
Issue 1, 2024

A Message from Teresa

On the day I am writing this, it is snowing, and it should be more spring ike weather in April, but I am assured by the forecast that a mere 48 hours from now it will be +12 and the sun will be shining so I can wait out this anomalous weather. I think that is the way to get through many things, they are a challenge now, an opportunity now, a setback now, but in the future based on how we approach it now will change. The old adage that there is only one thing that is constant and that is change is perennially true. We have started a task group at CLTH to look at the framework of Journey to Belonging. Journey to Belonging forecasts a change, a shift in how services are funded, how families interface with services and how we deliver our services. A move from an approach where people are offered life long supports in our programs that are funded directly to that program to a situation where people are funded to seek out, choose and pay for our programs. Many details are not yet designed, but like the weather we know the forecast, we must decide what to do now to adjust so that when change happens CLTH will be here to keep on serving families and people. A careful look was also taken by the board in how we engage with people and families both at the agency level and at the board level. A decision was made to formalize engagement as an annual goal, to offer a report to the board annually about what was heard and how it shaped services or made improvements. Additionally, the board will offer an activity of engagement each year. All of this review of how we connect and hear the voices of everyone connected with CLTH stemmed from a conversation about corporate membership. Like Journey to belonging, this change has a predicted outcome of making a more formalized commitment to engagement and to adding reflection and reporting to all the ways we currently engage at every level. In the early years of the community living movement families came together to form corporations to create change and make a difference. Currently the corporation is well established and the key goal of making a difference is better served at the grassroots level of feedback at many levels and co-designing the forecast in all kinds of ways at CLTH.  The future will be well served by the changes of right now in ensuring we capture and report on all the levels of engagement across the agency and keep working together for good.

This E-bulletin reflects on the first three months of 2024, lots of things have been happening across the three communities. Please enjoy our bulletin and great news stories about the work all across CLTH and how we are co-creating the future changes in our agency. 

Happy New Year to All!

From our Website

Teresa Jordan's Blog: What a Tangled Web We Weave

This week's message from our Executive Director, Teresa Jordan, is now online at

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Updated Information Sheet: All you need to know about us

We have updated and posted our Information Sheet. Think of this 2-page resource as a very condensed version of our website.

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Community Living Month | Community Living Ontario

People who have an intellectual disability face challenges in their cognitive functioning that affect areas of daily living, such as personal care, language skills, and learning abilities. They arise before adulthood and usually last throughout life.

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Student Placement & Other Educational Opportunities in Developmental Services

A student placement is one way to join our team. We've also provided information about other educational opportunities in the field.

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We have improved accessibility of our website with a new Site Map!

We are always working to improve the accessibility of our website. Our latest effort has been focused on our new Site Map. Be sure to check it out!

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Make a Difference this Year: Volunteer with Community Living Trent Highlands

Our mission is to inspire respect and equality for people living with a developmental disability by promoting community knowledge, organizational excellence andindividual quality of life. We are a charitable, not-for-profit organization serving the City of Kawartha Lakes, Haliburton County, and Peterborough and area.

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Get Involved: Become a Board Member


A voluntary Board of Directors governs Community Living Trent Highlands.

At our Annual General Meeting each year, Community Living Trent Highlands members elect our Directors, who make up the Board of Directors.

If you live in the City of Kawartha Lakes, Haliburton or Peterborough areas and want to make a difference in your community, please consider joining our Board.

Our current board is made up of these amazing volunteers:

  • Carol Kelsey, Board President
  • Diane Pick, Vice President
  • Lee MacLean, Secretary
  • Jonathon Baker, Director
  • Kimmy Dunn, Director
  • Angela McDonald-Bazaz, Director
  • Linda Mitchelson, Director

For more information

Christine Christianson oversees support and development of the Board of Directors. For further more information, or to express interest in joining the Board or Committee(s) of the Board, please contact Christine.

Christine Christianson

Peterborough Administrative Office

223 Aylmer Street N.

Peterborough, Ontario K9J 3K3

Phone 705-743-2411, ext 550

Fax 705-743-3722


Hockey Games, Disney on Ice, Aquariums oh my!

Apply Online

Red Dress Day

Red Dress Day, or Red Dress Campaign, is an annual event held by the REDress Project in memory of the lives of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls across Canada. This event was originally held on May 5, 2010, and continues annually. The event is sometimes held on other dates throughout the year to coincide with other days of action, such as National Indigenous Peoples Day. Associated names with this event include National Day of Awareness For Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women And Girls. Red Dress Day is one of several campaigns started by activists to call attention to disproportionate rates of violence against Indigenous women.

Source: Red Dress Day - Wikipedia

Service Spotlight: Community Participation

Community Participation helps people living with a developmental disability to make choices in their community that are meaningful, enjoyable and consistent with their personal goals. Joining Community Participation is a great way to make new friends, learn new skills and feel like part of the community.

The services offered through Community Participation are always developing and include a variety of activities in the areas of life skills training, adult education, recreational and leisure activities, the performing arts, work and volunteering.

CP participants are encouraged to take an active role by sharing their input in group discussions and decisions, exploring new activities and areas of interest, and getting to know new people.

To access the Community Participation service you must contact Developmental Services Ontario (DSO), Central East.

The fun continues and we can't wait until Spring

All About Us

And how could we not share the fun we've had?!

For Your Information

Holiday Office Closures

  • Victoria Day - May 20, 2024
  • Canada Day - July 1, 2024
  • Civic Holiday - August 5, 2024

Past Issues

Past issues of our e-bulletin are posted on our website in the Publications sections. To go there directly just click this link.

Visit the blog of our Executive Director, Teresa Jordan.

223 Aylmer St N
Peterborough, ON K9J 3K3
Tel: (705) 743-2411
Fax: (705) 743-3722
Kawartha Lakes
Suite 200, 205 McLaughlin Rd
Lindsay, ON K9V 0K7
Tel: (705) 328-0464
Fax: (705) 328-0495


73 Victoria St. Box 90

Haliburton, ON K0M 1S0

Tel: (705) 457-2626

Fax: (705) 457-9287

Toll-free 1-877-743-2411

Disclaimer: There are websites linked through our e-bulletin that are operated by groups or organizations other than Community Living Trent Highlands. These groups and organizations are totally responsible for the operation of and information on their websites. Community Living Trent Highlands is not responsible for the content on any website other than our own. Including links to other websites on our site does not mean that we endorse that website or its host.
Community Living Trent Highlands

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