On Monday DCCA Gathers at the Belmont House!
Monday, April 3rd
7:30 PM
Perry Belmont House
1618 New Hampshire Avenue

Monday's meeting will be held in person at the incomparable Belmont House, The agenda willl include:
  • Presentation and Q & A with the DC Taxpayer Advocate
  • Nominations committee report
  • Updates on DCCA regulatory and other activities

The last time we all gathered at the Belmont House together was to enjoy high tea after the 2017 House Tour! We will be replacing scones and tea with post-meeting wine and cheese - and look forward to enjoying a fabulous venue with friendly neighbors

Membership Meetings are held on the first Monday of the month at 7:30 PM. In-person meetings are open to the public. Online meetings are open to members only and require online registration.
Cheers to Neighbors and New Friends!
There is something extra special about gathering with Dupont neighbors and meeting new friends!

  • Discovering a new neighborhood bar? ✔️
  • Making community connections? ✔️
  • Sharing our love for Dupont living? ✔️
  • Welcoming DCCA hosts? ✔️

Thank you to the Certo (2121 P Street) for sharing your fantastic venue and toasting us with a cocktail. Those who stayed on to dine on your casual italian fare raved about the menu and chef!

And big thanks to DCCA Board Member Justin Thornton who pulled together the event. We trust neighbors will keep on connecting - and we will see you again at our next social hour (and don't forget tomorrow night's meeting at Belmont House!)!
Masonic Temple Update
Yesterday, Lance Salonia, chair of DCCA's regulatory committee, along with other interested parties testified at the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) on the topic of Masonic Temple development. After hearing testimony, the HPRB agreed to defer decision-making on the current landmark boundary reduction amendment case, until their June hearing date. The stop work order, in effect since January, applies to a disputed portion of the historic landmark site near the rear of the Temple. Consequently, we don't anticipate any attempts to remove the stop work order while the deferment is in effect. Lance Salonia submitted his oral testimony which can be read here.
Not yet a DCCA member? Well, what in the name of Dupont are you waiting for!? New memberships start at just $15. Click here to join or renew online or download the form to renew by mail.
Dupont Underground + Sweden = New Exhibit
Opens Friday, March 31
6:00 PM
Dupont Underground

Dupont Underground, in collaboration with the Embassy of Sweden, presents the video art exhibition “You Don’t Love Me, Yet” with eight prominent Swedish artists from varying backgrounds and different generations.

The exhibition opens at 6 pm on March 31st, with a welcome address by Sweden's Ambassador to the United States Karin Olofsdotter, followed by an artist talk with artist Mats Bigert in dialogue with curator Johan Pousette. Tickets $8-$10 click here for more info.
Stead Park Bunny Hop Parade
Saturday April 18th
10:30 AM -12:30 PM

Join the friends of Stead Park for some Spring Fun! Put on your spring bonnet or bunny ears, gather eggs, make crafts, play games, do yoga and enjoy treats.

Free with RSVP - click here.
Ideas for those Celebrating Holidays Next Week
This Sunday is Easter and Wednesday, April 5th marks the starts
of Passover. Looking for eating options?

The Washingtonian has compiled Easter Around DC: Brunches Takeout and Family friendly feasts - click here

And Eater DC has compiled a list of Where to find Passover Meals around DC click here
Conversation: Planning for Industrial Neighbors
Thursday, April 13th
8:00 PM
First Congregational United Church of Christ
945 G Street NW

DC's Committee of 100 is an organization that advocates for land use in DC guided by the L’Enfant Plan and McMillan Commission. The Committee is marking its 100th anniversary by hosting a series of conversations for DC residents. 

The next conversation, Planning for Industrial Neighbors, will discuss Trash Transfer Stations, Utilities and Bus Garages and will include speakers from Georgetown University Urban & Regional Planning Program, Northern Bus Barn Neighbors
and DC Water. Click here to learn more.
April's Free Keegan Performance for Dupont Neighbors
Wednesday, April 12
Keegan Theatre
1742 Church Street

The Dupont Days series continues in April with a premiere of The Wilting Point, The Wednesday April 12th performance is free for neighbors. Tickets can be reserved here or by calling (202) 265-3767.

And dont forget to check out Keegan’s Boiler Room Series, a program that promotes theater-makers who are driving theater in DC and beyond, and offers neighbors free performances. The Boiler Room Series is run with the help of a DCCA grant. Tickets are available now!
Black Feminists in D.C. Exhibit
Through September 15th
MLK Library
901 G Street

The exhibition focuses on the stories and voices of Black feminist organizers and theorists— including Anna Julia Cooper, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Mary Treadwell, and Nkenge Touré—whose expansive work made a difference in the lives of Black women in their Washington, DC communities and for all people throughout the United States.

To learn more click here. The exhibit is free and on view through September 15th.
Volunteer for Around the World Event (in Dupont!)
Passport DC's annual embassy event is looking for volunteer to help out in varying capacities for its Saturday, May 6th event. Volunteers must be 18 year or older. To learn more about the opportunities, and sign up click here!
Laughter is the Best Medicine
Calling all parents and those who live with a prankster in your life - this is the year you can get ahead....we are here to remind that tomorrow is April Fools!

The History Channel offers a look at the origins of this zany "holiday" and even names some award-worthy zingers from the past. Anyone remember NPR running a spot in '92 announcing Nixon's run for Presdient? How about Taco Bell convincing Americans they bought the Liberty Bell?!

Dream up a fun plan or stay en garde - either way it's a great reminder to have some fun!
Fashion Show at the Patterson
Sunday, April 16
5:00 - 8:00 PM
Patterson Mansion
15 Dupont Circle

A fashion show celebrating Emancipation Day will feature DC designer Deontre Hancock, a finalist on Netflix's Next in Fashion. Tickets for the show are $90 click here for more info.
Newslinks of Note
Brace For Road Closures This Weekend During D.C. Cherry Blossom Run - LINK

Six Weeks Encampment Clearing, Most Residents Still Don’t Have Homes- LINK

The Hirshhorn Extends Its Yayoi Kusama Show Through the Summer - LINK

A New Greek Restaurant, Balos Estiatorio, coming to Dupont - LINK

Let’s Show Some Love to Pupatella Dupont who had their window smashed - LINK
Dupont Circle Citizens Association | |