On the Road

'Tis the season to finish sewing projects for loved ones. Two weeks ago, I was in Iowa for my annual S.E.W. Retreat that started in 2018. The pandemic interrupted our annual plans, so this was our second retreat. Deanna Springer, Mary Mulari, Rita Farro, and I brought our sewing machines, sergers, irons, and lots of projects. We stayed and stitched in a lovely, refurbished farmhouse near the Quad Cities in Iowa. Did we finish all our projects? We each left with completed projects and inspiration to start more.

Before the S.E.W. Retreat, I was in Houston for International Quilt Market and Festival. Seeing friends was a giant colorful hug fest as friends caught up with each other and our respective happenings. Teaching my SCHMETZ class at Quilt Festival was very rewarding. When you receive this email, I’ll be in Quitman TX for The Stitchin’ Heaven SEW Expo to talk SCHMETZ. Lots happening in my SCHMETZ life. Meet my awesome sewing friends from these trips on my personal blog at  

Wishing you a blessed holiday season filled with lots of stitches made with love.

Sew SCHMETZ & Grabbit® Too!

2022 Holiday Gift Tin

While Supplies Last!

Grabbit® Magnetic Pincushions Swirl/Agate Collection

MyPad™ Needle Organizer

Mini Grabbits®

Magnetic Pincushions


SCHMETZ Needle Bundles

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Noon CST

Rhonda is showing sewing projects and shares gift ideas.


Who Will Be the Lucky Winner?

SCHMETZ Snippet Facebook Live

Congratulations Sheryl!

November 2022 Shout-Out Winner!

Sheryl Wenstrand

The Ultimate Travel Bag, a ByAnnie pattern  

Universal/Topstitch 90/14

I learned to sew when I was nine. My first project was a reversible wrap-around skirt. Since then, I’ve sewed clothing, costumes, quilts, home dec items, and bags of all types. I currently have at least 20 UFOs!


Seeing your finished projects is fun and inspirational. Thanks for participating!

See your project and projects of sewing buddies posted on Wednesdays on Facebook and Instagram SCHMETZneedles. Keep sharing your projects. Another random winner will be announced next month. Sew SCHMETZ!

Send your entries here:

Scenario: You have the perfect, elegant fall holiday table set up and it looks amazing . . . until people actually sit down & use it.

Then it's covered in coffee stains and gravy drips and all the rest, and after the meal, you have to take the whole thing off and wash it before the stains set.

Sound familiar?

Picture being able to keep that beautiful holiday set up on the table. Just wipe off any spills and call it a night (or go to bed, with Splash Fabric those spills can wait until tomorrow)!

The laminated cotton means you get to enjoy more & clean less!

Sew Splash Fabric with SCHMETZ Super NonStick 80/12 or 90/14.

What are you doing Wednesdays at 2 PM EDT? Listen to Textile Talks. It's free but you need to register.

Wednesday, December 7, 2 PM EDT (Register now)

Learn & Make with SDA!

Presented by: Surface Design Association

Wednesday, December 14, 2pm EST (Register now)

Go Tell It! at Textile Talks

It’s your turn to tell your story for the Textile Talks audience. Sign up here to participate and upload your 3-minute-or-less Go Tell It! show and tell video by Dec. 9. Find the Go Tell It! guidelines and upload here.

Presented by: Quilt Alliance

We have a NEW Web App. As the name implies, this is a web-based app. No matter if you use an Apple device or an Android device, the web app has you covered. It's easy to add a link to your device to get to the new resource center on our website. Instructions can be found at SCHMETZ Sewing Resources - SCHMETZneedles. Our existing Apple and Android apps are still available but are being sunsetted and no longer supported. 

Click HERE for instructions.

Where's Rhonda?

2022 Virtual Events & Shows


December: 1-3 Stitchin Heaven; 7 SCHMETZneedles FBLive;

8; 10 Stitch

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