Funding Futures
in the Southern Gulf Islands
December 2023| Sustainable Funding Initiative
Level Up Program (Federally Subsidized Internships for Non-Profits and Businesses)

80-hour, fully-subsidized, student internships for Canadian employers.

Eligibility: not-for-profit employer, public sector employer, or private sector employer.

Easily Turn Your Business Challenges Into Projects
The Level Up template library makes it easy for you to convert your business challenge into off-the-shelf 80-hour projects

Access Student Talent from Top-Tier Universities & Colleges
Get access to a quality network of the top talent at leading Canadian universities and colleges. Work on unlimited online or hybrid project(s) with students anywhere in Canada. Student collaborators will receive a $1,400 stipend for each project completed, paid directly by Riipen.

This funding opportunity aims to make communities and workplaces across Canada more accessible for persons with disabilities. It will fund projects that create more opportunities for persons with disabilities to take part in community activities, programs and services, and access employment.

Eligible Applicants
  • not-for-profit organizations whose mandate is to exclusively serve persons with disabilities (as defined in the leveraging section)
  • for-profit organization with up to 99 full-time equivalent employees whose mandate is to serve or hire persons with disabilities
  • small municipalities of less than 50,000 in population, as per the 2021 census, offering more than one program and/ or service targeted for persons with disabilities
  • Indigenous organizations offering more than one program and/or service targeted for persons with disabilities
Eligible Projects
  • new construction, renovation, and/or retrofit activities that will contribute to reducing waitlists and/or increasing access to programs
  • services and support targeted for persons with disabilities by improving accessibility in facilities in Canadian communities
Projects must be ready to start as early as September 1, 2024, and no later than October 31, 2024 and must be completed within a 2-year timeframe.

Eligible Activities
EAF has introduced flat rate costing for the following project activities:
  • ramps
  • accessible doors
  • accessible washrooms
  • elevators
  • accessible lifts
  • pool lifts
  • multi-Sensory rooms and stations
  • accessible playgrounds
  • accessible parking
  • accessible drop-off areas
  • accessible electric vehicle charging stations
Projects with non-flat rate activities could include, but are not limited to:
  • installing an accessible kitchen
  • constructing a raised accessible garden beds
  • installing accessible safety alarm systems
  • replacing the carpet from the corridors with slip resistance flooring
  • installing software or peripheral hardware including
  • screen readers
  • symbolic software
  • show-sound
  • voice recognition software and speech synthesizers for employees with hearing or visual impairments
  • enhancing lighting, to accommodate people with low vision
  • replacing doorknobs that are difficult to grasp with accessible handles
  • implementing wayfinding through appropriate signage, tactile cues, and painting with contrasting colors

Funding: between $500,000 up to a maximum of $3,000,000 per project 

Deadline: December 13, 2023, by 5:00pm EST

The Team Up grant aims to partner sport and social sector organizations to increase low-barrier sport programs within community organizations that support equity-deserving youth but do not typically offer sport programs.

Eligible Applicants:
Sport Organizations:  
  • Recognized, Accredited or Affiliated Provincial Sport Organizations (PSOs)  
  • Recognized or Accredited Disability Sport Organizations (DSOs)  
  • Multi-regional sport delivery organizations 
  • Municipalities or Recreation Associations  
  • Local sport organizations that are a member in good standing of an appropriate PSO/NSO or are working with an appropriate provincial organization 
  • Registered non-profit or charitable organizations that do not offer sport as one of their core services and whose primary purpose is providing programs or services to one of the following equity-deserving groups:
  • girls, persons with disabilities (up to U25), LGBTQI2S community, marginalized youth, Indigenous peoples, socioeconomically disadvantaged, and/or newcomers. 
  • Examples may include but are not limited to neighborhood houses, immigration organizations, cultural centres, support service organizations, etc. 
Eligible Activities
Possible use of funds may include, but are not limited to: 
  • A program that needs specific design, administrative or specialized expertise 
  • Costs associated with providing access to sport such as transportation and coach education 
  • A program that needs specific purchasing or refurbishing equipment to become established and support underserved participants  
  • New program offering/adapting sport opportunities 
  • Programs that meet the needs of equity seeking groups 
  • Celebration, outreach, camps and/or community engagement activities

Funding: up to $30,000 per project

Deadline: December 15, 2023, by 11:59pm PT
Community Tree Grants

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Community Tree Grants support community greening, innovation and stewardship initiatives across the country by offering funding and technical support to help start, upgrade, or achieve your greening goals through tree and shrub planting. This includes supporting local planting projects as well as developing and rolling out urban forest best management practices and innovative urban design solutions.

