Issue 44 | Sept. 15, 2022
Hi, Student Affairs Team,
With the crush of the semester launch behind us, I hope many of you are feeling as though you’re getting into a rhythm for the fall semester. Whether your personal rhythm leans more toward smooth R&B, or classical, or psychedelic rock, I hope you’re finding a good beat for you — and you know that all you do to help our students find their groove is so valuable and appreciated.
I want to send a huge shout-out to all of the members of our team who planned, promoted and participated in yesterday's Carolina Mental Health Colloquium, with special thanks to Simon Bloor, Sophia Davis, Faye Hobgood, Misha Mohan and Terri Phoenix for serving as top-notch discussion group facilitators, and to Sara Stahlman, Allison Reid and Becca Cheng for steering the program without a hitch. Thanks to everyone’s input and support, we had powerful and meaningful discussions about how our various identities and our mental health and well-being connect, as well as how we can foster greater cultural awareness and humility, and address community engagement from a trauma-informed lens. In case you missed it, a recording of the presentations will be available at
Please mark your calendars for our next two mental health seminars:
It’s OK to Pause - Facilitated by Crystal Schiller, Ph.D.
Tuesday, Oct. 11, noon – 1:30 p.m.  
Register Here
Understanding Emotions and How to Talk about Them - Facilitated by Rachel Rifkin, LCSW
Wednesday, Nov. 16, noon – 1:30 p.m.  
Register Here
Again, thank you for all of the superstar talent you bring to our band, which is always on full display at the beginning of the semester. Over the last couple of weeks, I have had many, many colleagues from across campus approach me to say they think we’ve had a great start to the year, recognizing the central role that Student Affairs plays in that success. I hope you’re hearing the same — and that it gives you the same boost of energy it does for me. Let’s use it to keep rockin’ and rollin’ through the rest of the fall term!
New Student and Family Programs
Orientation 2022

New Student & Family Orientation wrapped-up in August just before Move-in and Weeks of Welcome. If you played any role in Orientation, we want to share a bit of gratitude with you. You should have received an email invitation from Christy Carral with all the details and a request to RSVP. We hope to see you there!

Oh! And if you didn’t see it … University Communications did a great piece on a day in the life of an Orientation Leader, featuring our own Seth Hammond. Watch it HERE.

Weeks of Welcome — THANK YOU!

With the conclusion of Orientation came nearly two weeks of events and programming that welcomed new and returning students back to campus. Another example of how we all come together, Student Affairs and beyond, to build excitement and create a welcoming environment for our students. Thank you all for participating! 

Carolina Family Weekend: Programs Still Being Accepted

In less than four weeks we will be welcome our Tar Heel families to campus for a weekend of events. With registration open now (closing Sept. 22), we are at 2,350 family members arriving to experience campus through the eyes of their student.

Without a football game taking center stage, we have much more time, flexibility and accessibility in the programming schedule. So, what can you do to add to the weekend? We encourage you to consider submitting a program (ASAP — no later than Sept. 23). 

Staffing Changes

Earlier in the summer we welcomed Rosemary Winn (UNC '09) as the new Coordinator for Family Communications. Rosemary previously served as the NSFP Office Manager since 2018. In her new role, Rosemary oversees communications and programming for Tar Heel families, as well as the supervision of our frontline student staff, the Project Coordinators. Jalen Stolfo (UNC '22), former NSFP student leader, agreed to join us as the temporary Office Manager. Jalen served our office as an Orientation Leader, Orientation Fellow and as an intern this past summer. With his extensive knowledge of the office, its mission, and the University as a whole, he is a great asset to us and our students and families. 
Carolina Housing
Resident Scholars Program
Fall 2022 welcomes back Carolina Housing’s Resident Scholars program. The purpose of the Resident Scholars program is to increase the number of meaningful interactions students have with faculty or other scholars in the residential setting.

Resident Scholars live among students in the residence halls and facilitate learning opportunities that foster a stronger connection and sense of belonging within the Carolina Community. Resident Scholars collaborate with students and staff in their assigned residential community to provide formal and informal programming on a variety of topics based on the Resident Scholars’ knowledge and experience.

This program is one of many ways that Carolina Housing maintains its commitment to providing students with chances to enhance their overall university experience. Meet our 2022-2023 Resident Scholars and learn more about the program by visiting our website.
LGBTQ Center
LGBTQ Youth Impact Panel

On Sept. 13 the LGBTQ Center hosted an open panel to discuss the long and short-term effects that anti-LGBTQ+ legislation has had on the broader LGBTQ+ community, and the impact it has on the rights and freedoms of our future. The panel included faculty members Dorothy Espelage (she/her) and Cheryl Woods Giscombe (she/her), and was moderated by the LGBTQ Center Director Terri Phoenix (T or he/him).

