June 2024 E-Newsletter


Belleville - $33,000+

Bancroft - $11,000+

QW/Brighton - $7,600+

Tweed - $3,500+

PEC - $1,700+

Bancroft This Week- -

June is National Indigenous History Month, and June 21st is National indigneous Peoples Day.For generations, many Indigenous groups and communities have celebrated their culture and heritage on June 21 or around that time of year because of the significance of the summer solstice as the longest day of the year.

National Aboriginal Day, now National Indigenous Peoples Day, was announced in 1996 by then Governor General of Canada, Roméo LeBlanc, through the Proclamation Declaring June 21 of Each Year as National Aboriginal Day

National Indigenous Peoples Day -

National Indigenous History Month:

June is Seniors Month in Ontario. The 2024 theme is “Working for Seniors.”

It’s a time to recognize the hard work seniors have done all their lives to make Ontario into the great place it is today. Learn more here

Dementia affects everyone, and everyone is affected by dementia differently. We are united with the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. Our programs, services, and counselling are designed to create a safe space for all clients to be their true selves so they can receive the best dementia support possible. To learn about how to make your community a safer, more inclusive space for all, visit our website here:

This Men's Health Week, start prioritizing your health with this simple, medically reviewed Men's Health checklist. Find out what tests you need and stay up to date on exams, screenings and vaccines. Download your checklist and keep track of everything in one place

Approximately 8% – 10% of seniors experience some form of elder abuse each year in Canada. Learn more about Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario and World Elder Abuse Awareness Day here:

June is ALS Awareness Month ALS is a neuromuscular disease that progressively paralyzes people because the brain can no longer communicate with the muscles of the body that we are typically able to move at will. As a result, people with ALS often face a swift decline in the ability to talk, walk, eat, swallow, and eventually breathe. There is currently no cure for the disease that carries a lifetime risk of 1 in 300 for each of us. In addition to advancing research, care, advocacy and information, ALS Canada provides community-based services, including direct support provided by the ALS Canada Equipment Program and ALS Canada Community Leads to Ontario families living with ALS.

  • More than 200,000 people around the world are living with ALS.
  • An estimated 4,000 Canadians are currently living with ALS.
  • 80% of people with ALS die within 2-5 years of diagnosis.
  • Each year approximately 1,000 Canadians die from ALS. A similar number of Canadians are diagnosed with ALS each year

The Alzheimer Society is grateful to once again receive nearly $5600 in funding through the Prince Edw

ard County Municipal Grant program for 2024-2025. THANK YOU!

A huge thank you to the Trenton Memorial Hospital Foundation for their continued support of the Kay Stafford Care Partner Education Day, through the Kay Stafford Memorial Fund - awarding June 12th for $2700 at the TMHF AGM

$2500 was generously donated to ASHPE from the Brian Todd Memorial Community Fund in Tuesday June 11th as part of their annual grants presentation night. The funds received by ASHPE will help us raise awareness about services available to those in Brighton, including Public Education & more! THANK YOU!

Local Personal Support Worker Cindy Ostrander Receives 2024 Meagher Award For Dementia Care

One local Personal Support Worker (PSW) was presented with the Meagher Award for Excellence in Dementia Home Care this past month, in honour of Personal Support Worker Day (May 19th, 2024).

Local families, co-workers, employers and organizations were able to nominate a PSW for this special community award and recognition through the Alzheimer Society of Hastings-Prince Edward (ASHPE). Nominations were accepted until April 21st, and submissions were received by a committee including ASHPE staff member Lisa Young (Education and Support Coordinator), community member Elizabeth D’Anjou, ASHPE Executive Director Angela Meraw, and family representative Jenoa Meagher.

This year’s winner was Cindy Ostrander. The nominator wanted to recognize Cindy for showing her mother the “utmost dignity and respect” and for being an amazing, flexible care provider and supporter. The award consisted of a $500 prize and learning resources about dementia, including free U-First for Healthcare Professionals training enrolment. The winners name will be displayed on exhibit in the Alzheimer Society office and the winners each took home a framed certificate for their own display. Honourable mentions included local PSW’s Mikayla Deal, and Michelle Moore.

