January 2022| Center for Human Health and the Environment

Upcoming Events

Jan. 9: Seminar: John P. Wise Sr., "Of Whales and Men, Insights into Chromosome Instability & Disease Spanning from Molecules to Populations" 2:00pm Plant Sciences Bldg. 1322A & B/zoom

Jan. 10: Microplastics paper group discussion 3pm. Contact Sid Mitra for details.

Jan. 12: Seminar: Suzanne E. Fenton, "Environmental Contaminants Impacting Infant Exposures and Latent Health Outcomes" 9:15am Plant Sciences Bldg. 1322A & B/zoom

Jan. 12: Research Triangle Environmental Health Collaborative/NC Department of Environmental Quality 2022 Summit 8:00am NC Biotech Center/Virtual

Jan. 20: Center Synergies Series, HERCULES at Emory & CHHE: Anke Huels, “Can DNA Methylation Help us to Disentangle the Relationship Between Prenatal Exposures and Cognitive Development?” & Mike Cowley, "Zac1 and the Imprinted Gene Network Connect the Developmental Environment to Later Life Liver Disease" 12:00pm zoom & Stephens room/3503 Thomas Hall

Jan. 30: Seminar: Jane Hoppin, "Investigating PFAS Exposure and Health Effects in the Cape Fear River Basin: The GenX Exposure Study" time/room TBD

Jan. 31: Seminar: Tracie Baker, "Adverse Health Effects and Induction of Transgenerational Inheritance of Disease Due to Environmental Contaminants Using the Zebrafish Model" 4:00pm Tox 2104

Add the CHHE Google Calendar to your calendar to never miss an event or opportunity!

Core Updates

Community Engagement Core

In partnership with the Duke Superfund Research Center's Community Engagement Core, our CEC developed a guide to help local health departments, environmental educators, and healthcare professionals effectively communicate fish consumption advisories. The guide discusses best practices for communicating with hard-to-reach populations to ensure clear, concise messaging and to reduce the health risks of eating fish with elevated levels of contaminants. Article

Integrated Health Sciences Facility Core

The IHSFC is supporting CHHE members who need guidance accessing the NIH All of Us Research Hub. NC State recently completed an institutional use agreement that gives researchers full access to health data from a diverse group of participants from across the United States.


Jennifer Richmond-Bryant

Dr. Richmond-Bryant was featured in the December PEPH Newsletter. Article

Hong Wang

Dr. Wang, an expert in single-molecule imaging and DNA damage, was recently promoted to full professor.

Elizabeth Irvin

Elizabeth, a student of Dr. Wang, was awarded an inaugural Goodnight Doctoral Fellowship. Elizabeth is one of 30 outstanding doctoral students across campus recognized for her academic success. This prestigious award will provide a graduate stipend supplement and cover all university fees for the duration of her graduate work in the NC State Toxicology Program.

Announcement and Reminders

2022 Fall Pilot Project Awardees

Title: High-speed AFM Imaging of the SMC5/6 Complex Encountering DNA Repair Intermediate Structures

PI: Hong Wang, College of Sciences, NC State University


Title: Health Impacts of Micro and Nano Plastics (MNPs): Delineating Embryotoxicity Profiles of Zebrafish through Identifying Critical Physicochemical Properties of Representative MNPs families

PI: John Bang, Environmental, Earth and Geospatial Sciences, North Carolina Central University

PI: TinChung Leung, Biological and Biomedical Sciences, North Carolina Central University


Title: Toxin Mixtures in Coastal Ecosystems and Accumulation in Farmed Shellfish

Co-PI: Tal Ben-Horin, College of Veterinary Medicine, NC State University

Co-PI: Scott Belcher, College of Sciences, NC State, NC State University


Job board: The CHHE Website posts job openings in the environmental health sciences field. Send us your postings for new jobs, email Michico (MJ) James. It's a great place for students and post-docs to see new available positions.

Cite the Center: Remember to cite and acknowledge NIH award support and the CHHE’s P30 grant in future publications and presentations by including this –

“Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number P30ES025128. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.”

Publications citing the Center grant in the acknowledgements of a manuscript and in the deposit of the manuscript in NIEMS are the currency for the P30 renewal!

CHHE Resources and Facilities Page for NIH Grants is available on the CHHE website.

PINS: Remember when submitting your grants, be sure to select "Center for Human Health and the Environment" as a center in PINS.

CHHE Seed and Voucher Funds Available - Use it or Lose it

CHHE provides Full Members up to $5,000/year for projects that are related to the mission of the Center. CHHE will provide these funds to defray costs associated with using the Systems Technology Core (STC) (metabolomics, metallomics, proteomics and genomics) and the Comparative Pathology Core (tissue embedding, sectioning, and staining). Seed Funds can also be used at other NC State core facilities including Analytical Instrumentation Facility, Cellular and Molecular Imaging Facility, and the Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Lab.

To request Seed Funds or STC Voucher Funds click here

The budget year is April 01 - March 31. The deadline to use these supplemental funds is March 31, 2023, work in core facilities must be completed by mid-March 2023.

Click here to check out CHHE Cited Publications!

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