A Letter from the President

Dear Moraga Community:

After having served on the Board of the Moraga Education Foundation for six years, I have come to learn that each MEF donor has their own reason for giving. As we come to the end of this calendar year, I have been reflecting on my own reason for giving, and I'd like to share it with you.


When I was growing up not far from here, the vast majority of kids in my town went through the public school system. So between school, sports, and other extracurriculars, we all had a true sense of community. At the time, I didn't realize how valuable this was.

At college, I met people from all over the country who had had a variety of school experiences, several of whom went to private schools because they didn’t have a decent public school in their town. They received an excellent education, but at great expense to their families. And since kids in their community went to a variety of schools - public and private - this meant that the kids in their neighborhoods went to all different schools and they often didn't even know one another.

When I eventually had kids of my own, I wanted them to have a sense of community and to me, that meant growing up in a place where they went to the local public school with their neighbors. But I also didn't want to compromise on quality. I wanted my children to have access to excellent teachers and a variety of opportunities. And I wanted to live in a place where every child had those same opportunities. That's what led us to Moraga - a small town with excellent public schools and a strong sense of community.

"That's what led us to Moraga - a small town with excellent public schools and a strong sense of community."

I initially thought that Moraga’s excellent public schools were due to the high property values and the funding they received from the state. It wasn’t until my oldest started at Rheem that I learned that Moraga is actually among the lowest-funded districts in a state that ranks 32nd in per-pupil funding. Moraga's public schools have retained their excellent reputation because parents and community members have taken it upon themselves to ensure that our educators have the resources they need by creating, running, and supporting the Moraga Education Foundation.

I feel a strong sense of gratitude to all of those individuals and families who, through their volunteer work and financial support, have made it possible for MEF to raise over $40M for Camino Pablo, Los Perales, Rheem, JM, and Campolindo since 1981. I also take seriously the responsibility to continue this commitment to local public education for the benefit of my children and all of Moraga's children.

And that is why I volunteer for and give to the Moraga Education Foundation. The funds that our MEF donations provide to our schools help make local public education how it should be - excellent and available to all - so that our kids grow up with a real sense of community.

One significant benefit of my role on the MEF Board is that I get to visit classrooms periodically to observe our donations in action. It is so inspiring to see elementary students experiment with science in their own school lab, knowing that they will be able to take STEM electives when they are at JM and explore Biotech, Computer Science, and an entire engineering pathway at Campo. I've been lucky to see our youngest musicians perform, trying out instruments for the first time - then practicing as a band or orchestra in middle school - and finally performing flawlessly in tuxedos and gowns to an awe-filled audience in high school. The examples go on and on. From core academics and electives to counseling, music, and art, your donations to the Moraga Education Foundation create possibilities for every student. And these possibilities mean that Moraga schools are the cornerstone of a healthy and thriving community.

Whatever you reason for giving, as we come to the end of 2022, I'd like to thank you for joining me in continuing the long-standing tradition of community members supporting our local public schools. Your support really does make a difference.

Happy New Year!

In Gratitude,

Ana Moon

MEF President

Click here to tell us what inspires you to give!

The Moraga Education Foundation's 2022-2023 Giving Campaign supporting Los Perales, Camino Pablo, Rheem, JM, and Campo runs through the end of the school year.

Thank you to the 926 families and individuals and the local businesses and organizations that have donated to the 2022-2023 Giving Campaign as of December 9th.

Donate Here

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