The three Community Tree Grants streams are:

1) Greening Canada’s School Grounds grants help strengthen the relationship between students and nature.

Who is Eligible: Tree Canada supports greening projects wherever learning takes place, including on educational institution properties such as elementary schools, primary schools, high schools, universities, colleges and training centers across Canada.

2) Edible Trees grants help connect people with local food sources and builds community by planting trees and shrubs that produce fruits, nuts, seeds, berries, and pods
Who is Eligible: Funding is available to educational institutions, Indigenous communities, community groups or gardens, food banks, community housing projects, municipalities, or other groups interested in planting edible trees on publicly accessible sites.

3) Treemendous Communities grants encourage and support community tree planting projects that create long-lasting benefits. We accept a wide range of project proposals such as heat island mitigation projects, biodiversity corridors, stormwater retention, invasive species control, riparian planting, park and street tree plantings, and more.
Who is Eligible: Tree Canada supports greening projects wherever people live, work or play. Treemendous Communities funding is available to Canadian municipalities, Indigenous communities, business improvement associations, non-profits and community groups.

Eligible Expenses:
• The purchase of trees and woody shrubs
 • Materials related to the installation or health of the plants such as tree guards, mulch, soil, stakes, mycorrhizae fungal associate;
• Maintenance materials such as gator bags or irrigation equipment if installed at the same time the trees are being planted;
 • Multi-year maintenance fund to be paid out in the first year (e.g., contractor to provide ongoing watering, mowing, pruning for 3 years)
• Site preparation related to the planting such as grading, bed preparation, hole digging / auguring
• Educational and/or promotional materials to inform the community on the project such as educational signage, workshop, flyers, etc.
• Costs associated with purchasing the plant material such as taxes and delivery 

Grant Amount: Up to $10,000 is available per project.

Deadline: December 3rd 2023

This national, annual grant program is designed to support Canadian charities who are making a positive and lasting impact.

To be eligible for Movement for Good, your charity must:
  • Be based in Canada
  • A registered charity in good standing

Project Requirements
All you need to do is complete a short application and share your charity’s mission and overview of the work you do. Recipients will be selected based on demand, overall impact and regionality. 

Funding: Up to $1,000

Deadline: December 11, 2023

The Sustainable Development Goals Funding Program is a grants and contributions program that seeks to:
  • increase public awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • support new partnerships to advance action
  • identify and implement innovative initiatives to drive progress on the SDGs

Eligible Applicants
Your organization must be 1 of the following types:
  • not-for-profit organization
  • municipality
  • provincial or territorial government, institution, or Crown Corporation
  • Indigenous organization including:
  • band council
  • tribal council
  • self-government entity
  • coalition, network, or committee
  • educational institution
  • public health and social services institution
  • for-profit organization provided that the nature and intent of the activity is non-commercial and not intended to generate profit
  • research organization or institute

Project Streams

Stream 1 - Grants: The Grants stream will fund projects that increase public awareness, share best practices or lessons learned that support and enhance Canada’s progress on the 2030 Agenda particularly within equity-deserving groups and groups or individuals in vulnerable situations.

Eligible Activities
Eligible activities may include, but are not limited to the following: 
  • activities that support the development of educational resources and tools
  • activities that raise awareness and foster knowledge transfers
  • activities developed in partnership with relevant groups that include support for, or development of programs, services and resources that are designed to identify and meet the needs of equity-deserving groups
  • see website for more

The Contributions stream of this Call for Proposals (CFP) will fund projects that aim to localize SDGs in communities. Funded projects will adapt, employ, and monitor progress of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the local level and will measure and report on the SDGs.

Eligible Activities
Examples of eligible activities:
  • implementing communications plans and tactics to create links between SDG activities and the public in a certain community
  • pulling together data from a variety of sources (including Statistics Canada, and more) into a single place.
  • conducting an environmental scan of local community driven measurements and processes
  • developing a project website that identifies meaningful indicators that resonate with a particular community to measure progress
  • holding a symposium on local voluntary reporting
  • see website for more


Grants Stream: Up to $100,000 per year
Contributions Stream: Up to $300,000 per year

Deadline: January 12, 2024 by 11:59pm PST

The National Indigenous Collaborative Housing Inc. (NICHI) will provide financial resources to support “For Indigenous, by Indigenous” (FIBI) housing solutions for urban, rural, and northern Indigenous Peoples. 

