My garden plants arrived over the weekend--a couple tomato plants, a bell pepper plant, and some herbs. Later, I'll add onion sets, marigolds, and some more herbs to the new six-box unit on the veranda.
The company I ordered the plants from provided some directions for tender care in the first week. The first two days, the plants are outdoors during the day, then come inside at night. The third through fifth days, they can stay outside, still in their containers unless a frost is expected. After that, if the weather permits, they get transplanted and are outside for the rest of their lives.
If you've ever gardened, you know the adage about not planting until Mother's Day. The logic's the same: Why would you put plants out without doing your best to ensure their survival?
The instructions reminded me of the Parable of the Sower--and of how good God is. I got my sacraments as a child, and that was about it. Neither of my parents attended Mass, and while they did the best they could, let's just say it was rocky soil. I'm grateful that when I was ready to receive the Word nearly twenty years ago, there were plenty of people around to nurture and help me protect my seedlings of faith until they were sturdy enough to face the world. And I pray that, in some small way, the way I live my life and the words I write help protect others' seedlings.