I'm often asked, "what does a holistic nutritionist do?" The short answer is that I help people heal using a variety of tools including plant-based nutrition, herbal and nutritional supplementation, exercise, mindset shifts, behavior modifications, and trauma release. The holistic part of the title certainly implies that I utilize a natural approach, but it also means that I address all aspects of lifestyle that could affect your health.
Over the years, I've had many, many success stories and due to my business, I rarely share them. But the latest reports were to good to keep to myself! These stories keep me going and it brings me so much joy to help people heal. I've gotten permission to anonymously share a few success stories here:
Thyroid Imbalance: client diagnosed with Hashimoto's and hypothyroid had been on daily thyroid medication for 22 years. She wanted off of the meds and wanted to feel better. We devised a plan to help her slowly wean off the meds over the next year to 16 months, while supporting her thyroid with many of the tools I mentioned above. It's been 10-months and she is down to one tenth of what she was taking, and is taking it every other day. She will be completely off in the coming months. She reported feeling better than she's ever felt before, says she is "aging in reverse", has let go of many of the fears that had her trapped and unable to do enjoyable things. She speaks more clearly and is less foggy in her thinking and conversation. She has lost weight and is now very emotionally aware and is living a much freer life. Her most recent blood work supports that all is well with her thyroid! She is a new woman and couldn't be happier!
Cancer in Lymph Nodes, client report: I want to share some great news with you…I got my lab work re-checked and my Thyroglobulin dropped from 4.8 to 3.1 in just 2 months! My right lymph node in my neck has been flat for a couple weeks now, and the fatigue is gone too. The doctor had nothing positive to say but she also didn’t say another word about surgery 👍 Thanks so much for your help and guidance on such an important part of my healing journey!
Prediabetes & HBP: male client wanted to lower blood pressure and reverse the pre-diabetes status. I helped him switch to a plant-based diet, along with other supplementation. He lost 12 pounds in less than 3 weeks (without exercise; he is exercising now), blood pressure normalized shortly thereafter; client is no longer considered pre-diabetic. He feels fantastic, is eating more vegetables than he's ever eaten in life, and reported that the diet change was easier than expected.
Everytime I get a report like those above, it makes my day; I hope it encourage you too. Your body can heal, when you give it what it needs! Many blessings to you!