The December 6th meeting centered around the Reaffirmation of Ordination Vows as the body reaffirmed what we believe: to trust in Jesus Christ our Savior; to be governed by our church's polity; to be a friend among colleagues in ministry; to further peace, unity and purity of the church; to serve the people with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love; and to be a faithful minister of the Word and Sacrament, commissioned ruling elder, Christian Educator, ruling elder, and deacon.

B U S I N ES S R EC A P S i g n i f i c a n t a c t i o n i t e m s a n d r e p o r t s

• Attendance - 65: 28 minister members; 27 ruling elders; 2 corresponding members; 5 guests; 3 presbytery staff.

 Motion prevailed to approve the Consent Agenda after amending #5 -recognizing two additional churches having completed the 2021 session minutes review this year.


• Cathy Ulrich, Bryce Wiebe, and Diane Eliser led the body in a responsive Litany of Confession, Lament, and Reaffirmation of Ordination Vows. (A copy can be found HERE)

Chip Hardwick brought greetings from the Synod of the Covenant. (Read news and updates)

Motion prevailed to the following nominations: Serving for 2023: Presbytery Moderator- TE Paul Anderson; Presbytery Vice Moderator- RE John Graves; COM Moderator- TE Adam Rodgers; CPM CoModerators- TE Sue Francis and RE Ruth Cole; Resource- TE Dan Schomer. Serving as Class of 2025: CNR- RE Bob Thomas and TE Larry Bowald; AMC- RE Alex Esseniyi; COM- TE Stacie Pitts-Maynard, RE Mike Shepherd; CPM- TE Kori Robbins; Resource- Erika Carcelli. Class of 2028: EP-PJC- RE Treassa Cumpston.

Motions prevailed to approve the 2021 Auditor's Financial Review; the 2023 operating budget; increase 2023 per capita to $32.50 (.50 increase); authorize the AMC to sell and transfer the real estate of churches, also to approve the annual financial Review; and amend the terms of call for the GP & SC to provide for a 6% increase in salaried compensation effective January 1, 2023.

• The Resource Committee is sponsoring a Pastors Retreat in February 2023 (Pastors, register today!) and plans are in the works for a presbytery-wide Confirmation Class. Church Leadership interested in participating or sending confirmands can contact Erika Carcelli.

• TE Richard Lapehn reported on behalf of the GP & SC Search Committee (TE Annie Parker, RE Jenny Annandono, RE Donna McCollum, and RE Mike Shepherd) and then introduced candidate TE Barry Chance (Bio & Statement of Faith), who then addressed the presbytery. Following Q&A, Barry was moved to a breakout room to allow for discussion.

By a unanimous vote, TE Barry Chance was elected to serve as the General Presbyter and Stated Clerk of Eastminster Presbytery for a term of five years. Additionally, motion prevailed to approve the terms of call (Terms) with an effective start date of Feb.1, 2023.


• TE Paul Anderson presided over communion.

• The designated offering will be directed to the Peace and Global Witness, PMA Special Offerings. The Peace & Global Witness Offering encourages the church to cast off anxiety and fear, discord and division, and embrace our God's mission of reconciliation to those around the corner and around the world. We will continue to accept offering gifts through the month of December using the Presbytery Payment Portal – Presbytery Meeting Offering or Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement app on a smart phone. Instructions for both giving methods can be found on the presbytery website (

• TE Paul Anderson pronounced the Benediction and adjourned the meeting

Next meeting of Presbytery is February 14, 2023, via Zoom at 2:00 p.m., EST.