Eligible Applicants
This fund is available to the following organizations working in the community housing sector across Canada:
  • Indigenous-led organizations in urban, rural and northern areas of Canada. We define Indigenous-led organizations as:
  • Board and Executive leadership is over 50% Indigenous.
  • Organization serves one or all of the three distinct Indigenous populations in your community or region, i.e. First Nation, Inuit or Métis.
  • Non-profit
  • Expressed ability by the Organization to address urgent and unmet need.

Further you must provide at least one of the following services or supports:
  1. Supportive Services – i.e., Rental supplements, program staff that do outreach (mental health/addictions, food security/support, cultural, should also go directly to unit development).
  2. Transition/Supportive Housing – i.e., second stage housing after domestic violence shelters, being in the justice system, aging out of care, being in healing systems, transitions leaving care before being homeless again.
  3. Non-market Housing – i.e., public, not market, rental supplements, eviction preventions, subsidized.
  4. Affordable Housing – i.e., Rent geared to income, transition to stable longer-term housing.

Project Streams
This fund has two main streams of financial support:
Stream 1: Capacity & Organizational Development
  •  Offers funding for project development, on the ground assistance, operational shortfalls and other project development requirements such as modernization and improvement needed to ensure project success/continuity.
Stream 2: Capital Development
  • Offers funding for large scale projects, or to undertake major renovations, new builds or other similar major capital requirements.
Stream 1: Up to $1 million per project
Stream 2: Up to $10 million per project

Deadline: January 12, 2024

Wawanesa, FireSmart Canada and ICLR are offering grant funding to help communities across Canada increase their resilience to wildfire through prevention and mitigation activities.

Eligible Applicants:
  • Fire Departments
  • Municipalities
  • Home/Neighborhood associations
  • Non-Profit/Charitable Organizations
  • Indigenous Communities
  • Citizen Groups/Volunteer Community Groups
  • Eligible ExpensesConsulting or professional services
  • Administrative costs, such as:
  • communication costs (e.g. long-distance calls or faxes)
  • permits or certifications required for the plan
  • printing or photocopying by outside suppliers
  • acquisition of documents used exclusively for the plan
  • document translation
  • Costs from marketing, advertising or education to the public for wildfire prevention activities, which could include:
  • fees for advertising development
  • fees for media distribution
  • educational materials
  • graphic design
  • public surveys
  • Supplies and materials that are specifically needed to undertake the project. This could include:
  • equipment or tool rental or purchases

Funding: up to $15,000

Deadline: December 15, 2023, by 12PM CT
Upcoming Events

Through CSJ, employers are encouraged to create quality summer work experiences for young people between the ages of 15 and 30. It provides youth with opportunities to develop and improve their skills, responds to national and local priorities, and improves access to the labour market for youth, especially those who face barriers to employment.

Eligible Applicants
  • Eligible Canadian employers can be from the not-for-profit, public or private sectors. Private sector employers must have 50 or fewer full-time employees across Canada to be eligible (full-time employees are those working 30 hours or more per week).

Additional Requirements
The priorities for CSJ 2024 are:
  • Youth with disabilities or with organizations that provide services to persons with disabilities;
  • Youth that are underrepresented in the labour market, including:
  • Black and other racialized youth
  • Indigenous youth
  • 2SLGBTQI+ youth
  • Youth in rural areas, remote communities, or official language minority communities;
  • Jobs that provide exposure or experience related to the skilled trades, which may include opportunities in the residential construction sector; and
  • Sustainable jobs that support the protection of the environment or delivering positive environmental outcomes.
  • Not-for-profit employers can receive funding for up to 100% of the provincial or territorial adult minimum hourly wage and all associated mandatory employment related costs

Deadline: January 10, 2024, by 11:59pm PST
Desjardins GoodSpark Grants for Small Canadian Businesses

For over 120 years, we've been supporting small business by offering advice, tailored funds and easier access to credit. GoodSpark Grants are just one more way we support small businesses. 

Eligible Applicants:
Small businesses that:
  • Are Canadian-owned and operated
  • Do business and have their headquarters in at least 1 of the following provinces: Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan
  • Have a minimum of 1 employee and a maximum of 50 employees
  • Have been registered for at least 1 year (before November 1, 2022)
  • Have a project that tackles at least 1 of the following areas: sustainable development, health and well-being, innovation and community impact

Project Categories:

Sustainable development
A project aimed at achieving 1 or more sustainable development objectives, such as protecting biodiversity and ecosystems, promoting responsible production and consumption or ensuring access to affordable and clean water and energy.
Health and well-being
A project that invests in health and overall personal well-being.
New initiatives to help modernize the business.
Community impact
A project that positively influences the vitality of the community through the mobilization and involvement of the company in the community. This initiative aims to make the community more inclusive, safe, resilient or sustainable.

