August 2022

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The United Way of Charlotte County
Mission: Mobilizing the power of our community to break the cycle of poverty.
Hear Ye, Here Ye,
Your Monthly Newsletter Has Arrived!

Giving Back; Giving Hope!

Board Members Serve to Give

I have spent time recently meeting with each board member to gain insight on their motivation and aspirations as a part of UWCC’s Board of Directors. I could ask the question 19 times and receive 19 different answers, but even those different answers all said to me that each board member’s motivation for serving was quite simply to give back to Charlotte County.

They want to give help, and in doing so, give hope.

Our local United Way is more than just an organization. Our story is rich with individuals who know that alone their efforts will only go so far, but when United, we can make tremendous impact. These individuals are the heart and soul of this organization.

Allow me to introduce a trio of givers by clicking here to read the full column in the Charlotte Sun.

Connect with Us

In addition to seven Days of Caring, save the date for the H.O.P.E. Block Party on Thursday October 20, 20022 from 3-6PM. Join our celebration to support local non-profit agencies at the Port Charlotte Town Center, parking lot. 

Admission to the BBQ and networking event is a gift to support local social service work. Needed items include: Target or Walmart gift cards, gas cards, blankets for seniors, diapers - any sizes or cash donations. RSVP: 941.627.3539 or click here.

Good Things

This past Saturday, 44 families did their laundry (392 loads to be exact) for FREE thanks to the generosity of The Patterson Foundation! Amazing community partners mobilizing to support our neighbors! The United Way of Charlotte County, Healthy Charlotte County, Florida Department of Health (DOH), All Faiths Food Bank, Lizzy the Literacy Bus - Leadership Charlotte Class of 2019, Charlotte County Libraries & History, Suncoast Campaign for Grade-Level Reading, Charlotte County Public Schools, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Sun Coast, Charlotte County Healthy Start Coalition, Boys & Girls Clubs of Charlotte County, Jesus Loves You Ministry, Inc. and Charlotte County Sheriff's Office.

Celebrate with us on Friday, November 4, 2022 for our 8th annual wine tasting and tapas event! This signature event is sure to sell out, so get your tickets today!

Thank you to Florida Power & Light, Merrill Lynch Green & Associates, Whitco Insurance Alexia Martin Agency, GenesisCare, John and Donna Peterman for sponsoring this boutique event.

Beaujolais tickets are on sale now and can be purchased online.

Save the Date

September 30 - Fashionista Friday

September 30 - last day for Pacesetters

October 16 - 22 - UWCC Days of Caring

October 20 - HOPE BBQ and Block Party

November 4 - Beaujolais

November 29 - Giving Tuesday
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