Weekly News & Updates
Caring for Older Adults Since 1907
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Contact Janet Antin
248-967-4240 jantin@jslmi.org
It’s time to Kvell about JSL!
There are many 80+ year old menschen in our community who deserve recognition for repairing the world. We are thrilled to introduce our 2023 Eight Over Eighty Honorees.
MAZEL TOV to Jim August, Barbara Cohen, Dennis Frank, Roslyn (Roz) Garber, Dr. Richard Krugel, Phyllis Lewkowicz, Janet Pont, and Elli Slovis.
These eight remarkable community members will be celebrated at Jewish Senior Life’s 30th Annual Eight Over Eighty Tikkun Olam Awards luncheon on Sunday, May 21 at Congregation Shaarey Zedek. The entire Metropolitan Detroit community is invited to participate. We will share additional details in upcoming newsletters and on our website at: jslmi.org/8over80. Watch your mail for the invitation to attend and support JSL at our largest yearly fundraiser and celebrate the remarkable contributions these honorees have made to our community.
In the New York Times:
After 90 Years, a Menorah That Symbolized Defiance Is Rekindled in Germany
| A 1931 photograph of a menorah on a windowsill also showed a Nazi flag in the street outside. This Hanukkah the menorah returned to Germany. | 'IGNITE THE LIGHT' CHANUKAH VIDEO |
In addition to our weekday programs, cafes, and boutiques, which can always use volunteers, we are looking for folks who can lead a Saturday morning service or who are interested in participating in a monthly Sunday bagel sale. Please contact Beth Robinson at 248 592-5062 or brobinson@jslmi.org.
| Brace For the Cold At the Boutique | The cold weather is here and so are hats, gloves, and scarves for men and women. Stop by the boutique to stock up and stay warm! | One-hour Granola for breakfast - Feel free to use any dried fruit combo you want. | | |
NORMA JEAN & EDWARD MEER APARTMENTS | Discover Jewish Senior Life! |
Contact Jackie Rosender
248-444-2430 jrosender@jslmi.org
| Meer Administrator Marcia Mittelman lit the 3rd candle with JSL dining employee, Jeffrey. Dining Services Manager, Laura, created a delicious meal with wonderful decorations for the happy Meer residents. | Chanukah parties were held this week at JSL as Cantor Penny Steyer and her children and grandson, Asher Green, sang songs from around the world. |
Hechtman Apartments celebrated Chanukah during a special holiday lunch and enjoyed the musical stylings of Tom Zakarian.
Residents feasted on latkes and blintzes, then spun dreidels for gelt, and more.
| Café Europa attendees danced and sang as they enjoyed the Chanukah festivities at Shaarey Zedek. | This week, a busload of Hillel sixth graders visited Meer, Hechtman, and Fleischman for a Chanukah celebration, playing bingo, spinning the dreidel, singing songs, and sharing a wonderful afternoon of holiday cheer. The Dor L’ Dor program was suspended because of Covid, and we are delighted to once again be able to bring youngsters and older adults together to build intergenerational bonds (and have fun!). The year-long program will also include Tu b’Shevat, Passover, Purim, and Shavuot events. | Anita Cywiak, resident, and art teacher enjoys expressing herself at Meer. “Volunteering gives me purpose and joy and I love sharing my talent." | "DNA from a medieval German cemetery opens a window on the history of today’s largest Jewish population. The studies also confirm other evidence that today’s Ashkenazi Jewish population, which numbers more than 10 million people, spread around the world, has roots in a band of no more than a few hundred who survived a population bottleneck in Europe more than 1000 years ago." | It is important to stretch regularly! | | |
Barbara Frankel
2016 Eight Over Eighty Honoree and generous Benefactor of the Agency
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Rabbi Dovid S. Polter, Community Chaplain
“The Chanukah Dreidel”
The dreidel , the Chanukah top/spin, has only one foot — one axis. It cannot stand at all; it can only spin. This has always been the situation of the Jewish people among the nations of the world. Throughout our exile we have spun on one foot; it was practically impossible for us to remain standing in one spot. We were without a foundation, without a soil, to stand on. Very often we even had no choice but to spin on our “heads,” as a dreidel can be made to do — but we kept spinning away in what was virtually a feat of perpetual motion. It even came into the language as an idiom. Asked how they were managing with respect to livelihood, Jews often answer: “men dreit zich” — “Oh, one keeps spinning.”
The dreidel of the Jewish people is eternal because that is the way G‑d created us and chose us to be. Weak, somewhat fragile, but we go on spinning forever — for so long as the world and the stars of the heavens go on spinning, so do the Jews on earth also continue to spin. It is G-d who controls our spinning, and He makes sure that it is never-ending.
The Hebrew letters, nun, gimmel, hei and shin appear on each of the four sides of the dreidel. This stands for neis gadol hayah sham (נס גדול היה שם) — a great miracle took place there. Throughout our history, wherever we sojourned, our existence was a great miracle. Excerpt taken from V’dibarta Bam, sie.org
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Rabbi Dovid S. Polter Jewish Community Chaplaincy Program Jewish Senior Life
248-592-5039 • dpolter@jslmi.org
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More than half of the residents who live in our JSL communities are considered low income or indigent. Your philanthropic support is essential to maintaining programs and services to help these older adults age with dignity and with a better quality of life. In addition, your gifts could significantly support the shortfall in the cost of pharmacy bills which are so vital to the residents’ wellness. We are so grateful for your generous gifts to Jewish Senior Life.
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Nancy Heinrich, Chief Executive Officer
Kara Powers, Chief Financial Officer
Barbra Giles, Executive Director, Strategic Initiatives
Jo Strausz Rosen, Executive Director, Development
Dianne Azzopardi, Executive Director, Human Resources
Ron Colasanti, Executive Director, Dining Services
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This newsletter was created by Jo Rosen and Nicole Lupiloff
We’re human, prone to mistakes, so if we erred in our newsletter, please forgive us!
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People of all faiths and beliefs are welcome. | |
Jewish Senior Life of Metropolitan Detroit
Eugene & Marcia Applebaum Jewish Community Campus
6710 W. Maple Road, West Bloomfield, MI 48322
A. Alfred Taubman Jewish Community Campus
15000 W. Ten Mile Road, Oak Park, MI 48237
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