Funding: $20,000

Deadline: December 3rd, 2023
Securing Small Business Rebate

The program provides small businesses with funds for eligible commercial property crime and vandalism repairs, or to implement eligible preventative measures.

Applications are retroactive to Jan. 1, 2023, to help businesses recoup costs incurred this year.

Types of Rebates
The program offers two types of rebates:
1. Reparative Rebate
  • Provides immediate relief to offset eligible reparative costs in respect of damage to eligible commercial property due to vandalism on or after January 1, 2023.
  • Available as a one-time rebate of up to $2,000, per calendar year.
  • Retroactive to January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2024.

2. Preventative Rebate
  • Provides funding for eligible proactive/preventative measures to mitigate damage to eligible commercial property due to vandalism.
  • Available as a one-time rebate of up to $1,000.
  • Retroactive to January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2024.

Funding: Up to $1000 for prevention measures; up to $2000.00 for the cost of repairs due to vandalism

Deadline: January 31, 2025
Individual Arts Grants: Visual Artists

Individual Arts Grants: Visual Artists supports professional visual artists, contemporary and traditional craft artists, and independent critics and curators with the creation of specific projects.
Grants are available to support the creation of new works.
Applications may be made by individuals or on behalf of a collaboration of two or more artists sharing creative control of a project.
Independent curators and critics may apply to further their practice independently from art organizations or institutions. Applications may investigate visual and media arts and/or museum practice.

Funding: The maximum request amount is $15,000. 

Deadline: 11:59 p.m. on December 6, 2023.  

The Women Entrepreneurship Loan Fund will help ensure that more women entrepreneurs have the tools and financing they need to succeed. The Government of Canada has selected several delivery organizations to provide loans to women entrepreneurs.

Funding Amount: up to $50,000
Futurpreneur Financing & Mentoring

Futurpreneur offers financing, mentoring and expertise to get startups off the ground. They offer collateral-free loans at better interest rates than most banks.

Eligibility: Futurpreneur is eager to support aspiring business owners aged 18 – 39 years old who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents currently living in Canada.

Funding: Futurpreneaur is able to finance up to $20,000 per business. If you need more money, the Business Development Bank of Canada may provide up to $40,000.

With the help of this fund, communities see job creation, positive social impacts, economic growth, and more employment opportunities. Projects help reduce poverty while strengthening the labour market and supporting communities experiencing impacts because of economic change.

Eligible Applicants:
  • Non-Profit Organizations
  • Crown Corporations
  • Municipalities or Agencies
  • Band/Tribal Councils/First Nations Governments
  • Public Health or Educational Institutions
  • Businesses

Funding Streams

CEP is funded by the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction and consists of four streams:

Eligible Projects

A broad range of projects are funded. Some examples include:
  • Building affordable housing
  • Persons with disabilities mentorship 
  • Indigenous Longhouse renovation 
  • Community improvement initiatives 
  • Wildfire recovery 
  • Accessibility enhancements to buildings, trails or parks 
  • Trail building 
  • Historical building/site restoration 
  • Early childcare education training 
  • Occupational training and work experience 
  • Developing community gardens 
  • Labour market studies

Deadline: No established deadline
Demo Recording Grant
Coming Soon

The Creative BC Demo Recording program supports new and emerging artists from underrepresented groups living in the Province of B.C. to create demo recordings and engage in mentorship with local music producers.  

Eligible Applicants: BC-based new and emerging artists

Funding: Artists and producers can apply together for a $2,000 grant to cover 100% of recording expenses for one to two songs. 

Open: December 13, 2023.
Closes: February 15, 2024, at 11:59 PM, PT.

With Canadian consumers moving online at a rapid pace, the Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) can help get your business online, grow your e-commerce presence, or help digitalize your business’ operations.
The Grow Your Business Online program is designed to help small businesses take advantage of e-commerce opportunities and reach more customers online.

Business Eligibility

The Grow Your Business Online Grant is offered in British Columbia through Small Business BC and is currently open for applications from businesses that meet all the following criteria:
  • Is a for-profit business
  • Is a registered or incorporated business
  • Is a consumer-facing business
  • Can be accessed by consumers or provides in-person services to consumers
  • Has at least one employee (other than the business owner) or had at least $30,000 in annual revenue in the most recent tax year (2021)
  • Must commit to maintaining a digital adoption strategy for six months after participating in the program

The $2,400 micro-grant is a reimbursement-style grant so funding will be issued after your spending plan is confirmed, grant agreement is received, and eligible receipts/proof of payments are submitted and approved.

