Volume 17 | Issue 51 | December 14, 2022

Generations This Week

News for Advocates of Children, Youth, and Older Adults from Generations United

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Headshot of Donna Butts

Generations United in the News

Executive Director Donna Butts and GRAND Voices Linda Lewis and Eugene Vickerson were featured on the December 12, 2022 episode of NPR's Here & Now. The story is called "It takes creativity — and love: Grandparents persevere to feed their families," and the recording and text highlights are available here.

Donna is also quoted in an article in Fast Company, "This is what Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z can learn from each other at work." She discusses both technology and communication styles. Read more.

Eugene Vickerson headshot
Linda Lewis headshot
Program of Distinction and Program of Merit logos

Recognizing Intergenerational Programs of Distinction and Programs of Merit

Generations United is thrilled to recognize 20 exemplary intergenerational programs from across the country with the prestigious Intergenerational Program Certification (IPC). These new recipients join 23 renewing programs. All of the programs are creatively and effectively engaging younger and older people in activities that strengthen relationships between the generations. Congratulations to all recipients and renewals! Learn more about the programs and the IPC process here.

"Intergenerational Community Planning" Report Now Available

Generations United Senior Fellow Irv Katz and Generations United friend and Penn State professor Matt Kaplan, PhD, collaborated on a "guide" to intergenerational community planning published by the American Planning Association (APA). The intergenerational planning guide follows related APA reports on multigenerational planning and planning for all ages. The document suggests that the well-being of children, youth, and older adults--and how they relate with one another--should be integrated into regular city planning processes, such as the comprehensive planning that most cities and towns undertake.

"Intergenerational Community Planning" is available for free to members of the American Planning Association. Others may purchase a copy for $25. 

A Black grandmother and granddaughter smile as they run through grass together, with the granddaughter leading the grandmother

Submit Your Proposal to Present at the 22nd Global Conference

Generations United's Global Intergenerational Conference will be held July 26-28, 2023 in Washington, D.C. The Conference Planning Committee seeks proposals for educational sessions that will enhance our field’s capacity for developing practices, programs, and policies that benefit individuals of all ages, support kinship and grandfamilies, and build more cohesive and caring communities around the world. The deadline for submissions is January 30, 2023.

Download the Word Doc version of the session guidelines and instructions for more information. All submissions must be completed online

Generations United Seeks Writer for Upcoming Publication

Generations United is looking to contract with a writer or writers for an upcoming publication on diversity and inclusion in programs connecting older and younger generations. Please complete the following interest form by December 16, 2022, if you would like to be considered. While experience writing or contributing to reports, resource guides, and academic publications is helpful, it is not required. We welcome prospective authors with varied writing experience, including articles, blogs, scripted media, website content, and more.

A circle/oval theme graphic in which an icon of a webinar on a laptop appears along with the word "WEBINAR" at the top. Below, its says, "WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11 / 2 p.m. ET" and "Topic / The Important Role of Area Agencies on Aging and Title VI Native American Aging Programs in Serving Kinship/Grandfamilies / Research, Resources, and Strategies for Success." The final circle/oval contains the words "Hear from national experts and professionals who are directly serving the families!"

Register for Our January Webinar with USAging!

Please register for and help us promote our January webinar, “The Important Role of Area Agencies on Aging and Title VI Native American Aging Programs in Serving Kinship/Grandfamilies: Research, Resources, and Strategies for Success.” The event will take place on January 11, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. ET, and it will feature Network leaders and professionals directly serving the families at Area Agencies on Aging.

GrandFacts for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands Now Available on Network Website

The GrandFacts Fact Sheets for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands join fact sheets for each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the nation as a whole. All of the fact sheets are available in English and Spanish.

Technical Assistance Requests

As always, the Network is accepting individual technical assistance (TA) requests from professionals who work in systems or organizations that serve kinship/grandfamilies. Fill out the TA request form to receive support from our team. Learn more and sign up to access our resources!

