische Robertson, chair)
CRAB 13 - April 27-29, 1984 (Steve & Lori Campbell, chairs)
CRAB 14 - April 26-28, 1985 (Mike & Vicki Willis, chairs)
CRAB 15 - April 25-27, 1986 (Dwight & Linda Mitchell, chairs)
CRAB 16 - May 1-3, 1987 (Dwight & Linda Mitchell, chairs)
CRAB 17 - April 29-May 1, 1988 (Kern & Cindi Breaux, chairs)
CRAB 18 - April 21-23, 1989 (Stan Breyfogle, chair)
CRAB 19 - April 27-29, 1990 (Kern & Cindi Breaux, chairs)
CRAB 20 - April 12-14, 1991 (Greg & Cyndee Peart, chairs)
CRAB 21 - April 24-26, 1992 (Sally & Ron Boeck, chairs)
CRAB 22 - April 8-10, 1994 (Shelagh Mackay, chair)
CRAB 23 - April 21-23, 1995 (Susan & Tim Fleming, chairs)
CRAB 24 - April 12-14, 1996 (Susan & Tim Fleming, chairs)
CRAB 25 - April 25-27, 1997 (Mike, Vicki & Michelle Willis, chairs)CRAB 26 - April 24-26, 1998 (Dan & Deb Catherwood, chairs)
CRAB 27 - April 30-May 2, 1999 (Mike & Sue Ambrozewicz, chairs)
No CRAB in 2000
CRAB 28 - April 27-29, 2001 (Susan & Tim Fleming, chairs)
CRAB 29 - April 26-28, 2002 (Mike & Emily Willis, chairs)
CRAB 30 - April 25-27, 2003 (Dwight & Linda Mitchell, chairs)
CRAB 31 - April 23-25, 2004 (Kern & Cindi Breaux, chairs)
No CRAB in 2005
CRAB 32 - April 7-9, 2006 (Kim Kinder & Kim Nelson, chairs)
CRAB 33 - April 20-22, 2007 (Buzz & Julia Lynn, chairs)
CRAB 34 - April 18-20, 2008 (Mark Judish, chair)
No CRAB in 2009 and 2010
CRAB 35 - April 29-May 1, 2011 (Jim & Linda McMahen, chairs)
No CRAB in 2012 thru 2015
CRAB 36 - May 13-15, 2016 (Steve & Rita Barker and Kim & Rachel Nelson, chairs)
CRAB 37 May 18-20, 2018 (Bob Lozito and Collin Fat, chairs)
Photos for this article were contributed by Kirk Bradford and Collin Fat
2022 Mendocino Tour Continues 20 Year Run!
By Collin Fat
Photographs by Collin Fat

It is hard to believe that the annual Mendocino Tour has been going on consistently for over 20 years and with club president, Rik Larson, being the perennial event chair. I suppose that after this amount of time that Rik has gotten the details fine tuned and from most members I talked to on the tour, this is indeed the case. Everyone who has been on one or several tours over the years can attest to the fun to be had and the wonderful Porsche friends we get to hang out with each year. The only interruption to the tour was last year when the event was cancelled due to Covid.
l/r; Michele and Steve Koll and Brad Archibald
   l/r: Cindy and Kent Brandon, and Kirk Bradford
There were over 49 members signed up for the event scheduled for November 4-6th and included several members from Golden Gate, Redwood, and Diablo Regions who rounded out the group. There were also several PCA juniors joining grandparents on their first or second Mendocino tours.

 The weather forecast for the weekend was ominous calling for 100% chance of rain, but the weather gods saved the best for last and Friday and Sunday greeted the tour group with clear skies and cool temperatures. We were not so lucky on Saturday with rain cancelling the miniature golf outing and lack of wind and fog putting a damper on the Saturday kite flying. Dinner at Silva’s on the Wharf was very well attended with over 43 members attending. A big shout out to Ray Fiore, Redwood Region, for organizing this wonderful dinner. The food was great but the comradery and the chance to catch up with old and new friends was the main attraction.

For those members with young children or grandchildren, SVR as well as PCA encourage members to bring their young adults and children along on events that are age appropriate. Tours, Parade, Werks Reunion, concours activities or a Caffeine and Porsches event are great ways to get these young folks involved in the Porsche marque and no one could be better suited than a member of this club. In addition, for those with a valid driver’s license, young adults 16-18 years of age, they can participate in the club’s autocross program or sit in as a navigator on one of the club’s rallies. Photo below, Collin with granddaughters Charlotte (8) and Olivia (5) visiting the Skunk Train in Fort Bragg.
With over 25 cars on the tour, Rik divided the group into 2 tour groups with one starting at Porsche Rocklin and the other group meeting the main group at Pedrick’s Market in Dixon, just off I-80. The route provided members to get the feel for the handling of their Porsches while being led by tour leaders, Collin and Elaine Fat leading the first group, and Jim and Linda McMahen leading the second group. Also, a big thank you to Kirk and Linda Bradford and Frank Preisig for being sweeps!