If you couldn't attend the event, a video is linked here.
Student Life and Leadership
Student Engagement, Empowerment & Development Co-Curricular Leadership Certificate Series Now Live

We are thrilled to announce the launch of Student Engagement, Empowerment & Development (SEED): Growing Leadership at Carolina. This Co-Curricular Leadership Certificate Series will provide students with an asynchronous leadership learning experience that will enable them to explore leadership through the lens of the Social Change Model of Leadership Development.

  • The 1st Co-Curricular Certificate is focused on Character – enabling students to explore their personal understanding of themselves and the leadership identity.
  • The 2nd Co-Curricular Certificate is focused on Collaboration – enabling students to explore the ways in which they can more effectively collaborate with others.
  • The 3rd Co-Curricular Certificate is focused on Citizenship – challenging students to explore how they can have a positive impact on the community and work to understand issues not just at the surface level but how to explore and address issues at the root of the problem.
  • The 4th Co-Curricular Certificate is focused on Positive Social Change – not only how they can work to engage in it but work to create sustainable and meaningful change.

These four certificates are designed sequentially and are meant to engage in individually or in groups.

If you have a student leader or group of students that you think would be benefit from this learning, please share this opportunity with them. You can learn more about the program here.
Kudos to the Student Life & Leadership team, specifically Natasha Young, leadership development program coordinator, on their outstanding work with civic engagement on campus. Thanks to their efforts, Carolina was named in the Washington Monthly Student Voting Honor Roll as one of the "Best Colleges for Student Voting," due to our voting rates in 2020. Here's to hoping we get a high turnout for the midterms this year as well!
It's Housekeeping Appreciation Week! None of the work we do would be possible without the dedication of our Housekeeping staff. Take a moment to tell your department’s housekeeping staff “thank you” for their hard work keeping our campus buildings clean. Carolina Housing is inviting folks to stop by the SASB North office to write a Thank-You note to the Carolina Housing Housekeeping staff this week during office hours: Mon. - Fri. 8am - 5pm.
  • SUICIDE PREVENTION RESOURCES: September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, an important reminder to acknowledge those affected by suicide, raise awareness, and connect individuals with suicidal ideation to treatment services. Visit the Human Resources website for suicide prevention resources for staff.
  • FLU SHOTS ON CAMPUS: There are many opportunities in September and October for staff to obtain a flu vaccination on campus! There are a number of walk-in clinics scheduled across campus, or you can visit the Student Stores Pharmacy or Campus Health Pharmacy. Parking, Insurance and more information at
  • STUDENT AFFAIRS ASSESSMENT: The Assessment pages on the Student Affairs website have been updated with new information and resources to support staff in building capacity and planning assessment projects! Take a look, and make sure to reach out to Dr. Locke with questions or to schedule a consult.
  • FROM THE WELL: Need to download software? Check what you can get for free with your Onyen or what you can get at a discounted price on ITS’ Software Distribution site.
Thursday, Sept. 15, 4 p.m.

Ready to help plan the future of Chapel Hill? Housing growth is a key to that future growth. Come share your thoughts and hear the direction of the Complete Community work. If you can't make it tonight, learn more about other opportunities at the TOCH website.
Thursdays: Sept. 15, and 22

Chapel Hill’s local music streaming platform, Tracks Music Library, is bringing three free concerts to downtown Chapel Hill. The lineup include acts from the newest cohort on Tracks Music Library like folk duo Larry & Joe, rapper GODRIC, and DJ/producer VSPRTN.

Concerts will take place at the Rosemary & Columbia St. parking lot from 6-9 PM. Tracks Music Series is made possible thanks to Chapel Hill Community Arts & Culture and Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership.
Sept. 17, 4:30 p.m.

Now in its 34th year, Sculpture in the Garden unites local artists with the North Carolina Botanical Garden each fall. At the Preview Party Sept. 17 4:30-6:30 p.m., meet artists and get a first viewing of the show. Tickets are $30.
Zombies Are Coming to The Pit
Sept. 22, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Join UNC Campus Safety as professional Hollywood-quality zombies will be unleashed at Carolina, not to eat brains, but to share emergency preparedness information for National Preparedness Month. If you are ready for zombies, you are ready for any emergency—whether it be a hurricane, tornado, fire, or active assailant/threat. Safety and preparedness demos will run alongside information tables. Interested in being a zombie? Sign up at
Good Neighbor Community Cookout
Sept. 28, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Hargraves Community Center, 216 N. Roberson St., Chapel Hill

Free food, music and fun. Al's Burger Shack and Ben & Jerry's headline the good times!
Learn about September wellness highlights for faculty and staff from the Office of Human Resources’ Total WellBeing team.
Let Us Hear from You!
Want to send a special thank you to a staff member who went above and beyond? Send your Kudos to
Send your Comings & Goings and staff updates to
Email your newsletter submissions to by 5 p.m. on Tuesdays to be included in that week's newsletter