7:45AM | 9:00AM | 9:01AM (ESPAÑOL) | 11:15AM
(AVAILABLE 9:00AM, 9:01AM, 11:15AM)
March 24
7:30am | 9:00am | 9:01am | 11:15am
All services begin in the courtyard with the liturgy of the palms
March 28 7:00pm
The Last Supper & Footwashing.
*Childcare available *Livestreamed
March 29 12 Noon
Solemn choral worship, adoration of the cross.
March 30 7:00pm
The New Fire, The Great Noise.
*Childcare available
Easter Sunday March 31
7:30am | Spoken Sunrise Service
9:00am | Contemporary Service
9:01am | Santa Eucaristia
11:15am | Traditional Service
***Please note early service time changes on Palm Sunday & Easter
Visit https://saintdunstans.org/easter/ for all Holy Week details & livestream links.
Remember a loved one through our glorious flowers & music on Easter & have their name in printed in the Easter service leaflets.
Visit www.saintdunstans.org/give or pick up a form in the back of the church.
Deadline for leaflets March 24th.
March 17 4:00pm
Join us for a service of meditative song and prayer.
March 23 7:30am - 2:00pm
Help us complete various clean up projects to brighten up our campus in time for Easter Festivities.
Email Arden Renze with questions
Volunteers needed! Sign up for our next Serve Date at LOTS on March 24th! Email d.e.king@comcast.net for information.
April 7th 10:15am
FREE! Join in for the Easter Egg Hunts, Snacks, Snowcones, Petting Zoo & Bounce House!
Youth Spring Break Social watching Kung Fu Panda 4!
It is always a privilege for us to pray for you. Contact us online 24/7 or call us during business hours M-F 8:30am-4:30pm
Read Fr. Roman's Blog
Watch a Sermon
Give Online