After leaving from the meeting point in Dixon, the road got much more challenging on Hwy 128 with lots of newly paved twisty roads. After our lunch stop in Healdsburg, the tour headed a short distance north on Hwy 101 to connect to Hwy 128 west towards Mendocino and Fort Bragg. The best stretch of winding roads on this tour year after year. It was challenging for all the drivers with the exception when the group was held up by slower cars, campers or bicyclists.
 There is a reason for the continued popularity of this tour as well as its longevity, but you will have to wait for the tour next year to find out why.
Thank you, Rik Larson for putting this event on year after year!
For new members, don’t miss out on next year’s tour!
Members enjoying dinner In Fort Bragg
"The PCA Sacramento Valley Region has many years of the Porsche Club of America magazine "Panorama" that we have been storing from the 1980's to current. 

We are making these available to our Members for free in groupings by calendar year. These can be shipped at your cost, picked up in Fair Oaks or brought to the next SVR event.
Please contact Membership Director Steve Long at with your inquiries."

Steve Long Membership Director

New to SVR or just need a new name badge
-- you can order a badge--
and send to:
Membership Director, at:

Since we use e-mail for most of our communications, it is necessary to keep our e-mail address current with SVR and PCA. To update your information, go to and login. You can then make any updates (address, car, e-mail etc.).
Also, even though we receive the information from PCA monthly, you can send the same updates to: New Member badges will now come with a removable colored sticker to encourage introductions at club events. They can be removed at any time. Welcome to the Sacramento Valley Region of the Porsche Club of America.
SVR - PCA Member Services
How do you join the Porsche Club? Go to: -This is an online system that will request a credit card for payment. If you would rather fill out a paper form, contact 2021 SVR Membership Director, at
Not a Porsche owner but interested in the PCA? Try the PCA Test Drive program. For information, go to: Need to update your PCA information? Update your PCA record at

Do you have 2 e-mail addresses? Want Club info sent to a second email, work, home, spouse, friend...? It’s as easy as e-mailing your second e-mail address to the Membership Director,
How can I contact the SVR-PCA by mail?
Sacramento Valley Region-PCA,
Post Office Box 254651,
Sacramento, CA 95865-4651

Nancy Olson, Secretary
Board Minutes
Note Minutes below taken by Rik Larson
SVR Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
under review

In the Zone
December 2022
by Collin Fat
Photos by Collin Fat


Happy Holidays:
It is hard to believe that the year is nearly over and that the Covid 19 Virus is now in our rear-view mirror. Most of us have received our vaccines and latest Covid booster shots as well as the annual flu vaccine. Although we are ending the year with the economy somewhat uncertain, the good news is that most of our Porsches are as valuable as when we purchased them and possibly more! Who would have ever thought this a few years ago? With the holidays upon us and traditional family get togethers, having everyone in the household vaccinated is a good thing. For club activities such as your region’s annual holiday party, this is good news as the holiday parties for all regions seem to be in full swing.
         Collin and Family Wishing All a Happy Holiday
Looking back at this past year, membership in Zone 7 has increased yet another year with many regions growing close to 5%. The Zone Concours series saw an average of some 40 judged cars at each event with Monterey Bay and Diablo Regions setting record participation. Sacramento Valley had the most attended event with some 42 cars judged.

The Zone Autocross series had 9 events this season with participation relatively flat. Golden Gate and Loma Prieta regions tried out several new venues including Crows Landing and Castle Air Force base as scheduling conflicts resulted in the Cow Palace forcing them to find alternate sites. I am guessing that Crows Landing will be the likely site for many of their region and Zone events moving forward.

The autocross and concours committees are currently in the process or planning on reviewing competition rules for their specific events with a goal to get them approved at next year’s Zone Presidents meeting.
As your new board starts to prepare for their leadership roles for 2023, several things will be happening in the background to ensure the board has a smooth transition of leadership. This starts with either the outgoing or current club president completing the required annual region report form and sending it into PCA national. This very important document lets PCA national know who the new board of directors is, but also identifies new chairs. It also provides a place to confirm banking information necessary for the quarterly member subsidies.

Lastly, your outgoing board members and chairs should be meeting with their successors to hand off all the important documents and provide guidelines for their replacements so that the new board and its chairs can start off 2023 on the right foot.

Collin Fat Terming Out as Zone 7 Rep:
It has indeed been an honor to have served as your Zone Representative for the past 4 years. I had an opportunity to meet many members from throughout the region at local events such as a new member BBQ’s, joining in on a zoom board of directors meeting, presenting national anniversary awards celebrating milestones at several regions, and supporting regions hosting Zone autocrosses or concours events. I have found that members in each region tend to find the activities that fit their schedules and interests and that participation in regional events is growing. That is a good trend and direction for our club.

I would also like to thank all the 10 region presidents for their service these past years and the support I have been given. Lastly, I would like to thank the Zone committee for their hard work over the years. Without your support, my job would have been much more difficult. A big thank you to Roy Schauben and Simone Kopitzki for their work in increasing participation in the concours series as well as efforts to train more judges over the years.

