Friday Newsletter

July 5, 2024

This Sunday

9 am: Summer Study: There's a Sweet, Sweet Spirit Filling You with God's Love

10 am: First Sunday Family-Friendly Worship Service with Communion in Boulder Hall

11:15 am: Coffee Hour

Nursery care available.

Join us as we begin our summer of worship in Boulder Hall. Gather around a table with old friends or new as we sing, pray, listen, and break bread together (both communion elements and coffee hour treats!). If a table sounds too intimidating, don't worry, there will be some row seating available as well. Feedback from last year has been taken into account, so we hope you will give this more informal worship space a try this summer.

In keeping with our First Sunday emphasis on families and young people, we will commission our Youth Mission Trip participants and recognize our Art Festival Scholarship Recipients. Children can look forward to a special time with Pastor Kelly during Communion.

That's right, Pastor Kelly will be back from her time away; however, Krisha Horn will be preaching so the pastor can hit the ground only half running.

Looking Ahead

June 25-August 20: Tuesday Bible Study (10:30 am)

July 7-August 25: Sunday Morning Worship in Boulder Hall 

July 7, 14, 21 @ 9 am: Summer Study: There's a Sweet, Sweet, Spirit Filling Us with God's Love

July 8 @ 6 pm: Women's Night Out at Gilgamesh

July 13-20: Youth New Orleans Mission Trip

July 16 @ 6 pm: Men's Night Out

July 22, 1-6 pm: Red Cross Blood Drive

July 22 @ 7 pm: All Family Zoom Call hosted by Vik & Kelly

July 27-August 9: Youth Puerto Rico Mission Trip

August 10: Weekend event with Rev. Bruce Reyes-Chow

August 11 & 18 @ 11:30 am: All Family Gatherings

August 26-August 30: Vacation Bible Camp

Access the full church calendar here. To add or correct something, please email


All are invited to a 3-week summer study entitled There's a Sweet, Sweet Spirit Filling Us with God's Love. The first meeting will discuss the Triune God and the Mystery of the Holy Spirit. The discussion questions are: How did you first learn about or hear about the Holy Spirit? Why do you think it is important (or not important) to think about and discuss the Holy Spirit? How would you describe the Holy Spirit? The study is 9:00 - 9:45 am at the church on July 7, 14, and 21.

The next women's night out will take place on Monday, July 8, at 6 pm at Gilgamesh. RSVP to Nancy Crawford (503-540-8770 or

Tuesday morning Bible studies continue (10:30 at the church) this summer. Michele Hare will lead the following: on July 16 and 23 viewings from The Chosen season 1 with discussion to follow and on July 30 a viewing of A Man Called Jon (being different is when God uses you the most) with discussion to follow. Anyone is welcome to join!

Save the Date

Make sure you're in town the weekend of August 10 and 11. We're co-hosting Rev. Bruce Reyes-Chow on that weekend with First Presbyterian. He will be at Westminster on Saturday and at First on Sunday. Topics to be explored are: What it Means to be a Welcoming Congregation and How to Talk Faithfully About "Politics".

Rev. Reyes-Chow served as the youngest co-Moderator of General Assembly. He has written several books, with his latest coming out this spring, titled Everything Good About God Is True-Choosing Faith. We'll have copies of his book available beginning Sunday, if you're interested.

Watch for details coming soon. 


The School Supply Drive is coming soon! Starting in July and continuing through August, donation boxes will be set up in the Narthex area for collecting basic school supplies for needy students in the community. This year we are collecting supplies for the following schools: Lee Elementary, McKinley Elementary, Miller Elementary, Scott Elementary, Wright Elementary, Leslie Middle School, and South Salem High School. Take advantage of school supply sales … all donations are appreciated.

Joy-filled volunteer needed to tutor a ten-year-old Afghan girl in reading once a week this summer. She speaks great English, is bright and good at math, but is at about a first grade level in reading. You would set your schedule and meet at her house on Market St. Contact Liz Callahan at 503-881-8846 for more information.

Hi Westminster blood donors,

In July the weather is just about perfect. Sun, but not too hot!? We realize that you may be busy with vacation plans. But wait! Please take time to join us at the Westminster American Red Cross blood drive on Monday, July 22, 2024. It will be nice and COOL in Boulder Hall as we will have the air conditioning cranked up just as the Red Cross likes it. The summer months are really the most difficult to recruit donors. Folks are gone on vacation trips, planning vacation trips or reminiscing about past fantastic vacation trips!! If YOU are not in vacation mode yet this July, please join us in signing up for a donation appointment to give a pint (or a double red, two units of red blood cells). There are currently plenty of appointments available between 1:15PM and 5:45PM. Thank you and we’ll see you at Boulder Hall on July 22 after 1:00pm!

Kind Regards,

Bill Nelson and Pam Garland

Thank you to all that have already volunteered to support the people and families of our congregation through either the Memorial Service Team or the Visitation Outreach Team. These are new opportunities with no expectations of regular meetings or serving every situation every time but as you can. There will be deacon leaders for each of these teams that will keep you informed. Been thinking about signing up, but have questions? Then contact Dianne Greenlee ( or Deanie Anderson ( for information. New sign up sheets on the bulletin board in the narthex.

Pray for

Ruth, a friend of Barb Friday's, who is undergoing radiation treatment.

Celebrating Darrell Tallman's 90th birthday.


Our two year push to pay off the Boulder Hall loan begins this month. Thank you for all the generous donations that have already been received! If your pledge requested automatic payments, you will see them begin in July. If you pledged to pay in other ways, this is the month to start. Together, we can retire our only loan so that we can start putting our resources toward other missions!

Our church library is a great treasure, especially for you mystery-loving fiends out there! Please remember to go through the check-out process when borrowing a book, don't just take it. Half the fun is getting to use the old-school card system (now if only we had some rubber stamps!).

A Note from the Art Festival Committee

The Art Festival Committee is happy to honor the Barbara Tallman/Fine Art Scholarship recipients during the service this Sunday. They are Anna Whitney and Ian Strauch and both will be attending Chemeketa Community College in the Fall. 


The Art Festival is happy to be the recipient of a $300 grant from South Salem Connects. Our request was for $150 with the Art Festival matching the amount with another $150. However, their group voted to grant us the full $300 in appreciation for Westminster Presbyterian allowing their group to hold their monthly meeting free of charge at the church.  


We will use the money to fund a marimba band that Nancy MacMorris-Adix is a part of. They will be greeting guests to the Art Festival on Saturday, October 12. 

In the Community

Friday Nights for the Future: a Summer Heatwave Film Festival

Everyone is invited - 7 pm on Friday, July 12, for the first film of the summer.

1st Congregational UC 

700 Marion St. NE

Parking lot and entrance are south of the church.

Refreshments and discussion follows the film viewing.

No registration required.

Sponsored by Salem Environmental Faith Network, for which WPC is on the steering committee.

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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