Jazz in the Garden Tomorrow - March 15
5:30 to 7 p.m. | |
Listen to soulful music. Relax with coworkers and friends. Refresh for the weekend. The North Florida Quartet will delight you and your friends with pure jazz in the interior gardens of historic St. John's Cathedral. Jazz in the Garden promises to be a relaxing way to end your work week.
$10 suggested donation
Come and go as you please.
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Our Lenten Journey: Embracing Reconciliation | |
As we enter the final week of Lent, we are thrilled to host The American Friends of the Parents Circle—Families Forum this Saturday, March 16, at 9 a.m. Please join us for this inspiring event, which will shed light on the human side of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The Parents Circle – Families Forum stands as a beacon of hope, comprised of over 700 bereaved families from both sides of the conflict. United by the profound loss of loved ones, these families have chosen an extraordinary path of reconciliation over revenge.
Attendees will meet two remarkable individuals, Yuval and Mohamed. Despite deep-rooted divisions and animosity, Yuval and Mohamed have transcended hatred to embrace peace within their communities and beyond. They will share their journeys of grief, forgiveness, and hope, offering invaluable insights into the transformative power of reconciliation. This morning they sat down with Ann Schindler for a conversation on First Coast Connect. If you missed it, you can listen here.
Register today to secure your spot. For those unable to attend in person, the program will also be presented online via Zoom Meeting. Details can be found in the registration link below.
In the spirit of unity, please refrain from bringing flags, signs, and political slogans to this event. This event is a platform for dialogue and understanding, and as such, no rallying or public display will be tolerated inside or outside the Cathedral.
Your presence at this event will make a difference.
~Nancy Purcell, Director of Marketing and Communications
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Tim Tuller, Canon for Music, gives notes on the service music for the
Fifth Sunday in Lent, March 17, 2024.
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Click image to view and/or download a PDF. | |
Anglican Spiritual Traditions
Sundays - February 25 through March 17
9 a.m. | Cummings Chapel
A 4-part study for seekers and newcomers, led by clergy. We will use the book Welcome to Anglican Spiritual Traditions by Vicki K. Black to guide our discussions. Books are available in the St. John's Cathedral Bookstore and Gift Shop.
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Conversations with Scripture: The Gospel of Mark
Wednesdays, February 21 through March 20
5:30 to 6:30 p.m. | Zoom Meeting
Join a Zoom group this Lent to study the Gospel according to Mark using Marcus Borg’s Conversations with Scripture. Joe O’Shields will be the discussion leader. Please register in advance for this class using the link below. Once you've registered, you will receive the Zoom link.
See schedule here.
Books are available in the St. John's Cathedral Bookstore and Gift Shop.
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Art@Noon with Timothy Tuller
Le Chemin de la Croix
Thursday, March 21
Noon | Zoom Meeting
Canon for Music Timothy Tuller joins Art@Noon to discuss the upcoming Good Friday service of music and poetry: Le Chemin de la Croix. He will give notes on Marcel Dupré’s masterwork and Paul Claudel's poem, both titled "Stations of the Cross."
In the musical program, each narrated stanza of Claudel's poetry is followed by Dupré’s musical interpretation for the organ. Listen to the interview and come enjoy the concert on Good Friday at 7 p.m. with a greater appreciation.
Please contact St. John's Cathedral Bookstore and Gift Shop for the Zoom Meeting link.
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Adult Confirmation and Inquirers Retreat
Saturday, March 23
9 a.m. to Noon
Those who are interested in being confirmed and who are seeking to learn more about The Episcopal Church are invited to join Dean Kate for a half-day retreat.
Bishop Stokes will confirm, receive, and reaffirm candidates after the 10:30 a.m. service on Palm Sunday, March 24. For more information, please contact Megan Cochran.
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Palm Cross Making & Mimosas
Saturday, March 23
9 a.m. to Noon | Burwell Court
Many hands make light work! Help us prepare Palm Crosses for Palm Sunday. It's fun and easy, a great activity for all ages.
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Step into history with us on Palm Sunday! Join our vibrant procession as we reenact Jesus's triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Follow Jesus on horseback down Duval Street to James Weldon Johnson Park, then back to the Cathedral by Church Street. Let's wave our palms and raise our voices in joyous alleluia! Drums and horns are welcome. There will be palms to wave for everyone!
