Weekly eNews

July 5, 2024

This Weekend & The Week Ahead

Handbell Workshops

This Sunday & August 4

Noon - 2:00 PM

Are you interested in learning more about handbells and how to play them? Join for one or both of our handbell workshops being held this Sunday, July 7, and Sunday, August 4 from 12:00 – 2:00 PM downstairs in the handbell practice room. These workshops are for those who have never rung bells but are possibly interested in playing as well as current bell ringers who want to improve their technique. As an added bonus, we now have a new three-octave set of hand chimes to play! Contact MaryDee Weigel at with any questions, and hope to see you there!

Bible Women Study Group

Continues Monday, July 8

4:00 - 5:30 PM

Rev. Vicki's four-week study (July 1, 8, 15, 22) of the women of the bible continues next Monday. If you missed the first meeting, you are still more than welcome to join for session two focusing on Sarah, Hagar, Lot's older daughter, and Rebekah. The group is using the book: "Bible Women: All Their Words and Why They Matter - Expanded Second Edition" by Lindsay Hardin Freeman which you can get at your local independent bookseller or Amazon. Get your own or share with a friend!

Spiritual Practices Online

Next Wednesday, July 10

6:30 - 7:00 PM

The Well's rotating Spiritual Practices Online continue next Wednesday evening. Join on Zoom for 30 minutes to experience The Examen, the second of the three practices in the monthly rotation. Click below to visit The Well’s website page to learn more about each of the practices being offered and to access the Zoom link. The schedule and link will also be available via the parish calendar and under Worship & Online on the website. You don't need to make an ongoing commitment - join as your schedule permits on the first three Wednesdays of each month at 6:30 PM!

Learn More & Access Zoom Link

SMASH Potluck on the Plaza

Next Friday, 5:00 PM

The St. Michael's Active Seniors Happening (SMASH) group's potluck is next Friday, July 12! They are celebrating summer on the St. Mike's Plaza, so come join and bring a heavy hors d'oeuvre, bottle of wine, or dessert to share. Iced tea and lemonade will be provided. (In case of bad weather, this will move to the Parish Hall.) Sign up below and contact Diane Dennison at with any questions.

Sign Up for SMASH Potluck

High School Pilgrimage

July 7-12

Prayers Welcome!

Please keep Owen and the 22 Colorado high schoolers heading on a pilgrimage to Utah in your prayers. A pilgrimage is a journey taken with a religious or devotional intention....a time of being, not doing. Traveling from St. Mike's are Allie, Aviana, Daniel, Keira, Layla, Luke, Matthew, Morgan, Ollie, and Simon. They will be taking a river trip for several days in the Upper San Juan River followed by camping in Canyonlands National Park. Prayers for a safe and meaningful experience!

On the Calendar

This Sunday, July 7

Seventh Sunday After Pentecost

Volunteer to Help with Worship this Sunday

Worship Volunteers Needed

Can you be an usher, greeter, lay reader, nursery helper, or assist with coffee hour?

Click above to sign up today & thank you!

Worship with Us

8:00 AM Holy Eucharist

10:30 AM Holy Eucharist with Choir

- Watch on YouTube

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- Worship Bulletin

Education & More! 

9:15 AM No Sunday Forum or Education for the summer months

12:00 PM Handbell Workshop

Nursery Care is available for Children 5 and under 10:15 AM - 12:00 PM.

Join for Coffee Hour after each service.

View Weekly Church Calendar

Creation Justice

July E-Tip

Practice Sustainability Outdoors

Summer in Colorado is amazing, and we all love to get out into nature to experience the wild beauty. When heading outside this summer, remember to bring your eco-consciousness with you. Practice Leave No Trace, maybe even taking it a step further by picking up and disposing of any trash you find on your journey. Try to purchase environmentally friendly bug sprays, sunscreen and bathroom essentials, drink from reusable water bottles, and be aware of local fire restrictions when camping. If you want to learn what is going on in our state, check out the Mountain & Prairie podcast, brought to you by The Nature Conservancy.

