May 1, 2023


Check out the group that got CPR/AED/First Aid certified Tuesday evening, April 25, 2023 at the class the Association organized! They gained lifesaving skills that can help them respond to breathing, cardiac and medical emergencies.

The next class will be in Fairfield at the IMI/BAC Training Center on Wednesday evening, June 14, 2023. Watch your email for more details.


Construction Safety is Front and Center this Week Monday kicks off Construction Safety Week. From a safety crackdown in NYC to using AI to prevent injuries, ConstructionDive has what’s trending on the topic.

National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction to Take Place May 1 – 5, 2023 Each year falls cause more than 300 construction worker deaths, as well as thousands of injuries. The Annual Safety Stand-Down is a nationwide week-long event that encourages employers to pause and have a two-way conversation with workers about fall hazards, protective methods, and the company’s safety policies.

EEOC Puts Construction on Notice The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has called out construction for its lack of diversity in its latest proposed strategic enforcement plan. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Women, Black, and Asian workers are underrepresented in construction, while White workers make up a significantly higher portion of employees compared to the broader workforce.

Use Your Head: Traditional Hard Hat versus Safety Helmets Employers and project site leaders are constantly looking for the latest and best safety practices to ensure continued physical and mental wellness of all team members. Hard hats have been the standard choice for head protection in the construction industry. However, over the past 5 years or so helmets have made a strong entrance into this market. Which is best for your site?

OSHA Rule Change Expands Use of Instance-By-Instance Citations A new OSHA rule took effect the end of March authorizing regional administrators to issue new violations types as “instance-by-instance citations,” meaning the agency can issue multiple citations for specific violations where it would have in the past only issued one. Ian D. Meklinsky, Princeton, New Jersey-based partner with law firm Fox Rothschild and co-chair of its labor and employment department’s advice is simple “Brush up on OSHA obligations and stay compliant.” OSHA National News Release

9 of the Biggest OSHA Fines of Q1 2023 These are some of the top fines highlighted by OSHA in the first quarter of 2023.



Our network with design and construction professionals is paying dividends recently with more requests for IMI to be included on design teams for projects. Most notably (and recently), we were asked to help develop scope and advise on qualification criteria for the upcoming stone and masonry restoration at the Ben Franklin and Walt Whitman bridges. While our nonprofit status limits our risk and participation on such teams, we seek ways to influence projects to increase work hours and promote the use of signatory contractors through referrals and emphasizing the importance of IMI specification language. Expectedly, we are seeing more IMI Specifications on more emerging project documents.

IMI’s specification language can be a difference maker for signatory contractors when quality work is prioritized with the design team and/or owners. These specifications range from requiring a qualified contractor who is engaged in a registered apprentice program, to specific craft skills such as flashing, grouting & reinforcement, tile, or historic preservation. The true value of the specification and associated training is when we all buy-in and cross-promote. It’s good for signatory contractors to see these requirements!

One of the primary ways IMI promotes our materials on projects is through education programs we offer architects and engineers. It’s just as important to keep you informed on the information we share with the design community. We can schedule a presentation with your firm if you are interested in learning more about any of these programs:

  • Tips for Detailing Masonry Assemblies
  • Designing and Detailing Durable Masonry Walls
  • Flashing and Moisture Control
  • Masonry Movement Joints
  • Designing, Detailing, and Constructing Rainscreen Walls
  • Tips for Optimizing Masonry
  • Grouting Reinforced Masonry Structures
  • What Non-Engineers Need to Know About Structural Masonry

Recently, IMI has started to combine our craftworker training programs with design professional education: combining both disciplines in an interactive hands-on session with applicable product manufacturers and representatives. These are fantastic networking opportunities for contractors, craftworkers, design professionals, manufacturers, and other union or political representatives who are present on the training room floor. We also encourage you to seek out and participate in any upcoming craftworker training programs - Flashing Upgrade Training and Grouting & Reinforcing Masonry Upgrade Training are our most popular.

One of the most satisfying parts of IMI’s role is directly serving signatory contractors who call and need support. Please continue to reach out for technical assistance in codes & standards, tolerances, preconstruction, mockup review, bid document/construction document & detail review, jobsite troubleshooting, or anything else you need to help you become more profitable. We are here for you!



The BAC ADC of New Jersey Locals 2, 4 & 5 and the New Jersey Building Laborers Locals 3 & 77 wage rates and fringe benefits effective May 1, 2023, were sent to all Contractor members via email:

  • BAC: April 18, 2023 - NOTICE #23-03
  • Laborers: April 12, 2023 - NOTICE #23-02

If you did not receive the May 1, 2023 rates and fringe benefits, please contact the Association Office. 



The NJ Law Enforcement M.A.R.C. MOL Program is honoring Kevin Duncan, BAC ADC of New Jersey Secretary-Treasurer, with the Lifetime Achievement Award at a Spring Cocktail Reception and Cigar Smokeout Fundraiser. The event will take place at Worlds End Farm Estate in Little Falls, NJ on June 16, 2023 beginning at 5:00 pm with the awards ceremony at 7:00 pm.

Click here for more information and to support Kevin by attending and/or sponsoring. 


MAY 20

The NJ BAC Statewide Apprentice Contest will be held on May 20, 2023 at the BAC Local #4 Training Center. The four-year Apprenticeship Program is part of a proven model for developing a skilled workforce. Contractor involvement and input also play a significant role in helping apprentices develop and hone their skills to become successful journeymen. Support New Jersey’s apprentices by attending!

Click below for a video of last year’s contest, and view photos in our website gallery.

We've Moved! 3242 Route 206, Suite 10 | Bordentown, NJ 08505 | tel (609) 324-1140 | fax (609) 324-1138

Dedicated to promoting Masonry Design and

Union Construction throughout the State of New Jersey

Visit our website for more information.