Procession of the Palms
Sunday, March 24
9 a.m.
The procession begins at the corner of Duval and Market Streets
NOTE: There is no formation on Palm Sunday so that all may participate in the Procession
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The Palm/Passion Sunday service reflects the sharp contrasts of Holy Week. We will enter the Cathedral after a joyous procession through downtown Jacksonville, praising Jesus as Lord and welcoming him to Jerusalem. The service then moves to a reading of the passion narrative, allowing the congregation to hear the whole story of Jesus’s suffering and death.
Since many will not be in worship again until Easter Sunday, the service on Palm/Passion Sunday is a significant opportunity to represent the wholeness of the gospel and to remember that the way to Easter joy is the way of the cross. We invite all to join us as you are able throughout Holy Week as we retell the story of Jesus's last days on Earth. See the full schedule in the image below. Download a PDF of the Holy Week Schedule.
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Holy Week and Easter Services Schedule | |
Cultural Dinner: Latin and South America
Saturday, April 6
6 p.m. | Taliaferro Hall
$30 per person
A new repeating event will call upon our God-given gifts in preparing and cooking dinners that feed the soul and gladden the heart because the meals hearken back to our beginnings.
We are a multicultural parish, and there’s no better way to celebrate our differing backgrounds than to come together over lovingly prepared food and drink to meet and get to know each other in friendship.
Our first Cultural Dinner will celebrate Latin/South American cuisine. The buffet-style dinner will feature delicious plates such as Mexican street corn salad, Argentinian beef & chicken empanadas, Puerto Rican roast pork, Mexican tamales, Cuban yellow rice, Cuban black beans, Mexican chicken enchiladas, Cuban plantains, Brazilian cheese bread, Latin tres leches cake, Cuban flan, and some delicious Sangria.
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Get Ready for Hunger Fight 2024
Sunday, April 7
Following the 10:30 a.m. service in Taliaferro Hall.
Sign the whole family up for an action-packed intergenerational event that will feed our neighbors. Register by April 1.
Please indicate on the registration form that you would like a lunch. This event and the lunch are free, but registration is requested.
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Free Wheelchair Mission Kickoff Events
Saturday, April 13 and Sunday, April 14
Free Wheelchair Mission is the world’s largest nonprofit manufacturer of cost-efficient, durable wheelchairs designed for the developing world. Since 2001, they have distributed more than 1.4 million wheelchairs to individuals living with disabilities in 95 countries, providing renewed dignity, independence, and hope through the gift of mobility. More details to be released soon about our Eastertide match opportunity!
Free Wheelchair Mission Founder Don Schoendorfer and Director of Development Angela Gomez will visit St. John’s Cathedral Saturday, April 13 and Sunday, April 14. Below are three opportunities to meet them and learn more about Free Wheelchair Mission.
Brunch and Mimosas Reception
Saturday, April 13 | 12:30 to 2 p.m.
Home of Wendy and John Anderson
Brunch provided by the St. John’s Cathedral Baking Ministry
Open to all, registration is required as space is limited. Register here.
Wine and Hors d’oeuvres Reception
Saturday, April 13 | 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Home of Beth and Michael Kirwan
Open to all, registration is required as space is limited. Register here.
Dean’s Forum
Sunday, April 14 | 9 a.m.
Taliaferro Hall
Open to all. No registration required.
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Save the date for our Spring Festival - April 20
If you are interested in being a vendor or know someone who might be, click the image below to fill out the vendor registration form.
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Sunday, March 17
No Cathedral Birthdays
Monday, March 18
Susan Bancks, Stephanie Kinsey, Jerry Sira
Tuesday, March 19
Jerry Jones, Isabelle Lewis-Tubre, Lin Winney
Wednesday, March 20
Sheree Brown, Paul Hanson, Lisa Nass
Thursday, March 21
Bill Courtney, Katie Sherer
Friday, March 22
Cathy Hicks
Saturday, March 23
Jeanne Ward, Shannon Usztok
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The prayer line is always open...
Please let us know what you need and how we can pray for you. Many parishioners appreciate our clergy being with them prior to surgery. If you are having a medical procedure and would like pre-op prayers, please call the church office
(904) 356-5507. If you are calling after hours, press 4, and your call will be routed to a member of the clergy.
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