HQ Happenings
23 days until the 2022 Annual Convention! I hope those who are able have their flights confirmed, rooms reserved, and dancing shoes packed (don’t miss this year’s banquet at the MoPop). We will miss seeing our virtual attendees in person and we will miss all who are not able to attend this year.
In this Spotlight you will find all things Convention – registration, health protocols, presentation uploads, banquet. You will also see info on the Graduate Student Summit. We also have two off site events this year. One to Lopez Island for a school visit in rural Washington sponsored with CIRCLE (waitlist only) and to the Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience with the Asian American and Pacific Islander SIG (more information on cost and contacts coming soon). Now that our UCEA Awards recipients have been announced, I hope you will join our celebration at the awards luncheon.
Do not get distracted by all the Convention information, though. We also have other important news on the 2023 Clark Scholar Seminar (deadline for nominations and to volunteer as a reviewer or mentor on November 4), educational policy updates, partner news (like the AERA Brown Lecture on November 3), and other Graduate Student Council announcements.
I am also very proud to share that UCEA is sponsoring the 2022 AERA Brown Lecture. Dr. John B. Diamond will give this year's lecture, Defending the Color Line: White Supremacy, Opportunity Hoarding and the Legacy of Brown, on Thursday November 3rd at 6:00pm EDT. For information and to register click here.

Lastly, you will find information on the new student loan debt relief programs. If you - or someone you know - may be eligible for federal student loan relief use this link to the application and more information. 
Please take a few minutes and enjoy all the information in this Spotlight!

Adelante UCEA,
Mónica Byrne-Jiménez
Executive Director
Convention Corner
Only 23 days until #UCEA22! 
Register for the Annual Convention today. The last day to register is November 1
Reserve your hotel room at the Hyatt Regency Seattle. Availability is limited on Friday and Saturday, so act fast.
Celebrate at this year’s Annual Banquet at MoPop. Don’t miss this incredible venue! Tickets are still available.
Upload your final papers to All-Academic by November 1st
The Lopez Island Visit is sold out. 

Join the Asian American and Pacific Islander (SIG) at the Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience. For more information email

Convention Program changes are no longer being accepted. Any future changes will be reflected in the Whova app and the online program. 
Purchase your Awards Luncheon ticket today. Buy your ticket during registration or get one here if you are already registered.

For information on health and safety protocols click here.

Ask a question during FAQ Fridays. October 21 & 28. Keep an eye out on Social Media. 
UCEA Egypt Trip 2023

Join UCEA in May 2023 for our third study tour, this time to Cairo, Egypt! Connect with education professionals as part of the UCEA delegation. Led by Mónica Byrne-Jiménez, UCEA Executive Director, Michigan State University, and Maysaa Barakat, Florida Atlantic University, with the support of the Education First Foundation, the program will give you an unfiltered lens into the world of education in Egypt. While in Cairo, you will also participate in the BalancED-FAU International Education Conference, meet with school leadership teams, and enjoy ample opportunities to learn from your professional counterparts.
Click here for more information including agendas and pricing options. The deadline to register is December 1, 2022.
Graduate Student Hub
Graduate Student Summit Reminders
  • Students participating in GSS need to have their final papers uploaded into AllAcademic by November 1st to give the Discussants time to review.

  • Click here to review some tips for presenting
  • A special reminder to those participating in the Graduate Student Summit: The Opening Session will begin at 12:00pm on November 16th. We look forward to being in the community with you!
David L. Clark National Graduate Student Research Seminar
Nominations for the David L. Clark National Graduate Student Research Seminar are due 11:59 pm EST Friday, November 4th, 2022. 
Volunteer to be a #Clark23 reviewer or mentor. Complete forms for both here. Faculty forms must be submitted by Friday, November 4, 2022. 
Researcher Development Program (RDP)

The UCEA Graduate Student Council (GSC), in conjunction with the AERA Leadership for School Improvement Special Interest Group (LSI SIG), is seeking mentees for the Researcher Development Program (RDP) 2022-23 cohort. The Researcher Development Program is an initiative aimed at providing graduate students with research-focused mentorship and networking opportunities with faculty members outside their institution.

Graduate students can now join Researcher Development Programs’ mentoring initiative supported by UCEA Graduate Council with AERA SIG on Leadership for School Improvement. Faculty members will match students with similar interests. Click here for the deadline date and more information on the program.

AERA Minority Dissertation Fellowship in Education Research
The American Educational Research Association (AERA) announces its 2023-2024 AERA Minority Dissertation Fellowship in Education Research competition for graduate students. This fellowship is targeted for members of racial and ethnic groups historically underrepresented in higher education (e.g., African Americans, Alaskan Natives, American Indians, Asian Americans, Hispanics or Latinos, and Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islanders). This program provides mentoring and funding support to develop research skills and conduct studies in education related fields and topics.
Policy Minutes
Special Education
The US Office of Special Education Programs issued guidance stating that K-12 special education teachers must be certified to teach special education. Relatedly, the US Departments of Education and Health and Human Services stated that despite challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic, schools must still evaluate and place special education students in a timely manner, in accordance with IDEA. 
Politicians & Higher Education

University of Florida’s recent hiring of Sen. Ben Sasse as president is part of a pattern of politicians wielding influence in higher education. In Texas, two thirds of the state board overseeing higher education have donated to Gov. Greg Abbott’s political campaigns. Some policy observers point to Former Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s career as a playbook for influencing colleges and universities. 
Unpacking ESSER Funding

New research finds that to achieve its stated goals, the $190 billion ARP ESSER would have needed $325-930 billion in funds to mitigate the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on learning opportunities. The authors also find that funneling funding through Title I led to schools and districts often receiving very different levels of funding despite having similar needs characteristics. 
Student Loan Forgiveness

The Biden Administration made available its application form for federal student loan borrowers to apply for debt relief. Legal challenges to the initiative are making their way through courts, but the President and Sec. of Education Miguel Cardona continue to encourage anyone eligible to apply. They are still moving ahead with setting up administration for the relief program. 
UCEA and The Wallace Foundation warmly invite you to the Annual UCEA-Wallace Town Hall, hosted at the UCEA Annual Convention 2022 in Seattle, WA. This year, we’re excited to feature new research from RAND on the University Preparation Program Initiative (UPPI). Redesigning Principal Preparation Programs: A Systemic Approach for Change and Sustainability provides key findings on this groundbreaking initiative. Our panelists of researchers and UPPI Project Directors will share insights about collaborative program redesign for equitable, sustainable change. 
UCEA Library
Browse all of UCEA's publications
UCEA members access journals free of charge 
Employment Possibilities
Organization: University of Cnnecticut
Location: Storrs, CT
Title: Senior Director, Research, Director Of Assessment, Accountability, And Accreditation (Educational Program Manager 2) 
Organization: Simmons School of Education
Location: Dallas, TX
Title: Post-doctoral Fellow in IT Education & Homelessness 
Organization: Clemson University
Location: Clemson, South Carolina
Title: Assistant/Associate Professor in Educational Leadership
Organization: Clemson University
Location: Clemson, South Carolina
Title: Clinical Assistant Professor in Educational Leadership