City of Solana Beach


April 27, 2023

The following is provided as an update regarding City news, programs, and services.

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Community News & Events

Solana Beach Community Bike Ride 

May is Bike Month and you’re invited to be part of the celebration! Join BikeWalkSolana for the 3rd annual Tour of Solana Beach Community Ride on Sunday, May 7th. The event starts at La Colonia Park at 10:00 AM, the group will pedal through the lovely neighborhoods of Solana Beach at a leisurely pace for a 13.7 mile bike ride. Previous tours had well over 100 people of all ages join in for this this family friendly event. Even more riders are expected this year, so please register in advance! All riders must wear a helmet and we encourage participants to bring water and snacks.

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BikeWalkSolana Scavenger Hunt

Back by popular demand, BikeWalkSolana is hosting its 3rdannual self-guided Tour of Solana Beach Scavenger Hunt. This Scavenger Hunt can be completed any time during Bike Month (May 1 – 31). Scavenger hunters will pedal through Solana Beach neighborhoods as they locate points of interest highlighting art, bicycle safety infrastructure, and local history. Historical plaques with QR codes on historic buildings will help scavenger hunters find answers to questions about the history of Solana Beach. Remember to take your cell phone! Submit your completed score sheet for a chance to win raffle prizes from Solana Beach bike shops. The grand prize is an e-bike from Pedego Electric Bikes!

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Cafecito with a Cop

Community Outreach is a top priority for the North Coastal Sheriff's Station. Come and meet with our bilingual Peace Officers, ask them questions and discuss any concerns you might have while enjoying complimentary coffee and pan dulce on Tuesday, May 9th from 6:00 to 7:30 PM, at the La Colonia Community Center. The Sheriff’s Department regularly hosts “Coffee with the Community” to give the public a chance to chat in a casual setting over a free cup of coffee. No speeches, no agenda, just casual conversation. 

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Spring Bulky-Item Cleanup Day

*Correction Below*

The City has partnered with EDCO to host the Spring Solana Beach Bulky-Item Cleanup on Saturday, May 13th, which gives residents the opportunity to place trash, green waste and up to four bulky items at the curb that would be too large or heavy to put inside collection carts. These items include broken appliances, water heaters, furniture, old mattresses and other miscellaneous bulky household clutter. To participate in this event, please schedule a pick-up beginning the week of May 1st by calling (858) 350-8544 and put items out curbside by 7:00 AM on Saturday, May 13th for collection.

*In the previous Weekly Update, this event was advertised as the larger Bulky Item Event that happens in the Fall and includes drop-off of bulky items at La Colonia, paper shredding, e-waste collection and mulch giveaway. The Spring event is only curbside collection of up to four bulky items. We apologize for any confusion.

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Solana Beach Community Grants

The City is soliciting grant applications until 5:00 PM, Thursday, May 25, 2023. The City Council has a total of $35,000 available for community organizations. A maximum of two grant applications may be submitted per community organization. Grants will be awarded with a maximum award of $6,000. Request for Grants are limited to non-governmental, nonprofit organizations serving the Solana Beach community. Excluded entities include the following: County of San Diego, Municipal Organizations, Special or Water Districts, school districts or schools (but not their supporting organizations), and private individuals.

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Lomas Santa Fe Bridge Repair

Starting the week of May 1st, the City will be performing maintenance repairs to the Lomas Santa Fe bridge that crosses the railroad tracks. To avoid traffic impacts, the work will be conducted at night and early morning between 8:00 PM and 6:00 AM and will be completed in approximately 3 weeks. While pedestrian and vehicular traffic will remain open in all directions, please avoid the work zone, if possible, and while traveling through the work zone, please pay extra attention to all traffic control signs. 

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April Event Highlights

April was a busy month! We would like to extend our gratitude to our wonderful community for your participation in all the city events and workshops this month. Your presence and engagement have truly made every event a success and it was a pleasure to see so many of you come out and support your community. We hope you enjoyed the events and workshops as much as we enjoyed hosting them. Thank you once again for being an essential part of our city's vibrant community, and we look forward to seeing you at future events!

City Hall Gallery Opening Reception: Painting the Dream

Children’s Spring Festival & Egg Hunt

Community Park Day

Climate Action Plan Update Workshop

Employment Opportunities

Come join the City of Solana Beach Team and discover how you can make a difference. The City is currently recruiting for the following positions:

Associate Civil Engineer
Junior Lifeguard Intern
Seasonal Ocean Lifeguard
Seasonal Summer Camp Leader

Visit the City’s Career Page to learn more and to submit your online application!

Public Meetings

City Council meetings are held in-person in the Council Chambers at City Hall. All meetings are also subject to cancellation. Please refer to the City's Public Meetings page for updates, meeting schedules, directions on submitting a public comment, or for more information

City Council

Regular City Council Meeting

Wednesday, May 10th, at 6:00 PM

Next Regular City Council Meeting

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

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