The funds for this award are generously provided by the Meagher family. Jean Meagher was a founding member of the Alzheimer Society of Belleville-Hastings-Quinte (now the Alzheimer Society of Hastings-Prince Edward), working tirelessly to build support groups and resources to help families traveling the Alzheimer journey. She was inspired by her husband’s illness, seeing the need for herself and for others to learn more about the disease and to share ideas for coping with the challenges that Alzheimer’s disease brings. The care that William received at home allowed Jean to pursue her dreams of creating an Alzheimer Society chapter, to support others living with dementia and to give herself a much-needed break.

The Meagher family realized that the home care workers rarely received the recognition they deserve and wished to create a tribute to their work. The result is an award, named after Jean and William Meagher, to be presented to a candidate who is a qualified Personal Support Worker (PSW), caring for someone with dementia in the home in Hastings County, Prince Edward County or Brighton.

Read more here:

June is Aphasia and Stroke Awareness Month!

Check out this great Article from Belleville Intelligencer "Senior Scene" Author, Shell-lee Wert (CCSH Executive Director)



Memory Cafe is a social event for those living with dementia and care partners to come together in a fun and engaging environment, and connect with the Alzheimer Society and each other. Memory café events feature activities, discussion, brain games and more.Memory Café events are currently hosted in Belleville, Quinte West, Brighton, Madoc, Tyendinaga, Picton, Madoc and Bancroft. To register or find out more please call 613-962-0892.


Community support groups provide the opportunity for care partners to come together and share and provide peer support. Each event is led by an Alzheimer Society Education and Support Coordinator. Support groups are currently available in communities such as Belleville, Quinte West, Wellington, Madoc, Stirling, Bancroft, Tweed, Picton, Frankford and more. We also have specialized groups, virtual support group options and more! Please contact our office to find out more today. NEW GROUP OFFERING: "Living Apart, Virtual Care Partner Support Group". For more information contact Vero Ladd, or contact us at 613-962-0892/613-332-4614.


The First Link Learning Series offers a comprehensive overview of dementia, coping strategies, resources and support systems. Throughout the series participants are offered the opportunity to share and connect with others embarking on the dementia journey. The various courses include First Steps, Care Essentials, Options for Care, and Care in the Later Stages. Call the office or contact your Education & Support Coordinator to find our more about eligibility and registering for any of these free upcoming sessions.

First Steps

This course of the First Link Learning Series provides an introduction to Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Topics covered include: types of dementia, changes in the brain, coping strategies, planning for the future, managing risks and community resources.

  • In Person, Belleville: 9:30 am - 11:30 am on Sept 3, 10, 17, 24
  • ZOOM only: Wednesdays from 10am-12pm- November 6, 13, 12, 27

Care Essentials

This course for family caregivers and care partners offers problem solving strategies related to communication, responsive behaviours, caregiver burnout and expected changes in mid-stage progression of the illness.

  • In Person, Belleville: Dec 2, 9, 16, 9:30 am – 11:30 am 
  • ZOOM only: Wednesdays from 10am-12pm- September 4, 11, 18, 25

Options for Care

This course for family caregivers and care partners assists the participants to evaluate their current caregiving needs and explore other available care options, including in-home care, adult day programs and long-term care.

  • Jul 8, 15, 22, 9:30 am - 11:30 am - in person

Care in the Later Stages

This course helps family caregivers and care partners understand what to expect in the later stages of dementia. This module will also explore how participants can provide comfort to the person as well as review the experiences of grief and loss.

  • Next session - December 2024; call for more info


Angela Meraw

Executive Director

Rose Babu

First Link Care Navigator

Sogna Di Genova

Education & Support Coordinator

Victoria Woods

Education & Support Coordinator

Jeniece Renaud

Public Education Coordinator

Kathleen Ingram

Operations & Program Manager

Karen Partridge

Education & Support Coordinator

Lisa Ann Millar

Education & Support Coordinator

Alyssa Thorn

Activation Coordinator

Trisha Clancy

Fund Development Coordinator

Tania Kerik

Intake & Administrative Assistant

Lisa Young

Education & Support Coordinator

Ruth Molina

First Link Care Navigator

Veronique Ladd

Education & Support Coordinator

Kylie Moyer

Minds in Motion Coordinator

Amelia Huffman

Communications, Grants & IT

Self referrals encouraged - no diagnosis required

Check out our online referral form here

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