What's New This Month
Plant Spotlight
Cyclamen have silvery blue foliage, and flowers that have a light fragrance. They flower for a couple months so be sure to pull off the old blossoms to promote new flowers. Keep the soil evenly moist and water the soil directly to keep water off the foliage. Cyclamen do best in bright, indirect light.
Christmas Cactus
Christmas cactus are originally from the jungle. They naturally grow under tree canopies so they enjoy bright, indirect light in your home. Let the soil dry between watering.  

After your Christmas cactus is done flowering for the season, you can trim the plant back if it has grown too big or if it needs to be shaped.
Gift Ideas
Poinsettias grown at Lockwood's Garden Center.
Poinsettia arrangements in decorative containers.
December Hours
Monday- Friday 9-7
Saturday 9-6
Sunday 10-5