COFFEE HOUR TODAY - Is sponsored in memory of Julie Demos Tsirimokos by the Tsirimokos Family.
GREEK HERITAGE NIGHT AT THE RED SOX- Tuesday, June 4 at Fenway Park. See the flyer below
EDUCATION & SCHOLARSHIP SUNDAY JUNE 2 - This is a call to ALL who are High School Seniors. This is a day in which all those who are graduation from High School, Class of 2024 will be recognized following Divine Liturgy. We ask that those who are graduating provide your names, a little write up about yourself including which high school you are graduating from or if home schooled, a recent picture, your plans for the future, and your community invovlement here St George or elsewhere.
In order to have these names appear in the Weekly Bulletin on this day, we need all the information by Sunday, May 26. If we do not have your name and this information, you will not be able to be acknowledged as a graduate in the printed weekly bulletin. Please take the time and send an email to with all the information we are asking. If you have any questions, please call the office.
The scholarship awards program will take place in our community center following coffee hour on this day.
GOYA MEETING - There will be a GOYA meeting in Sunday, June 2 following the Scholarship Awards. Tuesday, June 4 at Fenway Park. See the flyer below
UPCOMING MEMEORIALS - June 30: Thomas Dionis (2 years