Characters Facing Change

30 November 2022

Just about all the characters involved in the Biblical story of Advent and Christmas experience change.

Angels tell Mary that she’ll face a super fascinating pregnancy.

Joseph must adjust his perspective regarding his fiancé.

Magi see a star in the east and launch new travel plans.

Here at COS, we’re celebrating the faithful service of our Minister of Music, David Beecher, who decided to change his life rhythm and retire at the end of the year.    If you were unable to join us on November 13, you might enjoy scanning this highlight reel of the special presentations and gifts for David: 

David offered some heart-warming comments of reflection upon this big change in his life.   One idea punctuated David’s perspective:  gratitude.    Any change stirs a variety of possible feelings.   Anxiety, excitement, defensiveness, or hope.   Gratitude is a super one.  In times of change, we can trust that God will guide the process for good.  Thus, we can indeed be thankful, trusting that amid the unknown details, God has our back and is engineering a bright future, even though we rarely see the details in advance.    

So, amid this Advent season, featuring so many biblical characters facing change, we give thanks again for David Beecher, supporting his change into retirement.  Like the angel’s news of Mary’s pregnancy sent ripples of impact into the lives of Joseph, Herod, magi and more, David’s announcement brings ripples of impact into all areas of COS.    But we know God will be faithful.  And therefore we, like David, will let gratitude be our theme.

Let us pray:  Dear Heavenly Father, your word tells us that to everything there is a season.  In all the seasonal changes of our lives, may we be grateful that you oversee the new opportunities and challenges.   Thanks for Mary of old and our friend, David Beecher, today and all those who face the ripple effects of change with hope and gratitude.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Bonus:  To read David Beecher’s Comments of Gratitude that he shared at his retirement party, click here:

David Beecher's Comments

If you want to share your life celebrations or concerns with one of the pastors, please email either of us at or

And always feel free to lift up your prayers with our COS Prayer Team.

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