April 2024

St. Nicholas’ Mission is to actively share

Christ’s love for all people.

Our vision is to strive to be a welcoming community who

worships a caring and merciful God, proclaims the Gospel, and promotes justice, peace, and love.

St. Nicholas Episcopal Church

Pastor: Bob Farrow

Office: 706.628.7272

Upcoming Sunday Worship

Sunday, April 7

Second Sunday of Easter

Acts 4:32-35

1 John 1:1-2:2

John 20:19-31

Psalm 133

Sunday, April 14

Third Sunday of Easter

Acts 3:12-19

1 John 3:1-7

Luke 24:36b-48

Psalm 4

Sunday, April 21

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Acts 4:5-12

1 John 3:16-24

John 10:11-18

Psalm 23

Sunday, April 28

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Acts 8:26-40

1 John 4:7-21

John 15:1-8

Psalm 22:24-30

Other Worship Opportunities

Evening Prayer

Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m.

April 3

April 10

April 17

April 24

Adult Forum

Using the Day By Day booklet as a guide, David John will facilitate discussion of the readings, and take a deeper dive into the meaning and biblical passages from which they are drawn.

Each person will be asked to be responsible for one reading per week.

In the Parish

Wanted: Childcare Provider

We are currently seeking a responsible adult to provide childcare in the nursery during Sunday Services and the occasional special event. This is a paid position, and there are training requirements. Contact the church office to express interest and receive the job description.

First Sunday Brunch

April 7

Carolyn, Erin, and Charlotte are hosting this Sunday. We have 18 on the RSVP list - we look forward to seeing you!

Church Grounds Work Days!

There are two work days scheduled to get our grounds looking spiffy for spring:

Saturday, April 13 


Saturday, May 11

9 a.m. to noon.

There is plenty of work to be done indoors as well.

Bring your work gloves, yard tools, floppy hat, bug spray, and a can-do attitude!

April 14

Old Testament Timeline

Genesis: Creation

April 28

Old Testament Timeline

Genesis: Noah

If you'd like to provide lunch for our SNICK kids, please sign up on the bulletin board in the hallway!

Book Club's April Book is Walking the Bible

Wednesday, April 10

The April selection for the book club is Walking the Bible by Bruce Feiler, who was born and raised in Savannah, GA. First published in 2001, the book is an account of the author’s exploration of the lands covered in the first five books of the Bible or the Torah.

According to Amazon, “You’ll visit the slopes of Mount Ararat, where Noah’s ark landed, trek to the desert outpost where Abraham first heard the words of God, and scale the summit where Moses received the Ten Commandments. Using the latest archeological research, Feiler explores how physical location affects the larger narrative of the Bible and ultimately realizes how much these places, as well as his experience, have affected his faith.”

The next meeting of the book club is Wednesday, April 10, following Evening Prayer at 5:00 pm.

Vestry Meeting

April 21

The Vestry will meet after the service on Sunday, April 21 in the Parish Hall. The minutes from the March 2024 meeting can be found here.

Prayers for Patricia Troutman and for John and Rose Brent.

Continued prayers for all those in need within our community and those in the world who have suffered due to war and natural disaster, especially the people of Israel and the Palestinians.

Please send prayer requests to

Happy Birthday to...

the Rector's Discretionary Fund!

Did you know that St. Nicholas shares the love of Christ by providing assistance with utility bills? The Rector's Discretionary Fund offers up to $100 per applicant, once a year, to help folks make ends meet.

The need is great in our community and the Fund runs low from time to time. Wouldn't it be a fantastic way to celebrate your birthday - or any other milestone celebrations in your life - by making a tax-deductible donation to the Rector's Discretionary Fund?

Look for envelopes in the narthex to use for your celebratory donations.

Many thanks to John & Charlotte Winsness who donated in March in celebration of their family.

Happy Birthday & Blessings to...


Lynn Hall


Patricia Collins


Mike Sawyer


Ann Bacher


Emily Flournoy


Kin Brown


Barbara Morgan


June and Dick Wood


Mike and Mary Jane Hartenstine

If your birthday or anniversary is not included or is incorrect,
please email the Parish Office at

In Our Greater Community

Concert at Historic Zion Church

Saturday, April 13 4:00 p.m.

Wendy Warner - cellist and Schwob School's Leah D. Hamer Distinguished Faculty Chair - and her students will perform.

The event begins at 4:00 p.m. and includes a reception immediately following in the Straus-Levert Memorial Hall.

Seating is limited, so purchase tickets soon. Tickets are $25. We look forward to seeing you there! 

Click here to register.

Click the image above for more information on Georgia Interfaith Power & Light

Click on the image above for more information on FOCUS.

In the Wider Church

Four chosen to stand for election as 28th presiding bishop 

The Episcopal Church’s Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop today announced the names of the bishops it will nominate to succeed Presiding Bishop Michael Curry.

Click here to read more.

If you have an event coming up, an announcement you'd like to share, or have recently experienced a birth, death, or sickness and would like some EXTRA prayers, send them to or call the office at 706-628-7272.

Click on the links below to access St. Nicholas church documents and websites of interest.

March Vestry Minutes

February Treasurer's Report

February Statement of Activities

Annual Meeting 2024

2024 Annual Budget

The Lectionary Page

Donate Electronically

Instant Church Directory

Pastoral Institute

Tithe Chart

Deadline for submitting news items is noon Wednesday.

 Send news and photos to: 


The Spirit of St. Nicholas is published every month.

St. Nicholas Episcopal Church.

69 Mobley Road, PO Box 752, Hamilton, GA 31811


Visit our website