February 12, 2024

Accreditation Updates- Outcomes and Indicators

I am excited to share that over 150 Certified Educators and CECs are participating in the current round of cohort implementation groups. The feedback from so many is that these are helpful and supportive opportunities to engage with colleagues and that the time together is valuable. Thank you to all our colleagues who stepped up to facilitate these groups! Related to the Outcomes and Indicators, I am pleased to share that, based on feedback we received expressing this need, we have numbered the Revised Outcomes and Indicators in the accreditation manual so that they will be easier to reference. 

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New Funding Opportunities Available to Advance ACPE Justice, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility!

The 2024 ACPE Foundation Grants Cycle is now open! The ACPE Foundation is excited to announce our expanded grants program to support initiatives that advance justice, diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility within ACPE. Through the generosity of our donors and prudent management over the years, the ACPE Foundation endowment has grown so that we now have significantly more funds available to support strategic priority areas...

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In Case You Missed It

Moving Forward...Together

The last two years serving as Chair-elect of the ACPE Board gave me a view of the association that I had previously not experienced. I have always respected the commitment that our members make to keep ACPE running by volunteering their time, talents, and treasures. Interacting with the ACPE staff, the Board, commissions, committees, and workgroups over the years has deepened my appreciation and enlightened... Read more

Standards Review Process

As part of the process of recognition by the US Department of Education, ACPE has committed to review its procedures and accreditation criteria every 5 years. This includes a review of the Standards. For more information about the review process, click here to view the Accreditation Manual. 


Below is the timeline for the review of ACPE’s Standards. To provide feedback, please click here. Please note that you will need to be logged in to your account in... Read more

Call for ACPE Service Award Nominations

Can you think of a colleague who has provided distinguished service throughout their career? Which one of your colleagues has demonstrated innovative leadership? Who do you think deserves special recognition? We invite you to nominate yourself or a colleague for recognition of outstanding contributions or service to our... Read more

For Your Professional Ethics Edification

This month’s article is to update you on changes to the Professional Ethics Manual. These changes were recommended by the Professional Ethics Commission (PEC) to the ACPE Board of Directors and received their approval. Additionally, the board approved changes to The Policy to Ensure the Wellness and Fitness of Educators. You are encouraged to use the links to review the changes on the ACPE websites and read... Read more

We invite all ACPE Certified Educators working with Certified Educator Candidates to join us for informal consultations and conversations via Zoom. The drop-in meeting (no RSVP required) will take place on the first and third Mondays of the month, from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm ET. Read more

Weekly Highlights
Memorials and Milestones
  • Nothing to report

Visit the ACPE Memorials and Milestones page for more details. Please email to add someone to our thoughts.

Something Extra

  • Sah D’Simone, Cedars-Sinai Spiritual Care Intern, goes viral on Instagram

Deaconess Hospital  

Hospital Chaplain, Deaconess Health System – Evansville, IN... View more

Wesley Medical Center

Wesley Medical Center is Hiring a Chaplain Resident and Inter...View more

Other Educational Opportunities

Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling

 New articles for Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling are available online

Spiritual Assessment: A Survey of Chaplain Attitudes and Practices

CBCT Training for Spiritual Health Clinicians

Womanist Approach to Care and Curriculum CoP:

a potentially new Community of Practice

Upcoming Psychotherapy Trainings and Events:

ACPE SIP Training Level 2 with Russell Siler Jones (online)

March 1-30, 2024

ACPE SIP Training Level 1 with Wayne Gustafson (online)

May 4 to 18, 2024

ACPE continues to be the Standard for Spiritual Care & Education because of the generosity of our donors.

Support the Foundation for ACPE
ACPE: The Standard for Spiritual Care & Education
ACPE is the standard for spiritual care and education. Our diverse membership includes Certified CPE Educators, Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapists, Spiritual Care Professionals and Practitioners, Pastoral Counselors, Chaplains, Faith Communities, and Seminaries. Our multi-disciplinary, multi-faith, multi-racial community of professionals provides education, connection, and formation through continuing education, networking, and leadership development.
ACPE is the premier, Department of Education recognized, organization that provides the highest quality CPE programs for spiritual care professionals of any faith and in any setting. We do this through a rigorous accreditation and certification process for centers and educators that provide CPE.
The depth of our training enables students to realize their full potential to strengthen the spiritual health of people in their care as well as themselves.
ACPE members are actively engaged in a wide variety of professional development activities including communities of practice, conferences, spiritual care research, and informal networking. We are more than just an association: we are a movement committed to the transformation of the human suffering.Our opportunities for formation and community enrich our member's work of healing and transforming people and communities in the US and across the globe.
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