Nov. 29, 2022

Ray-Pec Community,

Welcome back! I trust your Thanksgiving break was time spent with people and activities that made you smile. 

As we look forward to the next three-and-a-half weeks before the Winter Break, I want to let you know of a challenge we may face and ask for your help and support.

The Challenge

As I am sure that many of you are aware, the flu season is upon us. It presents challenges in student attendance and staff availability, given the region-wide shortage of available and willing substitute teachers and support staff. I truly wish this was not the case. Our priority is, and always will be, to do whatever we can to keep schools open even during the most trying of situations, and that is where we need your help and support.

Your Help and Support

If your child has a fever, fatigue, muscle aches, loss of taste or smell, or any other symptom consistent with the flu, COVID-19, or RSV, please keep her/him at home. This is important to help reduce the risk of sickness in our classrooms. I thank you in advance for that.

I also want to ask for your help. If you know of anyone who wishes to serve, even for a short period, as a substitute teacher or staff member, please let us know. Our Human Resources department will guide you through this process of becoming a substitute staff member for Ray-Pec, and your help will be greatly appreciated. 

Information about becoming a substitute

We have had a great first semester thus far, and we look forward to the next several weeks with our students.

Thank you for entrusting your children to the Ray-Pec School District.


Raymore-Peculiar School District