In the dynamic landscape of energy education, the E3 Smart Program, run by the Ohio Energy Project (OEP), stands as a beacon of inspiration, leading the charge to empower students and teachers across Ohio. The E3 Smart Program's mission is clear: to inspire leadership and energy innovation.
The E3 Smart Program breaks barriers and fosters energy literacy in our communities. Since the program is provided to teachers at no charge, thanks to cooperatives like Lorain-Medina Rural Electric, it is more accessible to rural schools. By removing budget barriers, teachers can bring critical energy science content to their classrooms and communities.
LMRE is a dedicated supporter of the E3 Smart Program, as two of our seven cooperative principles play directly into the E3 Smart Program - Education, Training, and Information, and Concern for Community. We are happy to support our rural schools. LMRE sponsors two teachers within our territory, and we play a pivotal role in bringing the E3 Smart Program to life for rural students.
LMRE is looking to support additional teachers in our territory. If you or a teacher you know is interested in learning more about this FREE program, give us a call at 440-647-2133.
The E3 Smart Program leaves a powerful impact on our local communities. By empowering students and teachers with knowledge about energy efficiency, environmental sustainability, and conservation, the E3 Smart Program is laying the foundation for a brighter and more sustainable future.