The Network is supported by the Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $9,950,000 with 95 percentage funded by ACL/HHS and $523,684 and 5 percentage funded by non-government sources. The contents are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by ACL/HHS, or the U.S. Government.
An outline graphic of a person with a speech bubble that has lines inside it, followed by the text "Your perspective matters!" The graphic and text are dark purple and the background is light organge.

Share Your Perspective

The next Family Voices United Share Your Perspective (SYP) paper is live! Please visit and answer the SYP question. Share with others who you feel might be interested in participating. All participants who submit by December 19th have a chance to win $50!

The cover of the the ebook "Granny Tell: A Place Where Generations Meet," by Joshua Wan; the words "Granny Tell" appear in a large speech bubble and the cover is full of color, dominated by yellow, with orange, light blue, and red. Two cartoon/Lego-like figures appear with a basketball.

Culture United - Granny Tell: A Place Where Generations Meet

This free e-book by Joshua Wan captures the joys in intergenerational relationships through a series of short stories.

Culture United highlights films, books, music, TV shows, and art with an intergenerational theme. Do you have any suggestions? Share them with us, and we will share in the weeks and months to come. We welcome responses or reactions. See disclaimer.

Congratulations ONEgeneration!

Congratulations to ONEgeneration, Winner of the 2022 Eisner Prize for Intergenerational Excellence

ONEgeneration, a longtime partner of Generations United and a certified Program of Distinction, is based in the West San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles, and it seeks to "support and enrich the lives of older adults, children, and their families throughout [its] diverse community." The Eisner Foundation's description of ONEgeneration's intergenerational activities mentions "a shared-site Preschool and Adult Day Care program, Grandparents as Parents Kinship Care program, a teen-led tech training support program for older adults, and more." Learn more.

Thank You to Our Members and Supporters

Thank you to our members and supporters!

This week, we extend special thanks to Board Members Joe Cuticelli and Janet McUlsky for their contributions. We also thank Board Member Sarah Kastelic for her contribution in honor of the dedicated leadership of Donna Butts. Additionally, we appreciate the contributions of Jeannette Bocanegra, Penny Dodge, Bert Hayslip, Joan Jackson, GRAND Voice Keith Lowhorne, David Ochoa, and Estelle Shipp, and we are grateful for a contribution from Ana Beltran, made in honor of Martha Ann Bristow. Lastly, we thank returning members National Indian Child Welfare Association, National Association of Counties, Link Generations, and HALOS.

Consider making a donation today to help unleash the potential of a society that values all generations. If you're an organization, join us!

Think Intergenerational - Funding Opportunities

The JAMS Foundation/ACR Initiative for Students and Youth provides funding for conflict prevention and dispute resolution programs for pre-K-12 students and for adults working with youth populations in ways that directly transfer conflict resolution education skills from adults to youth. Grants will range from $20,000 to $40,000. The deadline for submitting initial project idea descriptions is January 9, 2023; invited applications will be due May 19, 2023. Learn more.

Eisner Foundation New York City Grants are now open. Nonprofit organizations with intergenerational efforts operating in one or more of New York's five boroughs are encouraged to apply no later than January 15, 2023. Review the criteria and guidelines, and begin your application here.

Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation Youth Grants of $250 or $500 will support youth leaders ages 5-25 across the U.S. to turn their ideas into action for Global Youth Service Day 2023 and make an impact towards ending childhood hunger in America. Learn more about this program. Applications are due by January 16, 2023.

AmeriCorps Seniors Workforce Development Senior Demonstration Program grants will support projects focused on supporting older adults as they seek to secure employment in professional, skilled labor, or para-professional careers. In addition, AmeriCorps Seniors is partnering with Public Health AmeriCorps, which seeks to support projects that address the public health needs of local communities, advance health equity, and create pathways to public health careers for older adults. The application deadline is Wednesday, February 1, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. ET. Learn more.

Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Public Art Challenge encourages mayors to partner with artists, elevating the value of including the creative sector when developing solutions to significant urban issues. The program supports temporary public art projects that celebrate creativity, enhance urban identity, encourage public-private collaborations, and strengthen local economies. The application deadline is February 15, 2023, at 5 p.m. ET. Learn more.

