Holiday aromatherapy!

Turn a holiday soak into a festive aromatherapy experience with these limited time blends. Check out inSPAration’s Holiday Series Spa & Bath Aromatherapy products.

265ML bottles also available in Hawaiian Sunset, Vanilla Twist, Spaberry and more!

Enjoy an aromatherapy explosion with Spa Bombs!

Available in Eucalyptus Mint, Jasmine, Lavender, Hawaiian Sunrise and more!

Christmas fitness! 

Whether using your swim spa for training, swimming, hydrotherapy, jogging, rowing or relaxation, add inSPAration’s Swim Spa Rx Skin Moisturizer Recovery or Performance Enhancer with natural extracts to protect your skin from the adverse effects of the chemicals needed for water maintenance. 

Browse Aromatherapy

Stay warm this winter!

Low water flow will stop the hot tub heater from heating the water. Often indicated by an error message such as LOW FLOW or HEATER DRY, but not always.


Here are some helpful hints from our Service Department for staying in hot water this holiday season:


  • To top-up a low water level in the tub keep a garden hose handy. Keep it in a heated area or fully drain your hose between top-ups to eliminate ice plugs in the tubing
  • Keep an extra filter/filter set on hand for an easy change out when flow is restricted by a dirty filter; this helps to reduce downtime with the tub
  • When removing your filters from the tub aways first put your tub to SOAK. This function will stop all pumps from running and allow you to take the time to look down in the filter housing for any wind-blown debris to be removed before re-installing a cleaned filter
Hot Tub Tips & Troubleshooting