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deAndrade Mangieri LLC

Two Ravinia Drive

Suite 1530

Atlanta GA 30346


Mark deAndrade offers to his clients an expertise in wills, trusts, estate tax planning, probate administration, and business planning. Mark successfully guides clients with reducing estate and income taxes, the hassles of probate, and family disagreements.

Is Your Estate Plan a Trick or Treat for Your Loved Ones?

Have you been lulled into a false sense of security because you have “done” your estate plan? Unfortunately, one of the dirtiest tricks that can be played on an unsuspecting family member may be lurking in the shadows: the way you own your property does not match your estate plan.

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Will Your Trusted Decision Maker Be a Hero or Villain?

By naming trusted decision makers in your estate planning documents, particularly in financial and medical powers of attorney, and updating these documents regularly, you can avoid being placed at the mercy of a court-appointed guardian. A power of attorney allows you to appoint someone to make financial and medical decisions for you when you are unable to make them for yourself.

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Tips to Defeat the New Bogeyman: Inflation

With inflation at a forty-year high, the rising cost of living is affecting everyone. While you may feel some level of distress as you watch the steady decline in your purchasing power, you do not have to sit idly by while it happens. Here are some things you can do to survive this time of high inflation, no matter how long it lasts

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