T-Mobile Hometown Grants is a $25 million five-year initiative, which began in April 2021, to support the people and organizations that help small towns across America thrive and grow. T-Mobile is putting out the call again for potential new awardees. Applications will be accepted on a quarterly basisLearn more.

The Community Heart & Soul Seed Grant Program provides $10,000 in startup funding for resident-driven groups in small cities and towns across the United States to implement the Community Heart & Soul model. Grant funding requires a $10,000 cash match from the participating municipality or partner organization. Applying organizations must be from communities with populations of 2,500 to 30,000. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until all grants have been awarded. Learn more.

If you have—or know of—any intergenerational funding opportunities, please send them to

Think Intergenerational - Great Resources

2021 Profile of Older Americans: The Administration for Community Living recently released its annual summary of the available statistics related to the older population in the United States. Relying primarily on data offered by the U.S. Census Bureau, the Profile illustrates the shifting demographics of Americans age 65 and older. It includes key topic areas such as income, living arrangements, education, and health. The 2021 Profile includes a special section on family caregiving. Learn more.

Call for Practice Briefs - GrandFamilies: The Contemporary Journal of Research, Practice and Policy: Do you run a program for grandfamilies and other kinship caregivers? The National Research Center on Grandparents Raising Grandchildren's online journal, GrandFamilies: The Contemporary Journal of Research, Practice and Policy, invites practitioners to submit a short summary of their program. The submission deadline is December 15, 2022. Completed manuscripts should be submitted online. Any questions about submissions can be sent to co-managing editor Dr. Deborah Langosch at

Generations United Resources

2022 State of Grandfamilies Report Together at the Table: Supporting the Nutrition, Health, and Well-Being of Grandfamilies includes the latest findings on grandfamilies facing high rates of hunger and food insecurity, as well as policy recommendations to help feed grandfamilies. Read the report to explore the data and learn why we need to change current policies to ensure access to adequate n

Updated Intergenerational Evaluation Toolkit, which was created in 2019 by Dr. Shannon Jarrott with support from The Eisner Foundation includes over 20 reliable and valid outcome measures that have been used in the evaluation of intergenerational programs. Learn more.

Racial Equity Toolkits are designed to give resources and tips to child welfare agencies, other government agencies, and nonprofit organizations, so they can better serve all grandfamilies. Generations United has produced a toolkit for American Indian and Alaska Native grandfamilies, African-American grandfamilies, and Latino grandfamilies. Learn more.

Sharing Our Space: A Toolkit for Developing and Enhancing Intergenerational Shared Sites is designed for individuals and organizations interested in creating an intergenerational shared site or enhancing services at their current site. Divided into 10 sections, the toolkit details every step of the development and operation process, from initial planning to sustaining long-term shared site programs. Learn more.

Making the Case for Intergenerational Programs provides rationale and facts to help make the case for intergenerational programs. It is based on a comprehensive review of the literature on intergenerational programs and highlights evidence-based findings on how intergenerational programs benefit everyone. There is also an accompanying fact sheet available in English and Spanish. Learn more.

Staying Healthy Across Generations: Vaccines are Essential for All Ages is an infographic that illustrates that vaccines aren't just for kids - they protect all generations - especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Staying up to date on vaccines for the flu, pneumonia, and whooping cough is important to protect both older adults and children. Learn more.

"I want to be 90 years old, still feeling like I can connect to the youth. I want to stay open to learning from them and to seeing what they’re doing. Everyone has their own lingo, and we have to catch up. The rapper in me thinks some of the ways they put things together are kind of fly. At some point, we’ll be following their lead."

Queen Latifah

We want Generations This Week to be a resource for you. Please send us any national news on intergenerational issues in addition to upcoming conferences, funding opportunities, research, reports, and webinars. You can connect with other intergenerational enthusiasts through our Facebook group. Please also let us know how we can improve! Email us at We'd love to hear from you!

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