Upcoming Events & Parish Life

Backpack Bash 4.0

Donation Drive

For the fourth straight year, St. Michael's is collecting backpacks and school supplies for students in elementary through high school. Please help us meet our goal of donating at least 60 backpacks filled with supplies to our Outreach partners. Pick up a flyer in the Gathering Space this Sunday or click below to download/print the supply list which includes a QR code to buy online and ship directly to the church via Amazon. Please drop off donations before July 28 in the bins in the Gathering Space. Thanks in advance for your support again this year!

Access Backpack Bash Flyer

Practicing the Practice

Next Sunday, July 14

9:15 - 10:10 AM

How might we "Pray Without Ceasing?" Is that even possible? Join members of The Well Imagining Team to take a deep dive into prayer at the next Practicing the Practice on Sunday, July 14 between services from 9:15-10:10 AM.

Fall Supper Club

Sign Up By July 19

Following the very successful Spring Supper Club in which 56 people participated, it is time to sign up for fall groups. Supper Club is a fellowship opportunity open to all, and you do not have to be able to host in order to be a part. Those who sign up will be placed in a small group with whom to meet once a month for four months (August-November), typically in parishioners' homes. If you are interested in learning more or joining, please click below. Contact Linda Kean at with any questions.

Sign Up for Supper Club

Summer Children's Chapel 

Sundays in July & August

10:30 - 11:30 AM

Owen is still needing some help with Children's Chapel in the weeks ahead. He will provide all the logistics and a detailed lesson plan to follow, making this a very straightforward endeavor. Please consider participating in this staple children's program that allows both our children and their parents to have a more meaningful worship experience.

Sign Up to Help with Children's Chapel

Chuckwagon Supper Show

Flying W Ranch, July 18 


We now have a group of 37 signed up to attend the supper and musical show featuring the Flying W Wranglers on Thursday, July 18, from 5:00 - 8:30 PM. Tickets are still available if you'd like to join in the fun as well! All-inclusive tickets MUST BE PURCHASED DIRECTLY FROM FLYING W RANCH BY CLICKING HERE. Once you've purchased tickets, click below to let us know you're coming so we can plan for our group. Contact Amalia at with any questions.

Let Us Know You're Coming

Nursery Families Outing

July 20, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Families with a child in the nursery (5 and under) are invited to meet for a Summer Splash Pad Day at John Venezia Park (intersection of Briargate and Union) on the morning of Saturday, July 20! Come and spend time with other young families while the little ones have fun and cool off. Don't forget to bring your towels, sunscreen, and umbrellas! Click below to let us know you're coming.

Sign Up for Nursery Families Outing

St, Mike's Golf Outing 

Saturday, September 7

Get ready to hit the links! The 6th annual St. Mike's Golf Outing will be held at The Country Club of Colorado on Saturday, September 7, with the first tee time at noon. The cost for 18 holes with a cart (and all must ride) is $95. (While this is a little higher than last year, we are excited to have negotiated this rate at such a wonderful course as Patty Jewett and Valley Hi were unable to accommodate us this year.) This will be a Scramble format, and you may register as a team of two or four, or you may simply register yourself and you will be assigned to a foursome. Click below for more information and to register by the deadline of August 15. Contact Jim Dennison at with questions.

Sign Up for Golf Tournament

Parish Directory Available

Contact Church Office

Printed copies of the updated church directory are now available. Please contact the church office at 719-598-3244 or stop by during office hours to pick one up.

Quick Links of Interest

Birthdays This Week:

July 6 - Mabel Turner

July 7 - Sue Bux

July 7 - Phyllis Delaney

July 8 - John Alexander

July 8 - Carolyn Braley

July 9 - Greg Jones

July 9 - Jan McLaughlin

July 10 - Kevin McMullan

July 10 - Eillene Wiley

July 11 - Edwina Burdekin

July 11 - Nichole Fleischmann

July 11 - Steve Graves

July 11 - Joan Hankins

July 12 - Luke Langland

July 12 - Chuck Stubbs

July 13 - Julianne Howland

Anniversaries This Week:

July 7 - Greg & Nancy Jones

July 7 - Jordan & Nathan Middlebrook

July 8 - Dave & Kim Newberry

July 12 - Ann & Bill Tillman

July 12 - Liz & Toby Valko

July 12 - Chesley & Michael Varnet

July 12 - Catherine & Shane Warren

St. Michael's Episcopal Church

7400 Tudor Road

Colorado Springs, CO 80919

Office Telephone: 719-598-3244

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

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