This Week At Good Shepherd
Serving this Sunday
8:00 a.m.
Altar Guild Lalor Smith and Jeanette Belfield;
Celebrant The Rev. Lauren Kilbourn;
Eucharistic Minister John Mebane;
Flower Guild Emily Bondy and Britt Myers;
Reader John Mebane
10:30 a.m.
Acolytes Noah Seale and Oscar Seale;
Altar Guild Jeanne Shannon;
Audiovideo Engineer Ron Sowers;
Eucharistic Minister Howard Weeks;
Flower Guild Emily Bondy and Britt Myers;
Greeters Kenneth and Deborah Burnette;
Intercessor Paula Stiles;
Musicians The Good Shepherd Choir;
Lawrence Goering, organist;
Presider The Rev. Lauren Kilbourn;
Readers Corey Folta and Howard Weeks
Vestry Counters Emily Dwight and Brenning Daughtridge
Children are invited to join Children's Chapel during the 10:30 service, returning in time for the peace.
After the 10:30 service, join us for Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall lobby!
We welcome the following priests to Good Shepherd through the end of June:
June 9
Rev. Bill Bennett
June 16
Rev. Shawn Schreiner
June 23
Rev. Bill Bennett
June 30
Rev. Adele Hatfield
Tuesdays on the Town Returns!
Please mark your calendar and plan to join our church family for a social hour at Rocky Mount Mills at 6 p.m. between Hop Fly and Goat Island on the following dates:
Tuesday, June 11th
Tuesday, July 9th
Tuesday, July 23rd
Tuesday, August 13th
A Message From The Vestry
Please read the linked letter to the congregation regarding the discernment process.