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Westwood Public Library | March 2023

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Effective Communication - Understanding Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia

Communication is much more than talking. Communication involves gestures, facial expressions and touch. This nonverbal communication is especially important to those with dementia. Learn how to communicate with your loved one more effectively for smoother, more enjoyable interactions for you both.

This series is brought to you by the Westwood Public Library, Bridges® by EPOCH at Westwood, and Cornerstone Caregiving and is geared towards family caregivers and caretakers of loved ones with memory loss.

Join Pete Bruce and Maggie Kuriakose, Bridges® by EPOCH at Westwood Senior Advisors, who will be running this series. Pete has a masters degree in counseling and is a dementia practitioner trainer and has worked for Bridges for 6 years. Pete has been working with clients and families for over 25 years. 

Wednesday March 22nd, 6:30PM | Registration is required!

Register Here

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Video Games
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Living Library books
Science Fiction/Fantasy

Featured Events

open mah jongg

Advanced Mah Jongg

Wednesdays at 7 pm, Main Library

Bring your Mah Jongg set if you own one, or check one out at the Reference Desk. The library's Mah Jongg sets are for in-library use only. 

No registration is required. Bring your friends who are able to play or are happy to sit and watch. 

These sessions are intended for players who are familiar with American Mah Jongg as play instruction is not provided. Games are nonbetting as gambling is not allowed in the library. 

Supplies for this program are made possible by the Friends of the Westwood Library and a generous donation. 


Tech Help

Tuesdays & Thursdays 2 pm, Islington Branch, Wentworth Hall

General troubleshooting of phones, tablets, and laptop computers. Help with library apps, databases, and websites. Staff cannot be held responsible for damage to patron-owned equipment.

Call 781-326-5914 to register for a 45-minute appointment at the Islington Branch Library.

Yellow ukulele on a pink background.

Ukulele Play-Along

Every Monday at 7 pm, Zoom

Have a ukulele but don't play it enough? Join a group of learners for an hour of playing on Zoom, led by musician Julie Stepanek! Chords and lyrics provided. 

Bring your own ukulele. Play-Alongs do require a basic understanding of the instrument and how to play it. Participants will be muted, so don't worry about how you sound. No registration required. 

Get the Zoom links on our website here: Ukulele Play-Along page

Please note that there is a different Zoom link for each week of the month. 

advanced mah jongg

Advanced Beginners Mah Jongg

Tuesdays March 14-28 at 10:30 am, Main Library

Players will become more familiar with the hands on the 2022 card, identify common patterns, and increase their playing speed. Tile passing and defensive playing techniques will be explored further. Most importantly, there will be supervised play.

This series of Advanced Mah Jongg classes is intended for players who have already had an introduction to American Mah Jongg. Games are non-betting as gambling is not allowed in the library.


Supplies for this program are made possible by the Friends of the Westwood Library and a generous donation. 

Register Here

Please check our website and calendar of events for up-to-date schedule changes.

View Our Calendar of Events

Islington Branch Book Club Picks

4 book covers and dates for the book clubs

Ongoing Series | January to April 2023

Parent Café Series with Westwood Early Childhood

Tuesdays, January 10, February 7, March 7, and April 4 at 7 pm, Conference Room, Main Library

Attention Westwood parents and guardians of young children! Join us for some fun, free, casual gatherings to discuss the joys and challenges of parenting. Registration required.

Dementia Education Series with Bridges by EPOCH and Cornerstone Caregiving

4th Wednesdays from January to April at 6:30 pm, Meeting Room, Main Library

3/22: Effective Communication

4/26: Panel Discussion: Where Do I Begin? Coordinating Your Loved Ones' Care

What's Happening | News from the Library

Tax time written in red marker.

Tax Forms Have Arrived

Massachusetts and federal income tax forms are available at the library. Library staff will put out booklets while supplies are available. Forms are located at the Main Library and at the Islington Branch Library. 

