St. Bernard's Academy Newsletter

March 31, 2023

Don't miss your chance to see The Mousetrap!

Grub Hub Closed

Next Wednesday and Thursday

The Grub Hub will be closed Wednesday, April 5th and Thursday, April 6th. Please plan so send a lunch with your student. Thank you!

Help Needed for the Crusader Corral!

Help will be needed setting up the week of April 16th through April 21st.

Sign up to help set up!

Help will be needed the evening of the event.

Sign up to help at the event!

Help will be needed with clean up on Saturday, April 22nd.

Sign up to help clean up!

Crusader Corral Tickets!

Purchase your tickets now for the 2023 St. Bernard's Academy Fundraiser - Crusader Corral! The event, taking place April 21 in the SBA Gymnasium, features live and silent auctions, catered dinner, full bar and casino-style gaming. Tickets are $100 and must be purchased in advance. This is a 21+ event.

Purchase Tickets Here!

Donations Needed for Crusader Corral

It’s that time of year when planning for our annual fundraiser is in high gear! We need your help. The Crusader Corral Committee is seeking donations for our live and silent auctions. We need donation items for the silent auction—gift baskets, gift cards, etc. We also need large items for the live auction such as romantic getaways, hunting trips, fishing trips, and weekend timeshares. We also need empty baskets for auction items. There are lots of opportunities to help. 

Connect with me for pick up, or drop off your donations in the office.

Thank you,

Holly Costa

Upcoming Events

Friday, March 31st & Saturday, April 1st - The Mousetrap, School Play, 7:00 pm

Monday, April 3rd - Winter Sports Awards, 6:30 pm, Please bring a dessert to share.

Tuesday and Wednesday, April 4th and 5th - The Mousetrap, School Play, 7:00 pm

Wednesday, April 5th - Flip Flop Volleyball

Wednesday, April 5th - College Night for Juniors

Thursday, April 6th - 12:50 Dismissal

Friday, April 7 - Sunday, April 16th - Easter Break - No school

Monday, April 17th - Alumni Association Meeting, 5:30 pm Mac Lab

Friday, April 21st - Wild West: Crusader Corral - Our annual school dinner and auction fundraiser 

Click for school calendar

Spring Fever Week

April 3-6

  • Monday, April 3: Pajama Day
  • Tuesday, April 4: Beach vs. Snow Day
  • Wednesday, April 5: Flip Flop Volleyball
  • Wednesday, April 5: Class Colors--Middle School--Black; Frosh-Red; Soph-Purple; Jr-Blue; Sr-Green
  • Thursday, April 6: Spirit Gear and 12:50 dimissal

High School Sports Update

Saturday, April 1

V Softball vs Hoopa at Bear River

Wednesday, April 5th

3:30 HS Track at EHS

Saturday, April 8th

11:00 V Softball at Ferndale

11:00 V Baseball at Ferndale

Students in Action

AP Environmental Science at the Eureka Wastewater Treatment Plant.

St. Bernard's Academy laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. It was a very moving ceremony.

Congratulations to Anna, who has been accepted at UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz, UC Davis, UW, and Mount Holyoke.

Track and Field competed this week in McKinleyville.

Physical Science students designed and ran controlled experiments in the lab with water balloons and varying water temperatures to test the effects of temperature on density.

Boys Tennis is full swing!

Ways to Support our Students

Box Tops for Education (SB school ID is 195539)

For more school activities; follow us on Social Media. Click below
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