Thanks to Grady Carter and Brant Ballantyne for their efforts on overseeing the autocross series and rules updates. Behind the scenes a big shout out for our Zone Treasurer, Howard Thomas, Zone Secretary, Rik Larson, Zone webmaster, Richard Chew and Zone Social Media Chair, David Bunch for their continued support.

After interviewing several candidates for the Zone 7 Rep position, the executive council has chosen Brian Adkins, from Diablo Region as my replacement. Brian will make a great Zone Rep and has the energy, time and knowledge to assist the region presidents with managing and leading their regions. I will be working with Brian over the next month with transitioning to his new role. Welcome aboard Brian!
l/r: Lynn Friedman, National Porscheplatz chair, Collin and Caren Cooper, PCA National Past President attending Monterey Historic Races at Laguna Seca
L/r: Lynn Friedman, Craig Kugler, PCA Treasurer, Cindy Jacisin PCA Executive Vice President Caren Cooper, Todd Benz, PCA Secretary, and Collin
2022 Zone Autocross Series Winners:
The Zone Autocross series held 9 Zone events in 2022 and hosted events at the Cow Palace in Daly City, Thunderhill Raceway Park in Willows, and Crows Landing in Patterson. Though there were difficulties in getting confirmed dates early at some venues, each of the club’s that hosted events worked hard to bring autocrossers more events than we had in 2021. The following winners had to compete in at least 5 of the 9 events to qualify for year end awards. Congratulations to everyone for a great season!
Note: for the full results go to the Zone 7 website. . The year end awards banquet is tentatively scheduled for March 11th or 18th at a location to TBD

2022 Zone Concours Series Winners:
After many cancellations and the re-scheduling of events again due to issues with the pandemic as well as safety concerns at various venues, the concours series finished up in October with a total of 7 events. Due to several regions rescheduling their events, there were 3 events held in October. This was just an amazing feat of juggling of the schedule and lots of coordination with the region concours chairs as well as assistance from Zone concours chairs Roy Schauben and Simone Kopitzky in encouraging the changes and providing support. Thank you all for a job well done!
PCA National Awards:
All region members have a chance to submit nominees for several national awards including Region of the Year, Enthusiast of the Year, Family of the Year and Public Service Award. It is a unique opportunity to nominate someone in your region who has gone above and beyond. Please take the time to consider someone in your region who may be deserving.
The Awards include:

We know that the Regions within PCA all excel in their own way, and this should be recognized.
The submission process is easy. Just create a brief write up (in MS Word) and submit nomination to national via email to
Region of the Year Award:
Up to 3000-word document, plus 2 Newsletters, and 5 photographs
Enthusiast of the Year, Family of the Year, and Public Service Awards:
Up to 1500-word document, plus up to 5 newsletter articles and/or photographs
If you would like to submit a member of your region to be recognized, please review the guidelines for the awards at this link:
Events of Interest:
Spring Treffen will be held in the Georgia Mountains (touring the Southern Blue Ridge) from April 19-23rd. If you have not yet attended one of these national premier events it is a do not miss opportunity to attend a Treffen. Registration opens January 4, 2023. Check out the details in advance at
Parade 2023 will be held at the La Quinta Resort in Palm Springs from June 18-24th. The hotel is a five -star rated
property that has a famous history of being the hangout for movie stars and the Hollywood elite during the 1940s.
For PCA members this promises to be one of the premiere locations for a Parade on the West Coast.
Fall Treffen will be held in St. Louis. Dates are September 20-24, 2023.
Rennsport Reunion VII: Rennsport Reunion will be held at Laguna Seca Raceway in Monterey on September 28th to
October 1, 2023. Advance ticket and corral passes are currently on sale. If you have not yet booked your hotel
accommodations now is the time to secure your lodging at the best price.
PCA Members may place non-commercial classified ads for no charge. Photos will be published on this web page at no charge.

Non-PCA members may place ads on our webpage, on a space available basis, as follows: Ads without photos $20.00; Ads with photos $35.00. All ads run for two months unless canceled. There will be no refunds for paid ads.

Ads must be submitted electronically with attachment to PCA members must include your PCA membership number on all submissions as proof of membership.

Paid ads will not be published until payment has been received. Checks must be made payable to PCA-SVR, and mailed to: Porsche Club of America; Sacramento Valley Region; PO Box 254651; Sacramento, CA 95865-4651
Sacramento Valley Region Web Store
Sacramento Valley - Red House® - Mini-Check Non-Iron Button-Down Shirt
Sacramento Valley - Eddie Bauer® Ladies Hooded Soft Shell Parka
Sacramento Valley - Element 095

Submitting Material to the Drifter
The Drifter is Produced online monthly for its members. Written contributions are welcome and should be e-mailed to The deadline for submissions is the 15th of the month prior to the month of publication. Submissions in WORD or TEXT are preferred.

Photos are always welcome. Photos should be sent separately from the text. (You may also use a downloadable link to the photos.)
Please NO embedded photos in the submission.

To change your email address or street address, please email our membership director to insure uninterrupted delivery.
Steve Long

All material in this newsletter is protected by copyright.

However, newsletter editors of other Porsche Club of America regions may reprint any article provided that credit is given to the author and Sacramento Valley Region and also The Drifter is cited as the source.
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