We receive the MA Department of Revenue’s Form 1 for Residents and Non-Residents and Federal forms as part of the IRS’ Tax Form Outlet Program.

Due to changes in the program, the library will only have the 1040 Form, 1040 SR, and the 1040 Instructions and MA Form 1 for Residents and Non-Residents.


Tax forms can be printed for you free of charge at the Reference Desk. However, library staff are unable to assist in tax preparation or tell you exactly what forms you need.

Click here for more information!

I don't remember the title, but the cover was...

Read a great book, but can't remember the name? Check out our booklist sorted by cover color.

Books to match your Taylor Swift era

Check out our booklist of Taylor Swift era books! Lists for each album with books that have similar moods.

smiley faces on a yellow background

Celebrate International Day of Happiness on March 20th with these books to make you feel good.

books on a blue background

Celebrate World Book Day on March 2nd with books about books.

Introducing the Lucky Day Collection!

It's your lucky day!

Formally the "Speed Read" collection, now when you visit the main library it just might be your "lucky day" to get the latest Best Sellers and hot books of the season without waiting for a long line of holds. These books cannot be reserved or renewed but now you can check them out for 2 weeks instead of 1!

The annual Friends of the Library (FOL) community appeal is underway. The FOL provides funds for library programs not covered by the existing town budget. If you’d like to donate, please send your tax-deductible donation to the library (care of the FOL) or use the link below to make your donation. Thank you! 

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Featured Theme: Women's History Month

Dear Ijeawele, or, A feminist manifesto in fifteen suggestions / Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.
Amazons, abolitionists, and activists : a graphic history of women's fight for their rights / Mikki Kendall ; art by A. D'Amico ; colors by Shari Chankhamma ; letters by Erica Schultz.
Becoming / Michelle Obama.

For more book suggestions, check out our Women's Literature booklist!

Did You Know... | You Can Find Local History Online?

Westwood MA Town Seal

Local History Resources

  1. Local History LibGuide
  2. Westwood Historical Society
  3. Indigenous History of Westwood
  4. Margaret & Otis Philbrick Resources
  5. Westwood Yearbooks
Visit our Local History Libguide!

Recent Events | Watch on YouTube

video of the event on aging and memory loss

Dementia Education Series (Jan. 25, 2023)

This series is brought to you by the Westwood Public Library, Bridges® by EPOCH at Westwood Senior Advisors, and Cornerstone Caregiving and is geared towards family caregivers and caretakers of loved ones with memory loss.

Pete Bruce and Maggie Kuriakose, Bridges® by EPOCH at Westwood Senior Advisors, are the series presenters. Pete has a masters degree in counseling and is a dementia practitioner trainer and has worked for Bridges for 6 years. Pete has been working with clients and families for over 25 years. 

Learn more here!

event video of author Meghan Joyce Tozer

Author Talk with Meghan Joyce Tozer (Jan. 30, 2023)

Author Meghan Joyce Tozer is a former music historian and lyric soprano born and raised in Westwood. After earning a B.A. from Harvard University, a M.M. in voice performance, and a Ph.D. in musicology from the University of California Santa Barbara, she moved to San Francisco’s East Bay, where she lives among the redwoods with her husband, their two young children, and their dog. Most of Meghan's public writing has appeared under the pen name Emily Lindin, including her annotated middle school diary: UnSlut: A Diary and a Memoir (Lerner, 2015). 

Join us for a conversation with former Westwood resident, Meghan Joyce Tozer, author of Night Forgotten.

For more information about Meghan, visit her website.

New and Notable Titles

A stack of books

General Fiction | Mystery | Romance | Science Fiction | Adventure

Nonfiction | Past & Present | Science & Nature | Lifestyles | Business

Children's Picture Books | Children's Chapter Books | Teens

Don't miss this week's bestsellers:

Hardcover Fiction | Paperback Fiction | Hardcover Nonfiction | Paperback Nonfiction

All library programs are free and open to the public thanks to generous support from the Friends of the Westwood Library.

About the Friends
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