The Church of the Good Shepherd

231 North Church St.

Rocky Mount, NC

eShepherd May 29, 2024

This Sunday at Good Shepherd

Second Sunday After Pentecost

June 2, 2024

8:00 AM

Rite 1 Holy Communion

10:30 AM

Contemporary Language Service of Holy Communion

with choir and congregational hymns.

Live streamed at

This Week At Good Shepherd

Serving this Sunday

8:00 a.m.

 Altar Guild  Lalor Smith and Jeanette Belfield;

Celebrant The Rev. Lauren Kilbourn; 

Eucharistic Minister John Mebane;

Flower Guild Emily Bondy and Britt Myers; 

Reader  John Mebane


10:30 a.m.

 Acolytes Noah Seale and Oscar Seale; 

Altar Guild Jeanne Shannon;

Audiovideo Engineer  Ron Sowers; 

Eucharistic Minister  Howard Weeks;

Flower Guild  Emily Bondy and Britt Myers; 

Greeters  Kenneth and Deborah Burnette;

Intercessor  Paula Stiles; 

Musicians  The Good Shepherd Choir;

Lawrence Goering, organist; 

Presider  The Rev. Lauren Kilbourn;

Readers  Corey Folta and Howard Weeks

Vestry Counters  Emily Dwight and Brenning Daughtridge

Children are invited to join Children's Chapel during the 10:30 service, returning in time for the peace.

After the 10:30 service, join us for Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall lobby!


We welcome the following priests to Good Shepherd through the end of June:

June 9                  

Rev. Bill Bennett

June 16  

Rev. Shawn Schreiner

June 23                

Rev. Bill Bennett

June 30                

Rev. Adele Hatfield

Tuesdays on the Town Returns!

Please mark your calendar and plan to join our church family for a social hour at Rocky Mount Mills at 6 p.m. between Hop Fly and Goat Island on the following dates: 

Tuesday, June 11th

Tuesday, July 9th

Tuesday, July 23rd

Tuesday, August 13th

A Message From The Vestry

Please read the linked letter to the congregation regarding the discernment process.

Happy Birthday

to those celebrating this week!

June 2

Elizabeth "Sister" Cherry

June 3

Frances Gaither

Send a card to "Sister" Cherry

Long-time parishioner Elizabeth “Sister” Cherry will turn 102 on June 2nd. Sister now lives in Fort Collins, Colorado near her daughter. For the last few years, Good Shepherd has encouraged birthday cards which Sister loves to receive. Her address is 2317 Northridge Ct, Fort Collins, CO 80531


Children and Youth Activities

Make a note!

This Sunday, June 2nd: Popsicles in the Park!!

Good Shepherd will partner with St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church and First Presbyterian Church to offer social activities for youth this summer. Please join us for popsicles and playtime at the St. Andrew’s playground on Sunday, June 2nd from 2 - 4 p.m. All ages are welcome!

Around the Diocese and Beyond!

Want to learn more about

events and opportunities the Diocese is presenting?

Click here for information

You'll find information about:

Hugs Camp

Dismantling Racism

Election Engagement

Morning Prayer at the National Cathedral

Are you looking for a way to deepen your faith this summer? Consider joining with Episcopalians from near and far with a daily service of Morning Prayer. If you are interested, please check out this link: Morning Prayer at the National Cathedral

Community Requests and Information

Shelter Donations

The United Community Shelters need twin XL sheets (only twin XL as regular twin sheets don't fit their mattresses), kitchen towels and dish-cloths, cleaning supplies, and new bed pillows. A basket to collect items will be in the Narthex. Thank you for your support of this ministry.

Parish Prayer List

For those in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity: especially Don Fish, Reid McAuley, Logan Barnes, Willie Skinner, Debbie Freas, Ron Coone, Bobbi Weeks, and Bill Hudgins.

For continued health and healing: Mary W. Dawson, Bob Hyatt, Becky Bryan, Elizabeth "Sister" Cherry, Albert Ervin, Frances Gaither, Dwight Johnson, Corinne Landis, Boo White, and Brent Wilson

For the blessings of this life:

For those expecting the birth of a child:

For those who have died: Frank Meadows, Gail Jenkins, and Billy Etheridge.

To add or remove people on the Prayer List please contact Cheryl Coppedge at Please ask their permission before submitting.

In case of illness, a death in the family, for other pastoral emergencies, or to request a pastoral visit please contact church leadership via email at


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