No Established Deadline
Professional Development Arts Grant

Professional Development grants assist professional artists, cultural practitioners, production and technical personnel, and arts administrators with specific, short-term learning activities intended to advance their practice or career.

Activities should lead to clearly articulated learning or career outcomes, goals, or objectives.

Eligible Activities:
  • Course or workshop
  • Mentorship
  • Learning residency

Awards are not intended to support the creation of new work, research, self-directed learning, or full-time studies.

Funding: The maximum request amount is $7,500

Deadline:  11:59 p.m. on December 14, 2023.  

The Environmental Jobs Growth Program provides training and employment support to job seekers looking to enter or advance their careers in the clean economy.

Eligible Employers: For-profit and not-for-profit organizations, municipalities, provincial and territorial governments, institutions, agencies and Crown Corporations, and Indigenous organizations are eligible to apply.

Eligible Participants
  • This program has no age restriction for applicants.
  • Job seekers from all experience levels are welcome to apply.
  • Funding for this program caters to all environmental careers, whether direct or indirect.
  • You do not need to have prior environmental experience to apply.
  • Funding will cover placements that are 6 to 12 months long

Employers receive:
  • 50% wage coverage up to $15,000 of a candidate’s salary for placements in a new full-time or part-time position
  • up to $18,750 when hiring a self-identified equity-deserving candidate

Deadline: No established deadline
Start Smart: Basics of Starting a Business
Brought to you by Small Business BC

Course Description
Ready to turn your great idea into a business? Our Start Smart Package delivers the basics you need to get started on the road to success. This two-part series covers basics like business structures, how to register a business, employee standards, and how to ensure your start-up is tax compliant.

Session 1 – January 10th 10:00am to 12:30pm – Hybrid *
Session 2 – January 17th 12:00pm to 1:45pm – Virtual only

Cost: $49.00
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Organization Spotlight...
About Us
The Galiano Community Food Program envisages Galiano Island as a thriving, livable, food-secure community. It is a place where every resident is included, welcome and empowered to build a deeper connection with their food system. In so doing, the Program improves Galiano’s ecological sustainability and community resilience in the face of climate change and uncertainty. The program seeks to set an example that reaches beyond our local community and spreads across the country.


Galiano Food Bank
Open Every Friday- 11am-1pm in the Church Meeting room. 
Everyone in need is welcome - there are no barriers to access on Galiano.

Frozen Meal Delivery Service
If you need prepared frozen meals from the Food Program, please contact Carol by emailing her at: to place your order by Tuesday each week (for Better at Home orders, please contact Nancy McPhee).
Frozen meals will be delivered to you weekly on Wednesdays. This service is available for those who are vulnerable and self-isolating or who don't have access to transportation.

The Good Food Box Project
In fall of 2023, they launched a pilot of a new food program project – The Good Food Box, or the GFB. It runs like a large buying club, with centralized purchasing and coordination. Individuals place orders for boxes which are distributed the following week. Each box will cost $40, and everyone will receive the same fruit and vegetables in their box. (You won’t get to choose what you get.) The plan is to distribute the GFB every second week. If you wish to be on the GFB email list for updates, email:

Growing Program
The “growing” programs include a community garlic garden, a school garden, a community greenhouse, a Permaculture Club, an Equipment Library and workshops on a variety of topics of interest to growers and farmers.

Sign up for our weekly email newsletter for upcoming events in the Galiano Community Food Program by emailing

Galiano Food Bank Fundraiser

Join their virtual fundraiser to raise funds for the Galiano Food Bank. You can donate directly, or create a team and challenge others to a friendly competition. 

Winter Solstice Potluck

Galiano Community Hall--December 20th, 2023

The Winter Solstice Feast celebrates the turning of the seasons. This feast revolves around a potluck dinner. A community potluck supper on Galiano is something splendid, since many island residents are “foodies” of the first rank. The dinner showcases the Food Program’s harvest – usually including homemade pickles, desserts made from island fruits and soup and bread made by Club volunteers. The evening includes entertainment from the island’s arts community.
The late-December celebration allows friends and family to gather on island for a convivial evening at a very busy time. All are welcomed!

Soup and Bread Community Lunches
Galiano Community Hall--
Dec 4, 11, 18-- 12:30-1:30pm